Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                    11-19-2014

Host:  Kellnersville First Responders


The November, 2014 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900.  The educational speakers were as follows:   Amy Wergin, Manitowoc County Health Department on Ebola and Manitowoc County EMS Response; Curt Green on the Heroin Epidemic in Manitowoc County and how affects all of us; and Tim Herzog on Manitowoc County Command Post and EMS.  Amy spoke for ½ hour; Green for 1 hour and Herzog for ½ hour.     


The meeting was resumed.  Roll call was taken.  A quorum was present. 


The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given.   A motion to accept the July report as corrected and the September report as written was made by Cleveland and seconded by Two Creeks.  Motion carried.      


The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $2256.61          

Savings:           $5001.16           2014 statements outstanding only agency:  Silver Creek

A motion was made by Cleveland to accept the treasurer’s report as presented and St. Nazianz seconded the motion.  Motion carried.  


Old Business: 

1.       Contact numbers:  Passed for updates. 

2.       Committee reports:

a.       Radio:  Reminder to wait until dispatch acknowledges you before you continue your radio traffic.

b.       Medical Directors:  nothing at this time. 

c.       Protocols:  We are looking to do a reprint soon of protocol books.  First Responders can use narcan if they follow the protocol from the state and fill out all of the papers.

d.       Finance:  Mark Knier is working on our tax exempt status.  No other updates.

e.       Disaster:  There is some interest on a table top drill as well as some concern that if we don’t do an “on hands drill” we are losing an important part of our counties important drills and communications.  More discussion is asked at a department level and brought back.

f.        Education and training:  See new business.

g.       LTC:  Mishicot is hosting a refresher in early 2015.  Please contact them if interested.

h.       Dispatch:  More hires/people leaving.  Hoping to be fully staffed with a stable staff soon.

i.          Website:  Mark Knier will continue to be our webmaster.

j.         EMD Steering committee:  Be sure to send rip and run issues to dispatch ASAP.

k.       MABAS:  Radio drills are almost done

l.         Dispatch:  They are using the “code red” for the upcoming disaster drill.  They continue with staffing challenges.

m.     JDC Board:  We are working on a plan that when and if a channel goes down. 

3.        County ID Tags:  Are available via the website.

4.       State Licensing:  Jay Steuer is coordinating the first responder agencies to finalize everyone’s licensing issues. 

5.       Elections:  After opening nominations again and calling for any other nominations, a motion was made by Mishicot to close the nominations for secretary and have the president cast a unanimous motion for Deb Holschbach for secretary.  A second was from Two Creeks and the motion carried.  Holschbach will remain secretary for the Association.


New Business


1.       Next meeting:  January 28, 2015 at Kiel. 

2.       Blood Drive:  Newton EMS/Fire is hosting a blood drive at the Newton Town Hall on Saturday, Jan. 17 from 0730-1130.  The donations will stay local and your help is needed.  Flyers distributed.

3.       Stryker Cot:  St. Nazianz EMS is looking for a used Stryker cot.  Contact them if you can help.

4.       November meeting:  Motion to always change the November meeting date to 1 week before Thanksgiving was made by Kellnersville.  St. Nazianz seconded this.  Motion carried.

5.       RTAC:  Reminder the RTAC has a list of special needs you can utilize and also they are working with the hospitals also.  They are a great resource for EMS.

6.       Ebola protocol:  There is now a protocol in place for EMS in Manitowoc County.  Please know that no one is to enter a location without the proper equipment/gowns on.  This means that first responders will not be going into these locations but will conduct their assistance from a distance of at least 50 yards from outside the location.  Properly garbed ambulance personnel will respond ASAP.

7.       Thanks:  Thanks to all 3 educational presenters as their information was very good.



Attendance:  Valders, Kiel, Mishicot, Two Rivers, Cleveland, St. Nazianz, Two Creeks, Newton, Kellnersville, Francis Creek, JDC, and Silver Creek

Manitowoc was excused.


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary