Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                                  7/26/23

Host:  Cleveland First Responders


The July 26, 20223 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900 by the president.


The meeting is held in person and virtually.


Detective Brett Oswald of the Manitowoc County Sheriff Department presented information on the Signs of Child Abuse. 


The meeting proper was called to order and roll call taken.  A quorum was not present.


Secretary’s Report:  The Secretary’s report was presented by President Becker (Deb Holschbach, Secretary was unable to attend) and presented to the group. 


Treasurer’s Report:  Presented by Treasurer Alyssa Johanek.

Ending Balances:  Checking:  $3,274.09     Savings:  $5,591.30.  


Old Business:

1.       Contact List:  Items may be sent to the webmaster for updates. 

2.       Committee Reports:

1.       Emergency Government/Dispatch/Radio:  Kayla Beckerdite reported that there are 3 dispatchers in training.  Raises have been approved for the dispatchers and are more in line with surrounding counties.  A lateral transfer program has also been initiated.  As of 8/1/23 the Dispatch Supervisors will take back responsibility of directly supervising the dispatchers.  Jodi Cherney has been promoted to a Dispatch Supervisor.  Volunteers are welcome for the Point Beach Nuclear Plant Hostile Action Based Drill on 8/15/23.  Stroke calls should be dispatched earlier now with the updated protocol. 

2.       Manitowoc County Sheriff Department:  Thanks was given for search cooperation.   

3.       Protocols – Nothing new to report.

4.       Finance – Nothing new to report.

5.       Disaster Training 2024 – Nothing new to report.

6.       Rescue Task Force (RTF) – Bill Manis is sending out a regular RTF newsletter. 

7.       Education/Training:  Available Wisconsin Emergency Management course information was shared.

8.       Medical Directors:  Dr. Martens reported that Mark Mandler is now the EMS Section Manager for the State EMS office and that the office is now down a representative for Section 3.  Service Directors are encouraged to check their rosters with the State and update personnel.  The local credentialing agreement will need to be re-signed if late. 

9.       Radio:  Nothing new to report.   

10.   MABAS:  Ryan Wessels has sold the EMABAS program and will assist with the transfer.  There are planned improvements to the program.  Manitowoc County is now paying for the program.

11.   NEW RTAC/HERC:  Check the MCEMSA, NEW RTAC and HERC websites for more information.

12.   Lakeshore Technical College:  Nothing new.

13.   Legislative Updates:  Nothing new to report.

14.   Update of Manitowoc County EMS Association Mutual Aid Agreement 

15.   Update of Manitowoc County EMS Association Mass Casualty Plan

16.   Update of Manitowoc County EMS Association Protocols with Updated Medical Director Signatures

New Business:

1.       Manitowoc County Fair – Modified RTF – Help Needed in the First Aid Station:  A modified RTF team consisting of two (2) EMS and two (2) Sheriff Deputies will be at the Manitowoc County Fair during peak hours Friday-Sunday.  Help is also appreciated in the First Aid Station at the Fair. 

2.       Point Beach Nuclear Plant HAB Drill:  Volunteers are welcome to participate in the drill.

3.       Nominations – Vice President and Treasurer:  Alyssa Johanek advised that she will not be running for the post of Treasurer in the upcoming election.  John Biely, current Vice President, also advised that he is not interested in moving up to the position of President due to personal time constraints.  Nominations will start being accepted at the September 27, 2023 meeting, with the election to follow at the November 29, 2023 meeting.

Meeting was ended at 2010.

Agency Attendance:  Branch First Responders, Cleveland First Responders (4), Francis Creek First Responders, Manitowoc County Sheriff, Mishicot Area Ambulance, Newton First Responders, Silver Creek First Responders, St. Nazianz First Responders, Two Creek First Responders, Manitowoc County Emergency Management, Dr. Suzanne Martens.

Submitted:  D. Holschbach, Secretary  (T. Becker, Recording Secretary)