Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                  7/24/2019

Host:  Branch First Responders


The July 24, 2019 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900.  Educational presentation was done by Jeff Roehrig, Theda Star.  Presentation on landing zones, Case Studies and Air Transport from 1900-1935.  Bill Manis then spoke on Rescue Task Force and Manitowoc County from 1935-2010. 


The meeting was then called to order by the president.


Roll call was taken.  A quorum was present. 


The secretary’s report was presented and a motion to accept as written was made by St. Nazianz and seconded by Branch with no discussion and everyone in favor.        


The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $2748.03                                  

Savings:           $5074.25                                      

Francis Creek still owes for 2018 & 2019.  A motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Branch and seconded by Kiel.  Motion carried. 


Old Business: 

1.       Contact numbers:  Passed for updates and has been updated on-line.

2.       Committee reports:

a.       Radio:  Technically, Travis in in control of authorizing who can use county fire as the channel is owned by Manitowoc County.  No updates.

b.       Medical Directors:   HSS110 is being opened and it is very unclear if Wisconsin will align with the federal EMR or not.  There are also some changes with 1-2 paramedic staffing potentially.

c.       Protocols:  Dave Murak has the jump drive of protocols.  Nothing new from the state.

d.       Finance:  Nothing to report currently.

e.       Disaster:   Ongoing:  Some suggestions included a “sim city” drill with communication as the focus.  Todd Blaser will contact LTC about some options. 

f.         Education and training:  The RTF dates were shared.  The K9 training at Valders went well (it was presented through the Fox Valley Animal Shelter).  ACE’s is putting together some training they hope to present to EMS and the RTAC’s on hidden traumas.

g.       LTC:  Ryan introduced Kelsey Brooks to the group.  He stated that LTC is working on a face book page and working on being an active shooter training site.  He gave a thank you for the donation toward the SIM city which should be done in November.  The EMT program is now two parts and finishing part one qualifies you to be an EMR.  Part 2 completion = EMT.  They are also working on getting more high school students into programs.  There are college credits available for these classes.  LTC will offer refreshers to match the state.  LTC is looking to buy 2 more ambulances.  They are also adding a human patient simulator to the EMT classes.

h.       Dispatch:  More new hires and training.  The managers are out of the offices and working counsels and this seems to be working well.  The ethernet upgrade is done.  A mini EOC was made in dispatch for smaller incidents.  The emergency button went active.  Contact Travis if the numbers as needed.  You will need a 4-digit ID and name with no overlapping ID’s. 

i.         Website:  Mark Knier will continue to be our webmaster.  Disaster trailer DVD to be sent to him.  Reminder Chief Dallas wants his contact information changed to  Phone number:  920-889-5065.

j.         Emergency Management: The nuclear drill went well.  The power outage incident also went well.  A reception center was opened in Mishicot for people without power and the Red Cross staffed it for 2 days.  Travis also said August 1 is the deadline for Emergency Response Guides.

k.       JDC Steering Committee: see radio 

l.         MABAS:  There is a meeting 7/1/19 and the new cards should be active.  The MCI trailer video should be out soon.

m.     EMS Day 2018/Fair Booth:  The County Firefighters will NOT join with us to do this booth.  Discussion about the proposed hours and who in the room was interested in helping.  We are looking to go ahead with the project alone however we will need liability insurance to meet a requirement from the county fair.  St. Nazianz made a motion to investigate getting such a policy for the association.  Reedsville seconded this but there were 3 people who had expressed “no” to this and more discussion continued.  We are going to check into the cost as we only had an estimate of $300-400 for a cost.  The booth hours are Wednesday through Saturday 10-10 and Sunday 10-6 and must always have one person in them.  Tentatively going forward. More to follow.

n.       Scholarship:  Very limited discussion on this but county fire is NOT interested in doing something with us about this.  Discussion and item suspended at this time.

o.       MTSO:  Dan also supports the rescue task force.  He now has 6 months in.  There are a lot of new hires and the staff on the road is young.  Metro drug has been very busy, and meth is more and more prevalent.  Overdoses are way up.  Fatal accidents are at last years level already.  The jail is full.

p.       RTAC:  Del Zuleger is the new RTAC coordinator. is his RTAC email with for the site.  Phone 920-606-4346.  Ray Lemke quit at the state and WARDS has updates coming in August.

q.       HERC:   Shawn M is the new HERC coordinator.

3.        EMS Memorial:  Concrete work is doneThey are aiming for September.


New Business

1.       Rescue Task Force:  Bill Manis asked for an endorsement of the task force from the group.  A motion was made by Bill (Two Rivers) that the Manitowoc County EMS Association supports the rescue task force training.  This was seconded by Branch after discussion.  A ballot vote was taken with all present agencies in favor.  Motion carried.  It is important that groups take this information back to their departments to share.

2.       Next meeting:  Sept. 25 at Cleveland at 7:00 p.m. and we are back on normal rotation.

3.       K-9 Fundraiser:  Discussion about a donation.  No decision.


A motion to adjourn was made by Kiel seconded by Branch.  Motion carried……….2100


Attendance:  Collins, Branch, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Valders, Kiel, Maribel, LTC, Reedsville, Cleveland, St. Nazianz, Kellnersville, Two Creeks, Newton, Two Rivers


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary


Attendance: (only a partial list)

Deb Holschbach            Newton                         Bill Manis          Two Rivers +                 Jeff Roehrig       Theda Star           

Tom Krajnik                   Mishicot                        Ben Jeanty        Kiel                               Dan Esser         Valders

Theresa Becker             Mishicot                        Kelsey Brooks   LTC                              Ryan Skabroud  LTC/Maribel           

Kyle Newberg                Branch                          Suzanne Martens  Valders/LTC              Micki Foytik       Reedsville

Steph Jaeger                 Cleveland                      Nichole Paulow  Kellnersville                   Chris Dallas      Valders

Amy Kohlmann              Branch                          Jean Green       Collins                          Kari Resch        Branch

Andy Resch                  Branch                          Dan Hartwig      MTSO                           Travis Waack    EM

Kent Brendemuehl         Two Creeks/Mishicot     Mark Johanek Two Creeks +                  Lori Krueger St. Nazianz/Valders

Mary Zipperer                St. Nazianz/Valders