Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                                  9/28/22

Host:  St. Nazianz First Responders


The September 28, 2022 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900 by the president.


The meeting is held in person and virtually.


A presentation of the drone capability of the Manitowoc County Sheriff Department was done.  Contact the Manitowoc County Sheriff Shift Commander if you are in need of their services.


Angie Ulness, Manitowoc County Dairy Educator reported that there is a Planning for Emergency Livestock Trailer Response (PELTR) course available through the UW Extension.  Flyers were made available. 


The meeting proper was called to order and roll call taken.  A quorum was present.


Secretary’s Report:  The Secretary’s report was presented by President Becker (Deb Holschbach, Secretary was unable to attend) and presented to the group.  Collins made a motion to accept the minutes.  Kiel seconded the motion.  Motion was carried.


Treasurer’s Report:  Presented by President Becker (Alyssa Johanek, Treasurer was unable to attend) 

Ending Balances:  Checking:  $2,905.26     Savings:  $5,460.79.  St. Nazianz made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report as given.  Reedsville seconded the motion.  Motion was carried.


Old Business:

1.       Contact List:  The contact list updates were passed around.  Items may be sent to the webmaster for other updates. 

2.       Committee Reports:

a.       Emergency Government/Dispatch/Radio:  Discussion was had regarding the Kiel Ambulance to change the pre-alert to include a tone with the pre-alert without an address, second tone with information and no additional tones with repeated information.  Consensus of the group and information received by Travis Waack was not in favor of the change and will be kept as is for now. 

Work channels (#1 or 2) will now be assigned on most calls.  Those work channels will not be monitored by dispatch.  If a helicopter has been called directly by responding EMS please advise dispatch that has been done.  There are still vacancies in dispatch – two in training, one started Monday and there are still two openings. 

Dr. Jeff Schroeder will be reviewing the EMD stroke protocol to see if the EMD process for that type of call could be shortened – EMD for stroke now takes 4-5 minutes to go through. 

Problem locations, i.e., history of violence, bariatric, etc., can be flagged by EMS groups in dispatch – it will be up to individual departments to keep that information updated with dispatch.

b.       Manitowoc County Sheriff Department:  Staffing for the jail is still needed. 

c.       Protocols – Nothing new to report.

d.       Finance – Nothing new to report.

e.       Disaster Training 2023 – RTF training is being planned for sometime in 2023 – details will be forthcoming

f.        Education/Training:  The HERC/NEW RTAC conference is scheduled for 10/24/22 at NWTC.  Information on Peer Support Training was also shared with the group.

g.       Medical Directors:  Dr. Martens reminded regarding timely report writing including the use and utilization of chosen optional skills.

h.       Radio:  The recent issue with low audio on the part of dispatch has been looked into – settings have been changed.  The audio is better now, but not complete.  BayCom is working on it.   

i.         MABAS:  MABAS cards should be reviewed regularly.

j.         NEW RTAC/HERC:  Pulse oximeters and thermometers are still available – check the MCEMSA, NEW RTAC and HERC websites for more information.

k.       Lakeshore Technical College:  Nothing new.

l.         Legislative Updates – Nothing new to report.

3.       COVID 19 – Updates:  The COVID tests do not pick up the new variant – only blood tests will pick it up.

4.       Nominations:  Secretary  St. Nazianz nominated Deb Holschbach to continue as Secretary.

New Business:

1.       Possible Change of November Meeting Date:  The November meeting date was changed to Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 7PM at the Two Creeks Fire Department – Two Creeks First Responders hosting.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Branch and seconded by Reedsville.  Meeting was adjourned at 2030.

Agency Attendance:  Branch, Cleveland (2), Collins (2), Francis Creek (2), Kiel, Mishicot, Newton, Reedsville, St. Nazianz (4), Valders (2), Emergency Management/JDC, Dr. Suzanne Martens and Manitowoc County Sheriff Department.

Submitted:  D. Holschbach, Secretary  (T. Becker, Recording Secretary)