Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                                  5/22/2024

Host:  Kiel Ambulance


The 5/22/2024 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900 by the president.  The meeting is held in person and virtually.  The educational portion of the meeting was information on Athletic & Sports Injuries and EMS presented by Asst. training officer Paul Tibeault for 0.5 hrs education.


The meeting proper was called to order at 1929 and roll call taken.  A quorum was present.


Secretary’s Report:  The Secretary’s report was presented as printed and a motion to accept the report with a correction to the meeting location (correct location was Kellnersville) was made by Manitowoc and seconded by Kiel.


Treasurer’s Report:  Ending Balances:  Checking:  $3357.80.  Savings:  $6000.00.  2024 dues outstanding are Francis Creek, Kellnersville, Mishicot, Reedsville, and Valders.  This led to a discussion about the invoice being returned by Valders with a note on it stating that Valders Ambulance no longer belongs to the Manitowoc County EMS Association and won’t be paying the invoice.  Dr. Martens will follow up on this.  Second statements will be mailed out.  Ultimately, Manitowoc made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as given and Kiel seconded the motion.  Motion was carried. 


Old Business:

1.       Contact List:  The contact list updates were passed around.  Items may be sent to the webmaster for other updates.  This includes email addresses, phone number, & contact information.  Request to add Steven Little to the list from Kiel.

2.       Committee Reports:

a.       Emergency Government/Dispatch/Radio: 

b.       a) Radio:  Radios have a lot of static again.  No real solutions for this.  Pre-alerts will definitely stay and are very well liked.  Agencies are really liking the ambulances announcing they are enroute over Mtwc. County Fire so that EMR agencies know who is enroute.

b)      EM:  In fall EMD is looking for a group county wide drill and maybe using EMTracker.  Discussion about a bus rollover incident in Cleveland.   The are looking into how to use EMResource for/with the county.

c)       JCD:  Reports that they have two open positions with some candidates.  Michelle H is retiring 5/28/24.  Congratulations to her.

3.       Manitowoc County Sheriff Department:  they are busy but have no major items.  They appreciate all of the teamwork from their partners in EMS & fire.  More promotions coming in the department.

4.       Protocols:  All protocols should be on-line now.   Dr. DiMezia will work to coordinate protocols for the county and then the suggestion was to update the website with everyone’s protocols.  Manitowoc and Two Rivers use the same protocols.  No current updates other than this.

5.       Disaster/Training:   9/13/2024 will be a big rescue task force drill at 5:30-9:30. 

6.       RTF:  The past RTF went well on 5/13.  There are ones 8/13, 8/19. 

7.       Education/Training:  Follow the website, HERC, & RTAC emails for educational opportunities.  Many seminars via HERC are coming up.

8.       Medical Directors:  Dr. Sarah working on protocol coordination.  Dr. Martens noted that the state protocols will stay with very few changes.

9.       MABAS:  Nothing new

10.   NEW RTAC/HERC:  There are grant monies available for use yet this fiscal year. 

11.   Lakeshore Technical College:   updated schedule out

12.   EMS Mutual Aid Agreements:  A recent version of the Manitowoc County EMS Association Mutual Aid Pact was completed with Emergency Government.  Everyone is asked to read it and ultimately it will need signatures. 

13.   Manitowoc County Mass Casualty plan:  Working with Emergency Government an update of this document is also now online for agencies to read.




New Business:

1.       Disaster Boxes:  Emergency government is trying to update where the mass casualty boxes are currently that were distributed in Manitowoc County.  There were 6 of them in Manitowoc, Valders, Two Rivers, Cleveland, St. Nazianz and we are not sure of the last one.  Collins or Reedsville?  If you have one, please contact Mark Knier.  It is reported some agencies may have thrown them out.  Discussion on how this happened and if they replace the items or what we will do with this.   

2.       Vice president:  The vice-president will remain open.  The committee of Debbie H. Mark, and Alyssa J will work on finding candidates.  We really should fill this.

3.       Telecommunicators Week:  A thank you letter was read to the group from dispatch.  They are a valuable part of our team and are appreciated.

4.       By-laws:  Discussion on opening the by-laws to review them and potentially change the president’s term to two years and the vice president to two  years but NOT to directly roll into the president then.  Committee to form for this.

5.       EMS Association Future State:  Discussion of opening the by-laws led to a discussion on what we want the Association to look like in 5, 10, 20 years.  How can we improve attendance and the value of the meetings.  People are asked to talk to their groups, to brainstorm, and to ask questions of other agencies to look at this.  Do we want to meet with the Fire Association?  The ambulance meeting that happens at with Emergency management?  All options are open.  We will also look at how Sheboygan County does things for ideas.  More to come.

6.       Next meeting:  July 24, 2024 in Manitowoc at 7:00 p.m.   

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Kiel seconded by Branch.  The meeting was adjourned at 2037.

Agency Attendance:  Kellnersville, Newton, Branch, Emergency Management, St. Nazianz, Valders, Francis Creek, Kiel, Manitowoc, and MTSO.


Amy Kohlmann                 Branch                                                  Paul Thibeault                   Kiel                        

Mike Eron                            MTSO                                                    Deb Holschbach               Newton                               

Mark Knier                          Newton                                                Scott Kohlmann               Branch

Lori Krueger                       St. Nazianz                                          Hannah Pfeffer                 Francis Creek

Curt Biely                             Kellnersville                                        Todd Blaser                      Manitowoc

Rhonda Green                   Mtwc. County EMD                         Dr. Martens                         Medical Director

Kyle Preissner                   Kiel





Submitted:  D. Holschbach, Secretary