Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                  3/24/2021

Host:  Francis Creek First Responders


The March 24, 2021 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900.    


The meeting was then called to order and the educational portion of the meeting began.  Our speaker was Lt. Dave Remiker with Manitowoc County Metro Drug & Investigations Unit. He spoke on drug usage in Manitowoc County noting a significant increase in meth, heroin, and fentanyl.  He also talked about more Hep. C and HIV due to the increased use.  He spoke on some EMS safety and drug recognition also. 1900-2000.


The meeting was then Roll call was taken.  A quorum was present. 


The secretary’s report was presented and a motion to accept as written was made by Manitowoc and seconded by Branch. Motion carried.


The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $3515.98                                  

Savings:           $5095.91                                                 

A motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Branch and seconded by Manitowoc.  Motion carried.  Dues statements are out. 


Old Business: 

1.       Contact numbers:  Asked for any updates and previous ones have been updated on-line.   Email the webmaster via the website if you have any more updates.  Please update your emails, contact people, and phone numbers by emailing the Manitowoc County EMS website. 

2.       Committee reports:

a.       Radio:  Two Rivers is using some unused frequencies and Mishicot has put this into their radio. 

b.       Medical Directors: No update

c.       Protocols:  The state has updated the scope of practices items and they are out. There will be a 60-day period to look at the protocols and comment and you can customize the protocols to what your dept. wants.

d.       Finance:  Nothing to report currently.

e.       Disaster:   Chief Blaser is working on a tabletop with LTC.  Board will get dates for this by the next meeting.  We will coordinate with the Rescue Task Force drills also.

f.         Education and training:  Some virtual training and education were shared. 

g.       LTC:  LTC is offering customized training for agencies.  They are getting ready for the new curriculum which will roll out from the state changes.

h.       Dispatch:  see emergency government

i.         Website:  Mark Knier will continue to be our webmaster.

j.         Emergency Management:  Travis reports that Haz-Mat will be disbanding and Mtwc. County will be contracting with Appleton.  There will be an annual county wide drill with EMS.  This should be effective in July of this year.  There will also be some “universal flames” tone.  There are still the MABAS box card levels this is an extra tone for “smoke and flames showing”.  There is now a “water rescue” county map if someone needs water rescue in the county.  It has coverage for all areas with some type of water rescue vehicle.  Ask for it via dispatch.  Dispatchers are doing “pre-alerts” again before the EMS page out and they will finish the EMD questions and then dispatch.  The group wants to keep the two full pages with all the information in them after some discussion.  I am responding is also available.  Travis also stated that every Friday COVID meetings are concluded and there will be one more county COVID clinic and then they will close those. 

k.       JDC Steering Committee: see radio. 

l.         MABAS:  EMS & Fire always need to talk about their response cards and work actions.  E-MABAS is up and running. 

m.     EMS Day:  Discussion on doing PSAs for the radio.  Chief Blaser stated he would take the lead on this.  He states he will get some free PSA’s done for us.

n.       MTSO:  no update

o.       RTAC:  Del Zuleger is the new RTAC coordinator. is his RTAC email with for the site.  Phone 920-606-4346.  The RTAC website is up and remodeled with current dates. 

New Business

1.        Next meeting date:  5/26/21 at 1900 in Kellnersville.   

2.       Telecommunicators Week:  Discussion on getting them treat baskets again was done.  Motion to do that by Manitowoc and second by Branch.  Debbie to handle.

3.       Meeting schedule:  Discussion on quarterly vs current schedule.  It was noted it would take a by-law change to change the schedule.  People to discuss with their organizations and bring back thoughts.


A motion to adjourn was made by Manitowoc and a second was made by Branch.  Meeting adjourned at 2111.


Attendance:  Branch, Cleveland, Collins, Francis Creek, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Newton, Two Creeks, JDC, MTSO, Emergency Government


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary




Deb Holschbach        Newton                                                 Montgomery Schmitt                  Cleveland

Alyssa Johanek        Two Creeks/Mishicot                             Lydia Slotke                              Cleveland

Kayla B                         Emergency Gov.                                    John Hutterer                            Francis Creek

Travis Waack                Emergency Gov.                                    John Biely                                 Francis Creek

Todd Nelson                  HFM ED                                               Callan Stoker                            Francis Creek

Todd Blaser                   MFD                                                     Hannah Pfeffer                          Francis Creek

Mark Knier                    Newton                                                 Kyle Newberg                            Branch

Shirley Dallmann           Collins                                                  Andy Resch                              Branch

Chris Gabryszek            C. Rescue/Maribel