Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                1-22-2014

Host:  Branch First Responders


The January, 2014 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900.  The educational speaker was Keri Krause, RN, paramedic who spoke on hypothermia and care of the hypothermic patient.   1900-2000.


The meeting was resumed.  Roll call was taken.  A quorum was present.  The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given.   A correction was made to the November minutes that there were “3” outstanding dues members and a grammar error in the statement about accepting the minutes and Reedsville were missed in the units in attendance.  The minutes will be so amended and then a motion to accept the secretary’s report amended was made by Manitowoc and seconded by Two Rivers.      


The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $826.98             New CD Balance:  $5198.03

Savings:           $960.07             Only 2013 dues are outstanding from Kellnersville yet.

2014 statements are going out in March. 

A motion was made by Manitowoc to accept the treasurer’s report as presented and Kiel seconded the motion.  Motion carried.   


Old Business: 

1.       Contact numbers:  Passed for updates. 

2.       Committee reports:

a.       Radio: Feedback will continue.

b.       Medical Directors:  Nothing at first responder/basic level.  Paramedics working on a few changes with medications.  Dr. Nelson has some issues with the proposed legislation about narcan and the use at a first responder level.  We will watch what happens before making any decisions.

c.       Protocols:  ALS is changing a few medications.  Discussion on epi pens and their costs.  There was some rumor if Dr. Martens will be the new state medical director but she has not been asked.

d.       Finance:  Mark Knier is working on our tax exempt status.  Perhaps we could accept donations from people or agencies.

e.       Disaster:  Silver Creek states they will host a 2014 drill.  MABAS life safety cards for EMS are in progress. 

f.        Education and training:  The RTAC may have monies for educational seminars if you apply.  Dr. Nelson reported that there will be a seminar in June on the 23-25 at the Kahlari again.  Holy Family will also have some education available in 2014. 

g.       LTC:  Sign up early for classes. 

h.       Dispatch:  The new EMS cards come out Thursday.  One person quit but otherwise things are going well.  Reminder to call in as soon as possible after a dispatch issue to resolve it in a timely manner.  Also dispatch will now be saying an alert to which section (stations 1,2,3, or 4) for dispatches for city of Manitowoc.  A reminder was also given about using the SEND protocol when you call into dispatch as an EMS provider and want the “short” version.  You need to say “I’m using the SEND protocol”.  Dispatch also welcomes any observers anytime.

i.         Mutual Aid Agreements: No update.

j.          Website:  Mark Knier will continue to be our webmaster.

k.       EMD Steering committee:  See above.

3.        Defib/trainer:  There was a question if the RTAC might have any funds for this.  Mtwc. Has a lifepack 500 to borrow.

4.       Grants:  Discussion on the group applying for one for defib and trainers.  Todd Blaser to check into.  No update.



New Business


1.       Next meeting:  March 26, 2014 in Cleveland.

2.       EMS Week:  We will be celebrating this Saturday, May 17, 1014 at Copps in Manitowoc.  All EMS agencies are asked to participate. 

3.       EMS Get-together:  Dr. Nelson offered to host the July 2014 meeting at his house with a bon-fire, food, fun and get to know each other.  The offer was accepted and thanks to Dr. Nelson.

4.       2013 year review:  Theresa went over some items we completed in 2013 and one or two which aren’t completely done yet.  The dispatch survey is on hold now as Chief Manis is no longer on that committee. 

5.       St. Nazianz Open House:  January 4, 2014 for the retirement of Chief Koeppen. 

6.       Dates:  3-14-14 St. Nazianz Fish Boil     4-11-14 Mishicot Fish Boil




A motion to adjourn was made by Two Rivers and Branch seconded.  Meeting adjourned.

Next Meeting:  March 26 at Cleveland


Attendance:  Branch, Newton, St. Nazianz, Kellnersville, Valders, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Kiel


Absent: Cleveland, Collins, Francis Creek, Silver Creek, Reedsville, Two Creeks, Maribel, County Rescue—Denmark, LTC, JDC


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary