Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                                  3/22/2023

Host:  Valders Fire/Rescue


The March 22, 2023 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900 by the president.

The meeting is held in person and virtually.  A presentation by Manitowoc County Coroner Curt Green was given on Death Investigation, Death Scenes, Crime Scenes, and Family interactions at coroner scenes.  1900-2011. 


The meeting proper was called to order and roll call taken.  A quorum was present.


Secretary’s Report:  The Secretary’s report was presented as printed and a motion to accept the report with was made by Manitowoc and seconded by St. Nazianz.


Treasurer’s Report:  Ending Balances:  Checking:  $2839.25     Savings:  $5466.96  Reedsville made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report as given.  Collins seconded the motion.  Motion was carried.  The dues statements are here for 2023.


Old Business:

1.       Contact List:  The contact list updates were passed around.  Items may be sent to the webmaster for other updates. 

2.       Committee Reports:

a.       Emergency Government/Dispatch/Radio:  Kayla reported that there are more folks in training and open spots.  The new command post is here and getting all equipment installed.  There will be a designated pool of drivers for the unit and a driver/set up class will be made.  If interested in being a driver, contact Kayla.  The command post is going to the RTF and radiation drills.  Reminder this year will be the Nuclear drill in July/August with dates of 7/11  and 8/15. 

b.       Manitowoc County Sheriff Department:  8 new officers and training is going well.

c.       Protocols – Stroke protocols are in draft form and at corp council for review.  We will use the shorter version of the protocol.  Reminders that non-transporting agencies (EMS) cannot cancel an ambulance and also law enforcement should not cancel an ambulance.  EMS will be dispatched with law enforcement for “check welfare” calls in rural areas.

d.       Finance – Dues statements are here tonight and the rest will be mailed.

e.       Disaster/Training:  Rescue Task Force training is being planned for 5/2/23 at Hope Church.  Sign up in the link and everyone will get a job to do.  It will start around 1630 and there will be like 25 patients with some staging, treatment areas as well as potential hospital transports and helicopters.  Still time to sign up.

f.        Education/Training:  The farm rescue drill in Two Creeks/Tisch Mills on May 6 was shared as well as other drill sponsored by the RTAC and HERC.  There is an EMS operations Management & Leadership course, MCI training 5/20 in Plymouth also.  Also follow the HERC & RTAC emails for educational opportunities. 

g.       Medical Directors:  Reminder of license renewals due in June.

h.       Radio:  Reminders given that EMS will not be cancelled by law enforcement as this was just reviewed again.  There has been no change in the towers or communications.  The Radios technically belong to the public works department and not emergency management. 

i.         MABAS:  The chiefs are working on radio schedules.   

j.         NEW RTAC/HERC:  Pulse oximeters and thermometers are still available.  There is also grant monies available for use yet this fiscal year. 

k.       Lakeshore Technical College:  none

l.         Legislative Updates – Nothing new to report.


New Business:

1.       Refresher Classes:  Newton, Silver Creek, and Kellnersville all are having refreshers this spring and invited other departments to join them.

2.       EMS Mutual Aid Agreements:  Should be reviewed and re-signed.  Looking at WHEM98 formats. 

3.       License renewals:  Agency and personal licenses are due by the end of June this year.

4.       Telecommunicators Week 4/9-4/15:  Discussion was had on what to do and a motion was made by Branch and seconded by Reedsville to send the dispatchers some treat baskets.  Debbie & Theresa invite anyone to join them to deliver these.

5.       EMS Week:  discussion on what people want to do and we will look into billboards for the future but no one wanted a special event as some do their own and others don’t care to do anything extra.

6.       Manitowoc County Mass Casualty plan:  Will need an update this year.

7.       Next meeting:  Branch, May 24, 2023.  The Association will sponsor cake for EMS Week.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Reedsville and seconded by Collins.  Meeting was adjourned at 2101.

Agency Attendance:  Branch, Cleveland, Collins, Francis Creek, Reedsville, Newton, Silver Creek, St. Nazianz, Manitowoc, Valders, Mishicot, JDC/EM

Amy Kohlmann                 Branch                                                  Kyle Newberg                    Branch

Montgomery Schmitt     Cleveland                                            Todd Blaser                        Manitowoc

Theresa Becker                 Mishicot                                               Deb Holschbach                                Newton

Mark Knier                          Newton                                                Kayla Breckerkidite         Silver Creek, Mtwc. County EM

Scott Kohlmann                Branch                                                  Michael Kocourek            Reedsville

Lori Krueger                       St. Nazianz                                          John Biely                            Francis Creek                                    

Mike Eron                            MTSO                                                    Jean Green                         Collins                                  

Betsy Olson                        Mtwc. County EM                            Shirley Dallmann              Collins

Brandon Maertz               Reedsville                                           Chris Dallas                         Valders

Eric Lanters                         Valders                                                 Suzanne Martens             Medical Director


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, Secretary