Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                                  3/27/2024

Host:  Francis Creek First Responders


The 3/27/2024 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900 by the president.  The meeting is held in person and virtually.  The educational portion of the meeting was information on K9 Search & Rescue Program and Dogs from Whitelaw presented by Charles Muench 0.5 hours.


The meeting proper was called to order and roll call taken.  A quorum was present.


Secretary’s Report:  The Secretary’s report was presented as printed and a motion to accept the report was made by Kellnersville and seconded by Francis Creek.


Treasurer’s Report:  Ending Balances:  Checking:  $3278.49     Savings:  $5619.34.  Kellnersville made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as given and Branch seconded the motion.  Motion was carried. 


Old Business:

1.       Contact List:  The contact list updates were passed around.  Items may be sent to the webmaster for other updates.  This includes email addresses, phone number, & contact information.

2.       Committee Reports:

a.       Emergency Government/Dispatch/Radio:  A lot of training is finishing up soon and they have one retirement and one new hire but are staffed well right now.  Michelle will retire after 29 years!

b.       Manitowoc County Sheriff Department:  they are busy but have no major items. 

c.       Protocols:  All protocols should be on-line now.   Dr. DiMezia will work to coordinate protocols for the county and then the suggestion was to update the website with everyone’s protocols.  Manitowoc and Two Rivers use the same protocols.

d.       Disaster/Training:  Asking units to think about 2024 drills or education we want.  9/13/2024 will be a big rescue task force drill.  The Branch rescue task force training went well.  May 13 there is one in Reedsville from 1800-2200.

e.       Education/Training:  Follow the website, HERC, & RTAC emails for educational opportunities.  Many seminars via HERC and WEMSA are coming up. 

f.        Medical Directors:  Dr. Sarah working on protocol coordination.  Reminder from Dr. Martens that National Registry is coming up soon.

g.       MABAS:  Nothing new

h.       NEW RTAC/HERC:  There are grant monies available for use yet this fiscal year.  There is an RTAC/HERC seminar in April coming up.

i.         Lakeshore Technical College:   no updates

j.         Legislative Updates –Some discussion on the proposed changes in the EMR, EMT, and EMTA curriculum are going on at a state level with significant hour changes needed with this.  Meetings are going on now.  Voice your opinions.

3.       EMS Mutual Aid Agreements:  Working with Emergency Government to work this in with MABAS agreements. 

4.       Manitowoc County Mass Casualty plan:  Working with Emergency Government


New Business:

1.       Vice president:  The vice-president will remain open.  The committee of Debbie H. Mark, and Alyssa J will work on finding candidates.

2.       Telecommunicators Week:  Discussion on getting the dispatch center some baskets of treats again this year.  Discussion on past practice and costs.  This will be 4/14/2024 – 4/20/2024.  We will again send baskets with treats and volunteers to deliver on the Wednesday of that week are wanted.  1300 at JDC.  Debbie will shop.

3.       EMS Week:  Discussion if we want to do something this year.  5/19/2024-5/25/2024.  Dr. Painter mentioned the celebration at Aurora Bay Care and will share more information.  There was discussion on paying for radio advertising or a billboard and there were no motions made from the discussion and actually Kellnersville made a motion NOT to pay for the radio advertisement and Francis Creek seconded that. 

4.       Lunch Financial support:  The motion for financial support for an organization hosting the county EMS meeting weas reopened and ultimately amended to “any organization in good standing within the organization (dues paid for the year) (Motion by St. Nazianz) will be offered $50 towards the cost of food at the meetings.  More discussion and then a second to the amended motion were made by Kellnersville.  Motion carried. 

5.       Next meeting:  May 22, 2024 in Kiel.   

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Francis Creek seconded by Two Rivers.  The meeting was adjourned at 2015.

Agency Attendance:  Branch, Cleveland, Francis Creek, St. Nazianz, Newton, Two Rivers, Mishicot, Valders, MTSO, Emergency Government


Amy Kohlmann                 Branch                                                  Lydia Slotke                        Cleveland                                           

Mike Eron                           MTSO                                                    Deb Holschbach               Newton                                              

Mark Knier                         Newton                                               Ryan Menges                    Two Rivers

Lori Krueger                       St. Nazianz                                          John Biely                           Francis Creek

Connie Bashaw                 JDC                                                         Curt Biely                            Kellnersville

Hannah Pfeffer                Francis Creek                                     Mike Chizek                       Newton

Rhonda Green                  Mtwc. County EMD                         Dr. Martens                       Medical Director

Cameron Schuebert       Francis Creek                                     Kyle Hutterer                    Francis Creek

Brittany Wasurick           Mishicot                             




Submitted:  D. Holschbach, Secretary