Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                   7-27-2016

Host:  Valders Fire & Rescue


The July 27, 2016 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900.  The educational topics were:  Ray Lemke from the State of Wisconsin speaking on EMS and the state 1945-2000.  Ray noted that first responders will be allowed to “draw up” epi with additional training.   He also stated that you can have EMR as a part of an ambulance crew.   Dr. Suzanne Martens presented on Spinal Trauma and Pre-hospital Care.   1900-1945


The meeting was resumed after education.  Roll call was taken.  A quorum was present. 


The secretary’s report was presented and a motion was made by Newton to approve the minutes as written.  Cleveland made the second and the motion carried. 


The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $2324.54                                   EMS Days Brat/Burger Fry:  956.00 gross less 255

Savings:           $5031.31                                      for expenses with a profit of $700.39


There are 2 units with outstanding 2016 dues and those are Francis Creek and Valders.

A motion was made by Newton to accept the treasurer’s report as presented and Kiel seconded the motion.


Old Business: 

1.       Contact numbers:  Passed for updates. 

2.       Committee reports:

a.       Radio:  The radio failure was a topic of discussion.  The county is discussing using Code Red at the dispatch level and sending out text messages when the radios are down.  Again a reminder will be sent to the radio committee about documenting the first portable on scene.  There was also discussion about using channel 2 for non-dispatch conversations as well as courtesy using the radios.  Of note, the Cato tower will stay working and live until it fails and then it will not be fixed.

b.       Medical Directors:  Dr.  Martens discussed updating our county protocols. A committee was formed consisting of Theresa, MFD, Dave Murak, Deb H., Jay, and Dr. Martens.  We will get this going soon.

c.       Protocols:  We are looking at active shooter guidelines.  Emergency guidebooks were handed out.  We are also looking at active shooter MABAS cards as a life safety card.  Dr. Martens also stated that our trauma protocols are outdated also.

d.       Finance:  nothing at this time

e.       Disaster:  The active shooter drill later this year will be our drill?  We are working with the county group as a whole. 

f.         Education and training:  There is an EMR to EMT at Fox Valley; Newton is hosting a refresher in Sept. /Oct.  There was also discussion on recertification, licenses, and some other sources of education.  Ray also reported on the renewal process from a state level.  Kiel is also having a refresher 8/30-12/13

g.       LTC:  no update

h.       Dispatch:  no update

i.         Website:  Mark Knier will continue to be our webmaster.  All of Manitowoc County’s MABAS cards are on the website.

j.         JDC:  Texting 911 is now active.  JDC meetings are in January, April, July, November on the first Wednesday of the month.  Theresa Becker is our representative.

k.       MABAS:  EMS should have a life safety card in place.

l.         EMS Week 2017:  The group would like to have the 2017 event at Copps and again do food.  A motion was made by St. Nazianz and seconded by Mishicot.  Motion carried.  Mark Knier to coordinate the booking. 



New Business


1.       Next meeting:  Will be determined in September---Viking/County Rescue Denmark is hosting. 

2.       Attendance: Discussion on getting better attendance.  Ideas shared.

3.       RTAC:  Theresa reported.  5 new rovers came and next week we should be getting equipment from our grant request.

4.       Orange Haz-mat Books:  Were handed out.  You can get more from Jamie Aulik at Mtwc. County Emergency Government.

5.       PAW updates:  Discussion on what PAW is and how it works.  There is/are very nice educational opportunities with this organization and other resources.  Benefits shared.

6.       Regionalization for EMS:  Is this the future?  How soon?  How will it look or work?  Very basic discussion on this topic.

7.       HERC:  Updates shared on what HERC is and is working on.



A motion to adjourn was made by Kiel and seconded by St. Nazianz.



Branch, Cleveland, Collins, Kellnersville, Newton, Silver Creek, St. Nazianz, Mishicot, Valders, Kiel, Reedsville

Absent:  Two Rivers, Two Creeks, County Rescue Denmark, Maribel, Francis Creek


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary