Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                                  11/29/2023

Host:  Maribel & County Rescue


The November 29, 2023, meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900 by the president.  The meeting is held in person and virtually.  The educational portion of the meeting was a respiratory/breathing emergencies with on hands skill lab presented at the end of the business meeting.  1950-2040.


The meeting proper was called to order and roll call taken.  A quorum was present.


Secretary’s Report:  The Secretary’s report was presented as printed and a motion to accept the report was made by Manitowoc and seconded by Kellnersville.


Treasurer’s Report:  Ending Balances:  Checking:  $3276.31     Savings:  $5605.27.  Newton made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report as given and Kellnersville seconded the motion.  Motion was carried. 


Old Business:

1.       Contact List:  The contact list updates were passed around.  Items may be sent to the webmaster for other updates. 

2.       Committee Reports:

a.       Emergency Government/Dispatch/Radio:  Discussion of the ambulances given an “enroute” via county fire for county calls to allow other EMS agencies to know who is responding.  There was also discussion again about 1 page tone vs 2-page tones.  It will remain unchanged.  Dispatch reports that they will start a pre-alert and then do the 2 pages.  Everyone spoke favorably about it so far.

b.       Manitowoc County Sheriff Department:  no updates currently

c.       Protocols:  All protocols should be on-line now.

d.       Finance – Nothing new.

e.       Disaster/Training:  Think about 2024 drills or education we want.

f.        Education/Training:  Follow the website, HERC, & RTAC emails for educational opportunities.  Many seminars via HERC and WEMSA are coming up. 

g.       Medical Directors:  nothing tonight from any medical directors

h.       MABAS:  Be sure and look at life safety cards and work with fire for any updates.

i.         NEW RTAC/HERC:  There are grant monies available for use yet this fiscal year.  Mini reports shared and people encouraged to get on the email list.

j.         Lakeshore Technical College:   Ryan spoke about the new curriculum which is coming in 1-2 years and how LTC is getting ready for it.  It will probably be a hybrid plan with coms virtual and some in person.  Reminder that EMT part 1 = EMR ready person.  He also spoke about the EMR “national registry mandatory test” being removed in 2024.  There will be a wilderness EMT class in 2025.  Ryan also noted there will be new public safety books.

k.       Legislative Updates – Nothing new to report.

3.       EMS Mutual Aid Agreements:  Should be reviewed and re-signed.  Looking at WHEM98 formats. 

4.       Manitowoc County Mass Casualty plan:  Will need an update this year.


New Business:


1.       Elections:  Nominations for treasurer were taken again.  Lori Krueger accepted a nomination.  Following protocol, the nominations were then closed with a motion by Manitowoc and second Branch.  Manitowoc made a motion for the secretary to cast a unanimous ballot for Lori as treasurer.  Second by Branch.  All were in favor, and none opposed; motion carried.  Congratulations to Lori.

2.       Elections:  Vice president:  Nominations were opened, and Mark Knier accepted a nomination for vice president.  Following protocol, the nominations were then closed by a motion from Manitowoc and second by Kellnersville.  A motion was then made by Maribel to have the secretary cast a unanimous ballot for Mark to be vice president.  Second by Manitowoc and all were in favor, and none opposed, and the motion carried.  Congratulations Mark.

3.       President:  Current president elect John Biely has made it known previously via text that he would like to step down from the position due to personal and professional commitments and confirms this again tonight. 

4.       Welcome:  Rhonda was introduced to the group at the new Manitowoc County EMD director.  Welcome.

5.       Next meeting:  Francis Creek, January 24, 2024. 

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Branch and seconded by Manitowoc.  Meeting was adjourned at 1948.

Agency Attendance:  Newton, LTC, MTSO, Francis Creek, Kellnersville, Two Rivers, Emergency Management, JDC, Cleveland, Branch, Manitowoc, County Rescue/Maribel, St. Nazianz.


Amy Kohlmann                 Branch                                  Ryan Skabroud                  LTC        

Todd Blaser                        Manitowoc                         Mike Ron                             MTSO

Deb Holschbach                Newton                               Cal Stoker                           Francis Creek

Mark Knier                          Newton                               Travis Nate                         Kellnersville

Lori Krueger                       St. Nazianz                          John Biely                            Francis Creek

Ryan Menges                    Two Rivers                          Brenden Riley                    Mtwc. County EMD

Connie Bashaw                 JDC                                         Curt Biely                             Kellnersville

Hannah Pfeffer                 Francis Creek                     Lydia Slotke                        Cleveland

Rhonda Green                   Mtwc. County EMD         Nathan Riehl                      County Rescue

Chris Gabrysek                 County Rescue                  Paul Rabas                          Maribel/County Rescue


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, Secretary