Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes--corrected              1-18-2017

Host:  Cleveland First Responders


The January 18, 2017 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900.  The educational presentation was done by Dan Downey RN who spoke on STEMI patients and cardiac caths as well as heart attacks.  0.5 hrs.  Education continued with Jackie Mayer presenting on autism and the EMS interface.  0.5 hours.


The meeting was resumed after education.  Roll call was taken.  A quorum was present. 


The secretary’s report was presented and a motion was made by St. Nazianz to approve the minutes with a correction of the hosting agency of Branch.  Cleveland made the second and the motion carried.  This motion includes September minutes and November minutes. 


The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $2424.54                                  

Savings:           $5037.65                                     


All 2016 dues are paid.  2017 statements will go out in March.  A motion was made by Cleveland to accept the treasurer’s report as presented and Two Creeks seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Old Business: 

1.       Contact numbers:  Passed for updates. 

2.       Committee reports:

a.       Radio:  Manitowoc will be staying on VHF.

b.       Medical Directors: None.

c.       Protocols:  To meet in 2017.  Epi is out for public use but not medical responders.

d.       Finance:  nothing at this time.  Tom volunteered to help with the tax id.

e.       Disaster:  We are working with the county group for more active shooter drills.  We have contacted them asking for more tabletops and then a real drill in fall.  Chief Blaser will be talking with Two Rivers police about this.  Valders would be the hosting agency.

f.         Education and training:   nothing.

g.       LTC:  New flyer is out.  The Francis Creek class is starting.

h.       Dispatch:  Connie said they are again down 2 staff.  Lori and Andrew are coordinating the work on Code red for notification when a tower is down. 

i.         Website:  Mark Knier will continue to be our webmaster. 

j.         JDC:  Dispatch would like to be considered and EMS partner for planning, debriefing, etc.

Map changes need to be submitted in writing with a copy of an agreement in change.  Changes are done monthly.  Encryption is very tough on dispatch and it slows down the information sharing.  For large disasters, encryption may be turned off.  Dispatch is getting new air photography done and the old pictures are available if interested. 

k.       MABAS:  EMS should have a life safety card in place. Check if you do not.

l.         Steering Committee:  Theresa is our representative.  Jamie Aulik will be taking over in 3/2017.

m.     EMS Day:  Saturday, May 20 at Copps from 11-2.  Todd Blaser is the cook coordinator.  Grills from St. Nazianz and Valders coming.

n.       RTAC:  Valders and Two Rivers will be the infectious disease ambulances for our RTAC.  The EMS association emails were shared with the RTAC for better communication and information.  The RTAC is sponsoring MDT’s (mobile data terminals) for in one vehicle.  Valders, Two Rivers, Manitowoc, and Mishicot will be getting one on a grant. There is also changes coming via HSS118 such as possible income tax breaks for EMS, EMR funding, length of services.  Watch to see how these things move forward in legislation.


3.       Nominations:  The position of secretary is open.  Nomination for Deb Holschbach was accepted.  The office stays open yet.

4.       HERC:  Updates shared.  Our email list was also sent there.



New Business


1.       Next meeting:  March meeting in Collins.   The secretary will contact them to remind them.     

2.       Nominations:  The position of secretary is open.  Nomination for Deb Holschbach was accepted.  The office stays open yet.

3.   START vs SALT:  Discussion on which triage program Manitowoc County will endorse.  After much    discussion, it was decided we will support whichever program our RTAC endorses.

4. Dates:  3/20 St. Nazianz Fish Boil, 4/4 Mishicot Fish Boil, 4/23 Cleveland Brat Fry



A motion to adjourn was made by Kellnersville and seconded by Cleveland.



Present: Cleveland, Newton, Two Creeks, Kellnersville, Mishicot, Valders, Manitowoc, St. Nazianz, JDC

Absent:   Collins, Reedsville, Francis Creek, Silver Creek, County Rescue Denmark, Kiel, Branch


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary