Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                  7/28/2021

Host:  Francis Creek First Responders


The July 28, 2021, meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900 at Reedsville Fire Station.   


The meeting was called to order and the educational portion of the meeting began.  Our speakers were from the Valley Mounted Search & Rescue who operate on horseback.  They presented on their organization and how they can assist with searches in our area and gave a demonstration.  1900-1930


The meeting was then called back to order and roll call was taken.  A quorum was present. 


The secretary’s report was presented and accepted as presented for March and May.


The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $3841.58                                  

Savings:           $5250.96                                                 


Old Business: 

1.       Contact numbers:  Asked for any updates and previous ones have been updated on-line.   Email the webmaster via the website if you have any more updates.  Please update your emails, contact people, and phone numbers by emailing the Manitowoc County EMS website. 

2.       Committee reports:

a.       Radio:   Combing with JDC Steering.   No updated

b.       Medical Directors: New state protocols are out, and departments can use them.

c.       Protocols:  online now

d.       Finance:  Nothing to report currently.

e.       Disaster:   Chief Blaser is working on this for with our next meeting in Sept.

f.         Education and training:  Some virtual training and education were shared. 

g.       LTC:  No updates but you should look to booking your 2022 classes,

h.       Dispatch:  Hired 5 new staff and are excited with this.  There was discussion on an EMS “par check” like fire.  Agencies should discuss if this interests them.

i.         Website:  Mark Knier will continue to be our webmaster.

j.         Emergency Management:  Travis reports 8/18/21 there is an after action on the Oneida shooting at the EOC.  All are invited.  ID card updates:  Contact or 920-683-4360.  The county radiation disaster is coming up with practice in August and the drill in September.  The county is still thinking about replacing the command post.  COVID vaccinations are still available.

k.       JDC Steering Committee: see radio. 

l.         MABAS:   E-MABAS is up and running and no big changes lately.  We use plain language when using our radios.

m.     EMS Day:  nothing happened

n.       MTSO:  no update

o.       RTAC:  Del Zuleger is the new RTAC coordinator. is his RTAC email with for the site.  Phone 920-606-4346.  The RTAC website is up and remodeled with current dates.  They are looking a billboard for falls in September as falls are our biggest cause of trauma in Wisconsin.  Discussion.  The group is in favor of a billboard in Manitowoc County.

New Business: 

1.       Next meeting date:  9/22/21 hosted by Manitowoc but starting at 6:00 p.m. and incorporating the disaster drill incident command training.  Location to be the Manitowoc EOC (dispatch building).   

2.       Disaster Drill:  will be with the September meeting.

3.       Explorers:  Mishicot started an explorer program in hopes of getting more people involved in EMS.  They will also be helping with Riverfest.

4.       Meeting schedule:  Updated on the website and the website is updated also.

5.       Bylaws:  Discussion of looking at the bylaws.  No action but consideration of putting a group together; Blaser and Becker so far.



A motion to adjourn was made by Collins and a second was made by Newton.   Meeting adjourned at 2030.


Attendance:  Branch, Collins, Cleveland, Newton, Reedsville, Silver Creek, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Valders, Emergency Government



Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary




Deb Holschbach            Newton                                                Claude Siragusa              Newton                        

Kayla Beckerdite           Emergency Gov.                                  Bryan Kornely                 Newton

Theresa Becker             Mishicot                                               Micki Foytik                    Reedsville

Mark Knier                     Newton                                                Lydia Swtke                    Cleveland

Jean Green                   Collins                                                 Travis Waack                   Emergency Gov.

Kyle Newberg               Branch                                                 Todd Nelson                    HFM

Dennis Laque                Valders                                                Chris Dallas                     Valders

Eric Lauters                   Valders                                                Fred Busse                     Reedsville

Matt Strenn                    Reedsville                                            Mike Kocourek               Reedsville

Todd Blaser                  Manitowoc Fire