Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                   5-25-2016

Host:  Two Creeks First Responders


The May 25, 2016 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900.  The educational topic was:   Agricultural Emergencies, Farm Equipment, Extrication, Safety, and Recovery.  1900-1935. The Civil Air Patrol then made a presentation on whom and what they are and what they can offer EMS in Manitowoc County.  They can be reached via Manitowoc County dispatch.  1935-2000. Adrianne Ewald of the Salvation Army (Two Rivers office) then made a presentation on who and what the Salvation Army is doing with regard to health care in Manitowoc County.  She encouraged EMS to make any referrals to the Salvation Army Clinic as needed.  2000-2030.


The meeting was resumed after education.  Roll call was taken.  A quorum was present. 


The secretary’s report was presented and a motion was made by Kiel to approve the September, November, January, and April meeting minutes.  A second from St. Nazianz was made.  Motion carried.


The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $2331.35                                   EMS Days Brat/Burger Fry:  956.00 gross less 255

Savings:           $5028.18                                      for expenses with a profit of $700.39


There are 4 units with outstanding 2016 dues and those are for Kiel, Valders, St. Nazianz, and Reedsville.


Old Business: 

1.       Contact numbers:  Passed for updates. 

2.       Elections:  Elections were finally held.  There were no more nominations for Vice president.  A motion was made by Mishicot to close the nominations and a second by Two Creeks.  Ballots were cast with Ben Jeanty= 7 and Theresa = 3.  Congratulations to Ben who becomes our next vice president.  A motion to destroy the ballots was then made by Valders and seconded by St. Nazianz.  For the office of treasurer, there was only one nomination which was Tom Krajnik.  A motion was made by St. Nazianz to close the nominations and have the secretary cast a unanimous ballot for Tom.  Second by Kiel.  Motion carried and Tom remains the treasurer.  As of the next meeting, Lori Krueger will take over as president.  Thanks to Theresa Becker for her work as vice president and then president.  Theresa will keep her positions on the EMD, radio, and JDC steering committees as those are not associated with the office.

3.       Committee reports:

a.       Radio:  The radio failure was a topic of discussion.  The VHF frequencies failed from 0518-0950 but Kiel and City of Manitowoc were OK.  There is a committee working on options and alternatives when/if this happens again.  One option is the phone system of dispatch.  From the steering committee is an update that the “rip and run” sheets will be updated on 6-1-16 and contain more information.  Reminder to fill out the radio information data gathering information sheet you were sent which asks for contact and cell phone numbers for agencies.  MARC one is a repeated channel and MARC 2 is a talk a round.  Please don’t forget that the 800 frequency is our future and hopefully people are budgeting for these.  There is a deal at Motorola now and the information was shared to groups. 

b.       Medical Directors:  no updates

c.       Protocols:  We are looking at active shooter guidelines.  Emergency guidebooks are coming out soon.

d.       Finance:  nothing at this time

e.       Disaster:  The active shooter drill later this year will be our drill.  More on active shooter soon.

f.         Education and training:  If you need something, ask and help will be found.  There is a transition course from EMR to EMT at Fox Valley. 

g.       LTC:  Has options for your educational needs.

h.       Dispatch:  A request to remember and use the SEND protocol for EMS calling in for an emergency otherwise you need to answer all the questions.  The emergency dispatcher’s baskets were loved by all at JDC.  The new hire training is going well. 

i.         Website:  Mark Knier will continue to be our webmaster.   A note was shared that our website was “hacked” and when you logged on one way you got Russian porn.  This has since been fixed and the problem was at the “go daddy” part of our website.  Security has been upgraded, the problem fixed and special thanks to Mark Knier for correcting it rapidly as well as EMS members who notified the appropriate people very quickly.

j.         JDC:  Texting 911 is now active.  JDC meetings are in January, April, July, November on the first Wednesday of the month.  Theresa Becker is our representative.

k.       MABAS:  EMS should have a life safety card in place.

l.         EMS Week:  The EMS day at Copps went very well with much appreciated help and turn out.  This event continues to amaze the public and presents a lot of community education and awareness about what EMS is and does.  Again, thanks to the people who helped. 


New Business


1.       Next meeting:  Will be in Valders for July. 

2.       Attendance: Discussion on getting better attendance.  Ideas shared.

3.       RTAC:  Deb and Theresa are active participants at the RTAC.  We are also working on a grant request which was reported to the group.  More as it evolves.  Updated information was shared.  We got the grant we applied for.

4.       Valders EMS:  Valders ambulance received the “Gold Award” for cardiac care for STEMI patients from the American Heart Association.



A motion to adjourn was made by Valders and seconded by Kiel.



Branch, Cleveland, Kellnersville, Newton, St. Nazianz, Two Creeks, Manitowoc, Mishicot. Kiel, Valders


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary