Valders Area Ambulance Service


March 22, 2023 7:00 PM


MCEMS agenda 3-22-2023.docx

MCEMS agenda 3-22-2023.pdf



Virtual Meeting Sign-In Information

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting

Wednesday, March 22 · 7:00 – 10:00pm


Google Meet joining info:

Video call link:


Education – Manitowoc County Coroner

Call to Order

Roll Call

Secretary’s Report – January 25, 2023

Treasurer’s Report


Old Business

·         Contact Numbers

·         Committee Reports

1.      Dispatch

2.      Manitowoc County Sheriff Department

3.      Protocols – Current Discussion on Updating Dispatch Stroke Protocol

4.      Finance

5.      Disaster Training 2023

6.      RTF Training Drill 5/2/23 1630 to ?

7.      Education and Training

EMS Operations Management & Leadership Course

Tisch Mills Farm Training 5/6/23

2023 Mental Health & Wellness Symposium 5/24-25/2023

8.      Medical Directors

9.      Radio

10.  MABAS


12.  Lakeshore Technical College

13.  Legislative Updates

New Business

·         Update of Manitowoc County EMS Association Mutual Aid Agreement

·         Update of Manitowoc County EMS Association Mass Casualty Plan

·         Update of Manitowoc County EMS Association Protocols with Updated Medical Director Signatures

·         Telecommunicators Week April 9-15, 2023

·         EMS Week May 21-27, 2023


Next Meeting:  Wednesday, May 24, 2023 7:00 PM – Branch First Responders


Two Rivers Fire Department

January 25, 2023, 7:00 PM


MCEMS agenda 1-25-2023.docx

MCEMS agenda 1-25-2023.pdf


Virtual Meeting Sign-In Information

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


Meet - zbj-mbva-pqc (


Education – To Be Determined

Call to Order

Roll Call

Secretary’s Report – 9/28/22 and 11/16/22

Treasurer’s Report


Old Business

·         Contact Numbers

·         Committee Reports

1.      Dispatch

2.      Manitowoc County Sheriff Department

3.      Protocols – Current Discussion on Updating Dispatch Stroke Protocol

4.      Finance

5.      Disaster Training 2023

6.      RTF Training Drill 5/2/23 1630 to ?

7.      Education and Training

WEMSA Conference 2/1/23 – 2/4/23 Resch Center Green Bay, WI

EMS Operations Management & Leadership Course

Tisch Mills Farm Training 5/6/23

2023 Mental Health & Wellness Symposium 5/24-25/2023

8.      Medical Directors

9.      Radio

10.  MABAS


12.  Lakeshore Technical College

13.  Legislative Updates

·         COVID 19 – Updates

·         Officer Election - Secretary

New Business

·         Virtual Portion of Meeting – Purchase of Laptop

Next Meeting:  Wednesday, March 22, 2023 7:00 PM – Valders Area Ambulance