Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                  3-22-2017

Host:  Collins First Responders


The March 22, 2017 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900.  The educational presentation was done by Jean Green RN who spoke on pacemakers, AICD, Life vests, Loops, and EMS Interface.  1.0 hrs. 


The meeting was resumed after education.  Roll call was taken.  A quorum was present. 


The secretary’s report was presented and a motion was made by Manitowoc to approve the minutes and.  Cleveland made the second and the motion carried.    


The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $2424.54                                  

Savings:           $5037.65                                      


All 2017 statements will go tonight and in the mail this week.  A motion was made by Manitowoc to accept the treasurer’s report as presented and Cleveland seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Old Business: 

1.       Contact numbers:  Passed for updates. 

2.       Committee reports:

a.       Radio:  Valders has gone 800 with the ability to talk on VHF.  Everyone has a channel on the 800 repeated frequencies if they want to use it.  Discussion on where we as a county want to go with regard to radio frequencies.  Mtwc. is on VHF.  All agencies are asked what they are planning on doing in the future.  We will also ask for an opinion from County Fire.  Scott Schneider will be asked to help with drafting some correspondence for the Manitowoc County Board with regard to this.  This was a motion by Valders with a second from Newton that Scott help draft such a letter.

b.       Medical Directors:  Dr. Nelson would like to know what first responder agencies are doing for skills.  He would also like to meet with each agency once a year.  He would like to know how to best get in touch with each agency and he is directed to our contact sheet for names, emails, and phone numbers for each agency.  He is also looking at c-spine clearance protocols.

c.       Protocols:  Ongoing see c-spine above.  Valders just updated their protocols.  The SALT vs START triage discussion is on-going at the state level.  Our RTAC is in favor of START.

d.       Finance:  nothing at this time.  Tom volunteered to help with the tax id.

e.       Disaster:   Valders has volunteered to be a hosting agency for an active shooter drill.  They would really like to work with their high school who is also interested.  There is an active shooter drill on March 28 at the Manitowoc County Dispatch building at 1800.  Focus:  communications.

f.         Education and training:   Reminded of resources as needed for agencies.

g.       LTC:  Nothing tonight

h.       Dispatch:  Has more personnel changes.  Their meeting is next week.  Just a general courtesy reminder as well as a request for patience. 

i.         Website:  Mark Knier will continue to be our webmaster. 

j.         JDC:  Is working on code red contacts for when the radio towers are down.

k.       MABAS:  EMS should have a life safety card in place. Check if you do not.

l.         Steering Committee:  Theresa is our representative.  Jamie Aulik will be taking over in 3/2017.

m.     EMS Day:  Saturday, May 20 at Copps from 11-2:30.  Todd Blaser is the cook coordinator.  Grills from St. Nazianz and Valders coming.  Please come and bring any rescue vehicles.

n.       RTAC:  Valders and Two Rivers will be the infectious disease ambulances for our RTAC.  The EMS association emails were shared with the RTAC for better communication and information.  The RTAC is sponsoring MDT’s (mobile data terminals) for in one vehicle.  Valders, Two Rivers, Manitowoc, and Mishicot will be getting one on a grant.  

o.       HERC:  Updates shared and our email list was also sent there so that everyone can get these emails.


3.       Nominations:  The position of secretary is open.  Nomination for Deb Holschbach is a candidate.  The call was made for any other nominations for secretary and none were received.  A motion was made by Manitowoc for the secretary to cast a unanimous ballot for Debbie for secretary.  Second by Valders and the motion carried.  Congratulations to Debbie?




New Business


1.       Next meeting:  May meeting in Francis Creek.   The secretary will contact them to remind them.     

2.       Dates:  5/20 EMS Days at Copps, 5/19 Newton Perch Dinner

3.       Legislation:  Bill 151 is looking good at the state for the community paramedic.  More to come.

4.       Wards Elite:  Is the new system for EMS reporting.  It has issues but the state is working on them.  It is to begin 4-1-17.



A motion to adjourn was made by Kiel and seconded by Collins.  Motion carried.




Present:  Branch, Cleveland, Collins, Newton, Reedsville, Manitowoc, Valders, Mishicot, Kiel


Absent:   LTC, JDC, Two Rivers, Two Creeks, Maribel/County Rescue Denmark, Kellnersville, St. Nazianz, Francis Creek, and Silver Creek


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary