Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                  5-24-2017

Host:  Collins First Responders


The May 24, 2017 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900.  The educational presentation was done by Jamie Aulik Manitowoc County Director of Emergency Services who spoke on his job, the department’s focus, EMS interface, future plans, and an open forum for questions.


The meeting was resumed after education.  Roll call was taken.  A quorum was present. 


The secretary’s report was presented and a motion was made by Branch to approve the minutes and.  Cleveland made the second and the motion carried.    


The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $3170.11                                  

Savings:           $5037.65                                      


All 2017 statements were mailed out and as of now 5 departments are still outstanding.  Outstanding are:  Branch, Collins, Francis Creek, Kiel, and Silver Creek.  EMS day profit was $353.07.  A motion was made by Valders to accept the treasurer’s report as presented and Collins seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Old Business: 

1.       Contact numbers:  Passed for updates. 

2.       Committee reports:

a.       Radio:  A review of the 800 frequency and what is available.  Valders is reporting favorable use but some interference areas are there.  No further discussion from county fire either.

b.       Medical Directors:  Dr. Nelson would like to meet with first responder agencies. 

c.       Protocols:  Valders and Two Rivers are doing some protocol sharing and talking.  Discussion about everyone meeting 6/21/17 at Valders to talk about protocols.  We need to decide if each level will have their own protocols but using one format or what.  There is no decision at the RTAC or state level for SALT vs START triage.  WARDS elite is live and all agencies should be using this.  It went live 4/1/17.

d.       Finance:  Nothing at this time.  Tom volunteered to help with the tax id.   Mtwc. County EMS will definitely help sponsor the active shooter drill.  Discussion on other programs like “stop the bleeding”.  No action taken on that. 

e.       Disaster:   Valders has volunteered to be a hosting agency for an active shooter drill.  They are tentatively looking at September 15 but no date is set yet for sure.  This would be a county wide drill. 

f.         Education and training:   Reminded of resources as needed for agencies.

g.       LTC:  Happy EMS Week to all from LTC.  There is an EMR to EMT bridge class which will be offered by LTC.  Robin Campbell retired and there is an open position.  Ryan is working with the state for education criteria.  Community paramedic passed one more step to becoming real. 

h.       Dispatch:  Has more personnel changes.  They were sent the traditional 3 fruit/snack/chocolate baskets along with a thank you note for Telecommunicators Week in appreciation for all they do with EMS.  There will be some testing done on the Code Red program once it is updated.

i.         Website:  Mark Knier will continue to be our webmaster. 

j.         JDC:  Is working on code red contacts for when the radio towers are down.

k.       MABAS:  Nothing new.  Every ambulance service has a life safety card but not all are as up to date as they should be.  EMR’s are encouraged to work with their services as needed on this.

l.         Steering Committee:  Theresa is our representative.  Jamie Aulik will be taking over in 3/2017.  Nothing new.

m.     EMS Day 2018:  This is booked for next year. 

n.       RTAC:  No update.

o.       HERC:  Updates shared and our email list was also sent there so that everyone can get these emails.



New Business


1.       Next meeting:  July meeting in Kellnersville.   The secretary will contact them to remind them.     

2.        Drugs:  Reminder for EMS awareness about drugs in Manitowoc County.  Personal safety was stressed.  Information sheet was handed out just as a learning tool.

3.       EMS Agencies:  All Manitowoc County EMS services have approved operational plans with the state.  Thank you to everyone involved in getting this completed at the agency level, at the ambulance level, and at the county level as well as the state.  There remain some EMR’s who are not licensed and that issue remains at a state level needing action.  Legally, unless you are a state licensed EMR you cannot be responding to calls as first responders.  The Association and several agencies continue to try to get a definitive answer from the state if those people can “challenge” the National Registry to become registered EMR’s or if they have to take a full class and then complete National Registry is their only option.  Jay Steuer will work with Dr. Martens to see if she can provide any additional help in her position with the state.

4.       Disaster Boxes:  Discussion on updating the contents of the boxes and where they are.  Currently, the boxes are in St. Nazianz, Branch, Two Rivers, and the command trailer.  A committee of St. Nazianz, Valders, Newton, Bill Manis, and Kyle from Branch will work on this.



A motion to adjourn was made by Branch and seconded by Manitowoc.  Motion carried.




Present:  Branch, Cleveland, Collins, Francis Creek, Kellnersville, Newton, Manitowoc, St. Nazianz, Two Rivers, Valders, Mishicot, LTC


Absent:   Two Creeks, Maribel/County Rescue Denmark, Silver Creek, Reedsville


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary