Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                  3/23/2022

Host:  Kiel & via virtual link


The March 23, 2022, meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 19:03 by the president.

The meeting is held in person as well as virtually.


Education was held first with Sheboygan County Sheriff’s MABAS 113 John Holtz speaking on their drone program and what it is, what they do, what they can do for fire, EMS, rescue, etc. They are dispatched via Sheboygan County 911 or 1-800-943-0003. 1.0 hours


The meeting proper was called to order and roll call taken. A quorum was present.


Secretary’s Report:  The secretary’s report was read and presented to the group. A motion was made by Manitowoc to accept the minutes and seconded by Cleveland.


Treasurer’s Report:  Ending balances:  Checking:  $3047.35       Savings:  $5256.23.   A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented was made by Two Creeks and seconded by Reedsville. 2022 dues will be coming out soon.


Old Business:

1. Contact List:  The contact list updates were passed around. Items may be sent to the webmaster for other updates.

2. Committee Reports:

  1. Emergency Government/Dispatch/Radio:  JDC staffing continues to improve. RTF training is done. Haz-Mat is having a drill 5/26. MABAS cards were updated at JDC. Community Organization Active Disaster (COAD) group is moving forward. New mobile command center is moving forward. No update on the EMS status checks.

  2. Finance:  Nothing

  3. Protocols:  State protocols are out but hard to read. Working on new format but our medical directors like them.

  4. Disaster 2022:  Disaster task force training in Kiel 4/6/22 with openings yet 1800-2200.

  5. Education:  No updates

  6. LTC:  No update

  7. Medical director:  EMR’s to get new medical directors. They shared options and ideas. COVID is dialing back a little, but masking is still recommended for calls. They are working on an EMS education/video library for training.

  8. MABAS:  Updates done at dispatch. Generic has-mat cards were discussed, and Green Bay has an ALS unit that goes out with their team.

  9. RTAC/HERC:  Both organizations have grant monies available. RTAC is 4/20/22. Triage Tuesdays which are supported by the RTAC will continue in Manitowoc County on Tuesdays and we will work on getting more data on how it is going to give feedback to the county. Discussion on SALT vs START, and we are all supplied with START via the RTAC except Valders chose SALT.

New Business:

  1. Grants:  Bill Manis put together a grant application for web page and software for County EMS use. There were also two training grans written.

  2. Tornado Drill:  4/7/22

  3. Telecommunicators Week:  4/10/22/4/16/22. Motion by Reedsville and seconded by Branch to buy the dispatchers some baskets again. Theresa and Debbie to coordinate.

  4. Operational Plans:  Everyone needs to update their plans through the state.

  5. The next meeting will be Wednesday, May 25, 2022, at Maribel First Responders – Maribel Fire Department


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Reedsville and seconded by Branch. Meeting adjourned at 20:35.


Agency Attendance:  Cleveland, Branch, Newton, Francis Creek, St. Nazianz, Reedsville, Two Creeks, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Kiel, Two Rivers


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary



Deb Holschbach            Newton                                     Theresa Becker             Mishicot                                               

Analiese Ollig                Kiel                                           Amy Kohlmann              Branch

Callan Stoker                 Francis Creek                            John Biely                     Francis Creek

Mark Johanek                Two Creeks                               Stacey Barth                 Reedsville

Dick Isely                      Kiel                                           Steve Little                    Kiel

Brad Becker                  Kiel                                           Bob Hennings                Kiel

Lydia Slotke                  Cleveland                                  Dan Bruckschen            Cleveland

Michael Kocourek          Reedsville                                 Dr. Laura Vogel-Schwartz

Dr. Martens                                                                     Dr. Painter

Bill Manis                      Two Rivers                                 Mark Knier                    Newton

Lori Krueger                  St. Nazianz                                Mary Zipperer                St. Nazianz

Chris Gabryszek            Maribel                                     Hannah Pfeffer              Francis Creek