Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                  9/25/2019

Host:  Cleveland First Responders


The September 25, 2019 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900.  Educational presentation was done by Great Lakes Search & Rescue K-9 Inc.  920-917-0985.  The spoke on what services they can provide for EMS and fire in our area.  They come out of Sheboygan.  1900-2000.  The second speaker was Heidi Thompson from the Lighthouse Recover Center/Core treatment who spoke on Narcan and the Lighthouse program and dispensed some Narcan to EMS.  2000-2020. 


The meeting was then called to order by the president.


Roll call was taken.  A quorum was present. 


The secretary’s report was presented and a motion to accept as written was made by Manitowoc and seconded by Cleveland with no discussion and everyone in favor.        


The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $2898.27                                  

Savings:           $5074.25                                      

All 2018 & 2019 dues are paid.  A motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Kiel and seconded by Reedsville.  Motion carried. 


Old Business: 

1.       Contact numbers:  Passed for updates and has been updated on-line.   Kyle Newberg and 920-889-5065.

2.       Committee reports:

a.       Radio:  Updates with dispatch.

b.       Medical Directors:   HSS110 is being opened and it is very unclear if Wisconsin will align with the federal EMR or not.  There are also some changes with 1-2 paramedic staffing potentially.

c.       Protocols:  Dave Murak has the jump drive of protocols.  Nothing new from the state.

d.       Finance:  Nothing to report currently.

e.       Disaster:   Chief Blaser is working on a tabletop with LTC.  Travis is suggesting that we work with EM for a disaster drill.    

f.         Education and training:  Resources available as needed.

g.       LTC:  New class schedule coming soon.

h.       Dispatch:  If your agency is interested in the emergency beacon, you need to speak to Travis.  So far Valders and St. Nazianz are set to use it.  County Fire working 2 is repeated and available.  Monday the radio advisory committee starts again with a mixed group in it. 

i.         Website:  Mark Knier will continue to be our webmaster.  Disaster trailer DVD to be sent to him.  Reminder Chief Dallas wants his contact information changed to  Phone:  920-889-5065.

j.         Emergency Management: Travis is working with the county to list and arrange organizations with special resources for use in a disaster.

k.       JDC Steering Committee: see radio 

l.         MABAS:  nothing currently

m.     EMS Day 2018/Fair Booth:  Discussion on why the booth was not done in August. Costs were shared and discussion on doing this in 2020.  Looking for suggestions from the group.

n.       Scholarship:  No update.

o.       MTSO:  Dan supports the rescue task force.  He reports it is budget time.  They are hoping to be fully staffed in early 2020.

p.       RTAC:  Del Zuleger is the new RTAC coordinator. is his RTAC email with for the site.  Phone 920-606-4346. 

q.       HERC:   Reminder to read the emails forwarded.

3.        EMS Memorial:  No update.

4.       Rescue Task Force:  Is supported by Emergency Management/Travis as well as the sheriff.


New Business

1.       Elections:  Two offices open:  Vice president and Treasurer

Alyssa Johanek was nominated for treasurer and accepted.  Tom Krajnik will also run.

Vice president:  Theresa Becker was nominated and accepted.   Nominations will remain open.

2.       November meeting:  Discussion about having the November meeting or not based on our agenda.  A motion was made by T. Blaser to cancel the November meeting.  This was seconded by Mishicot.  The next meeting will be in January 2020.

3.       Next meeting:  January 22, 2020 at Collins



A motion to adjourn was made by Kiel seconded by Branch.  Motion carried……….2115


Attendance:  Cleveland, Branch, Newton, Reedsville, St. Nazianz, Two Creeks, Manitowoc, Valders, Mishicot, Kiel, MTSO, dispatch


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary



Deb Holschbach            Newton                                     Tom Krajnik                   Mishicot           

Theresa Becker             Mishicot                                    Kyle Newberg                Branch                                     

Steph Jaeger                 Cleveland                                  Brian Kelm                    Cleveland                                 

Dan Bruckschen            Cleveland                                  Tony Meyer                   Cleveland

Keith Grupe                   Cleveland                                  Dan Hartwig                  MTSO                          

Kent Brendemuehl         Two Creeks/Mishicot                 Alyssa Johanek             Two Creeks +               

Lori Krueger                  St. Nazianz/Valders                  Mary Zipperer                St. Nazianz/Valders      

Todd Blaser                   Mtwc.                                       Heidi Thompson            Lighthouse Recovery

Kyle Preissner               Kiel                                           Autumn Quinn               Cleveland

Cliff Henning                 Cleveland                                  Laura Busse                  Reedsville

Amanda Rosner             Reedsville