Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                  11/28/2018

Host:  Two Creeks First Responders


The November 28, 2018 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900.  The educational presentation was Sammy Colon from WIRCO (Wisconsin Community Recovery Organization) who spoke on what their organization does, the grants they have, and how EMS can use them as a contact for any narcotic overdoses.  0.5 hrs.  Additional education was then provided on grain bin rescues with emphasis on the anatomy of what is happening, safety, resources, and extraction.  0.75 hours.


The meeting was resumed and roll call was taken.  A quorum was present. 


The secretary’s report was presented and a motion to accept it as printed was made by Manitowoc and seconded by Branch.  Motion carried.      


The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $3806.61                                  

Savings:           $5062.88          

Francis Creek and Reedsville are outstanding 2018 dues.  A motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by St. Nazianz and seconded by Branch.  Motion carried. 


Old Business: 

1.       Contact numbers:  Passed for updates and has been updated on line.

2.       Committee reports:

a.       Radio:  Some radio training coming up.  There was some work done on the system for severe storms and raid issues to prevent future issues.

b.       Medical Directors:   We can use I-gels with proper protocols and training at any level.  No OTC meds can be dispensed by EMS.

c.       Protocols:  The state protocols are not out yet.

d.       Legislative Updates:  Community paramedics are coming up maybe by 3/1/19.  E-licensing was updated again and beginning in 2020 they are going to try the 3-year license cycle, but a lot must be worked out yet.

e.       Finance:  Nothing currently.

f.         Disaster:   The command post is undergoing some updates with new 800 and VHF radios and adding CAD to the command center.  We got another grant to update our disaster trailer and we will me matching area trailers in the layout so that we can help each other if needed.  The trailer has a ramp and dollies.  The after/action review of the disaster outlined a lot of things we learned.  Highlights were shared and we hope to post the 15-page review to the webpage.

g.       Education and training:   Kevin Siehr is the new trauma coordinator at Aurora Two Rivers and Deb Holschbach is at HFM.  St. Vincent’s has a winter seminar coming up.  Francis Creek is doing MABAS education drill on Monday.  There is also a CISD class on 12/14 and 12/15 which everyone is invited to take if interested.

h.       LTC:  LTC announces that there is a bridge class from EMR to EMT.  There is also an AEMT class coming. We also got a request for a donation to the Sim City.  Discussion on the Association being a donor to this project.  A motion was made by St. Nazianz for us to donate $300 to the project and this was seconded by Two Creeks.  Motion carried.

i.         Dispatch:  JDC is working on contact lists for agencies.  Travis is looking as some I Am Responding protocols.  The active shooter task sheet for dispatch is done.  Maps for schools and doors and needed.  Task sheets need a review.

j.         Website:  Mark Knier will continue to be our webmaster. 

k.       JDC Steering Committee:   None currently.

l.         MABAS:  MABAS unit 128 wrote a grant to the HERC which was approved for $4500 toward active shooter control/stop the bleed kits for people to use first on scene at a mass casualty incident.  They are for police, fire, and EMS.  Bill Manis is coordinating.    You will need a mini in-service to use the packs.  He hopes to deploy these by Jan. 2019.

m.     EMS Day 2018:  The group voted to not to the Copps EMS day event this year.  Discussion on doing a booth at the County Fair with the Fire Association was the discussion and proposal with Two Creeks making a motion that we try and get a booth ($200) and work with fire, emergency management, and maybe LTC to put together a promotional booth.  This was seconded by Branch.  Andrew, Nick to work with committee.

n.       RTAC

o.       HERC:   The Citizen Aid flyers and Champak packets were passed out for all.  People are encouraged to take the Citizen Aid to their schools or churches.


New Business

1.       Next meeting:  Two Rivers at 7:00 P.M. on January 30, 2019.

2.       Elections:  Deb Holschbach accepted a nomination for secretary and Ryan Menges also accepted a nomination for this.  There were no other candidates and there was a motion to close nominations by Two Creeks and seconded by Mishicot.  A ballot vote was taken with Deb – 5 and Ryan – 3.  A motion was made by Two Creeks and seconded by Mishicot to destroy the ballots and this motion passed.  Ballots were destroyed.  Deb will be the secretary. 

3.       Sheriff:  A welcome addition to the group was Sheriff Dan Hartwig who introduced himself to the group and shared a desire to have us all work together to the best of all our abilities.  He will try to attend meetings or send someone. 

4.       Scholarship:  Discussion about having an EMS scholarship to try to entice people into going into EMS classes.  Discussion was to talk to the Fire Association and ask if they were interested in going into the project as a team also.  Todd Blaser will take this discussion to County Fire.  Lori Krueger, Zach Peterson, Kyle Newberg from Branch to work with him.

5.       Two Rivers New Chief:  Two Rivers will have a new fire chief at the next meeting for us to meet.  Congratulations to him and welcome.


A motion to adjourn was made by Branch and seconded by St. Nazianz.  Motion carried.


Attendance:  Branch, St. Nazianz, Two Creeks, Newton, Valders, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Two Rivers, JDC, Sheriff’s department


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary


Deb Holschbach            Newton                                     Theresa Becker             Mishicot

Dawn Dimmick              Mishicot                                    Nick Rusek                   Mishicot

Ivan Konsela                 Mishicot                                    Todd Blaser                   Manitowoc

Dan Hartwig                  MTSO                                       Zak Peterson                 Two Rivers

Bill Manis                      MABAS                                    Mary Zipperer                St. Nazianz

Lori Krueger                  St. Nazianz                               Kyle Newberg                Branch

Tom Krajnik                   Two Rivers                                Andrew Schwerma         Two Creeks