Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                  12/2/2020

Host:  Virtual Meeting 12-2-2020


The December 2, 2020 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900. 


The meeting was then called to order by the president.


Roll call was taken.  A quorum was present. 


The secretary’s report was presented and a motion to accept as written was made by Manitowoc and seconded by Two Creeks with no discussion and everyone in favor.        


The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $3015.47                                  

Savings:           $5092.71                                      

A motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Valders and seconded by Manitowoc.  Motion carried.  Dues statements will go out in March. 


Old Business: 

1.       Contact numbers:  Asked for any updates and previous ones have been updated on-line.   Email the webmaster via the website if you have any more updates.  Chris Gabryszek is the new contact for Maribel EMS at  Chief Dallas reminded people to update his contact information to  Phone:  920-889-5065.

2.       November meeting:  Mark will update the minutes on the website to show the meeting was cancelled.

3.       December meeting:  Minutes will again go one the site.

4.       Committee reports:

a.       Radio:  2/23/20 is the next radio meeting.  Communication resource lists to Travis who wants them.  They are working on some radio programming templates.

b.       Medical Directors:   The state is looking at scope of practice changes.  Nothing is released yet. 

c.       Protocols:  COVID-19 protocols are out for Manitowoc County and everyone is reminded to follow them.  Dave Murak has the jump drive of protocols.  Nothing new from the state.

d.       Finance:  Nothing to report currently.

e.       Disaster:   Chief Blaser is working on a tabletop with LTC.  They are wondering if we would be interested in the Cleveland or Manitowoc campus for the training.  We discussed sending out a google or simple survey of when people wanted the training.

f.         Education and training:  Resources available as needed.  Active shooter is on hold due to COVID-19.

g.       LTC:  Nothing at this meeting

h.       Dispatch:  City of Mtwc. Is purchasing a new crew force app which ties into CAD and is expensive ($10,000) but it can mark times with the push of a button.  There is one time set up fees and yearly fees.  No price breaks for group.  The JDC supervisors are shifting roles and each one has some primary duties and will also log some console time.  The contact person for complaints or issues will now be Travis Waack first.

i.         Website:  Mark Knier will continue to be our webmaster.  Disaster trailer DVD to be sent to him. 

j.         Emergency Management:  Travis has some covid supplies if needed contact him (see below).  Stephanie Lambert will be the new director at the Manitowoc County Health Department. 

k.       JDC Steering Committee: see radio. 

l.         MABAS:  No update at this meeting

m.     EMS Day/Fair Booth:  Suggestions of new PSA’s for 2021.

n.       Scholarship:  No updates and no partners with fire.  We will remove from the agenda.

o.       MTSO:  no update

p.       RTAC:  Del Zuleger is the new RTAC coordinator. is his RTAC email with for the site.  Phone 920-606-4346.  The RTAC website is up and remodeled with current dates.  The RTAC is working with the HERC on falls and Manitowoc County has been invited to look at Dave Taylor’s new falls program.  Discussion on this vs re-formatting the old program which was started by some of the ambulances but never quite made it to all EMS agencies and the hospitals.

q.       HERC:   Reminder to read the emails forwarded. 

New Business

1.       Next meeting date:  1/27/21 at 1900 and it will be virtual.  Discussion at the next meeting for virtual in March or in person.  March date is 3/24/21.

2.       COVID Supplies:  Travis spoke on available N95 and other PPE and just reminded everyone how important PPE is on all calls.  Vaccination information is expected in December and will begin with ambulance and first responders in level 1A.  This is for “direct care workers”.  1B will include fire fighters, police, coroners, etc.  They are looking for some temporary employees to sign up to give shots where that would be in their scope of practice.  See the county’s website to sign up. The liability waiver will be either by person or by department and is not quite all worked out, but the county will work with your agency. 

3.       Next meeting location:  Will go to Francis Creek when we go live again. 



A motion to adjourn was made by Branch seconded by Cleveland.  Motion carried……….2000.


Attendance:  Branch, Cleveland, Collins, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Newton, Two Creeks, St. Nazianz, Valders, Kellnersville, Travis Waack, Emergency Management, Dr. Nelson.


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary




Deb Holschbach            Newton                                     Theresa Becker                         Mishicot

Alyssa Johanek             Two Creeks/Mishicot                 Curt Biely                                  Kellnersville

Chris Dallas                  Valders                                     Dan Bruckschen                        Cleveland

Travis Waack                Emergency Gov.                        Brian Lambert                            Kellnersville

Dr. Nelson                     HFM                                         Amy Kohlmann                          Branch

Todd Blaser                   MFD                                         Shirley Dallmann                       Collins

Mark Knier                    Newton                                     Kyle Newberg                            Branch

Nicole P                        Kellnersville                               Mary Zipperer                            St. Nazianz