Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes--corrected              11-16-2016

Host:  Branch First Responders


The November 16, 2016 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900.  The educational presentation was done by MABAS coordinators for Manitowoc County:  Chief Scott Schneider, Bill Manis, Chief Chris Dallas, and Chief Todd Blaser, and Nathan Schleis. They shared a discussion on MABAS and EMS as well as their 2017 goals of joining fire and EMS together better.  A good discussion was had.  They are available as a resource for any EMS agency.  The Manitowoc County EMS mailing group will join the MABAS mailing group.  They are planning on some 2017 active shooter drills also.  0.5 hrs.

Education continued with case reviews by Theda Star Helicopter paramedics with Steve Habelwitz as the lead presenter.  They did case reviews on some local trauma cases with a question/ answer session as well as helicopter landing zones and scene safety.  1.0 hours.


The meeting was resumed after education.  Roll call was taken.  A quorum was present. 


The secretary’s report was presented and a motion was made by Valders to approve the minutes as written.  Kiel made the second and the motion carried. 


The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $2374.54                                  

Savings:           $5034.48                                     


All 2016 dues are paid.  A motion was made by Cleveland to accept the treasurer’s report as presented and Kellnersville seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Old Business: 

1.       Contact numbers:  Passed for updates. 

2.       Committee reports:

a.       Radio:  the 800 frequency saga continues with Mtwc. police and fire going to switch soon.  Two Rivers will switch also.  All operations are on VHF.  Discussions on the 1500’s and 2500’s not being serviced any more by Motorola by 2020.  If people are looking to buy radios, consider digital or dual band.  Valders is using digital.  Kiel is updating in 2017.  Start to budget now as these are expensive.

b.       Medical Directors:  Dr. Nelson would like to know what all EMR agencies are doing for skills.

c.       Protocols:  We are looking at active shooter guidelines via the county and MABAS and to update our county protocols.

d.       Finance:  nothing at this time.  Tom volunteered to help with the tax id.

e.       Disaster:  We are working with the county group for more active shooter drills.  We will contact them ASAP.    Chief Blaser will be talking with Two Rivers police about this.

f.         Education and training:   Francis Creek has a new class for first responders starting in January from 6-10.  All are welcome.

g.       LTC:  New flyer is out.  Discussion on the SIM city and critical care medic update also.  They have a lifepack trainer now.

h.       Dispatch:  Working on a down time policy and protocols using code red possibly.

i.         Website:  Mark Knier will continue to be our webmaster. 

j.         JDC:  Texting 911 is now active.  JDC meetings are in January, April, July, November on the first Wednesday of the month.  Theresa Becker is our representative.

k.       MABAS:  EMS should have a life safety card in place.



New Business


1.       Next meeting:  January meeting in Cleveland.  Discussion on the date which will be 1/18/17 at Cleveland after a motion was made by Branch to change the date due to conflicts.  A second was made by Kiel.  Date changed and the secretary will notify Cleveland.     

2.       First Net:  Discussion on this and possibly having a priority on the cell tower for EMS and fire.  No updates yet.

3.       RTAC:  Theresa reported.  Our equipment is here and will soon be dispensed.  We needed to have all EMS agencies legal with the state which is nearly complete.

4.       WARDS Elite:  There is a new WARDS program coming from the state in the end of 2016.  It will be for everyone.  Training coming.

5.       HERC:  Updates shared on what HERC is and is working on. 

6.       Nominations:  The position of secretary is open.  Nomination for Deb Holschbach was accepted.  The office stays open yet.


A motion to adjourn was made by Kiel and seconded by Kellnersville.



Present: Branch, Cleveland, Newton, St. Nazianz, Two Creeks, Kellnersville, Two Rivers, Mishicot, Valders, Kiel

Absent:   Collins, Reedsville, Francis Creek, Silver Creek, Manitowoc, County Rescue Denmark


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary