Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                9-25-2013

Host:  Valders EMS


The September 2013 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900.  The educational speaker was Dr. Todd Nelson from Holy Family who presented “Case Studies You Wouldn’t Believe” filling in for a cancelled speaker.  Special thanks to Dr. Nelson for doing this.  1900-2000.


The meeting was resumed.  Roll call was taken.  A quorum was present.  The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given.   A motion was made to accept the secretary’s report was made by Manitowoc and seconded by Two Rivers.      


The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $688.98             New CD Balance:  $5198.03

Savings:           $959.67             Only 4 2013 dues are outstanding:  Valders, Kiel, Kellnersville, Reedsville.                       

A motion was made by Manitowoc to accept the treasurer’s report as presented and St. Nazianz seconded the motion.  Motion carried.   


Old Business: 

1.       Contact numbers:  Passed for updates. 

2.       Committee reports:

a.       Radio: Still have feedback with no solutions yet.

b.       Medical Directors:  Dr. Nelson spoke on the policies from dispatch about sending EMS to an accident with unknown injury.  We as an Association, presented a guideline to JDC which they showed to the Sheriff.  He chooses to ignore that.  Options for support from the sheriff’s department were discussed for reaching better cooperation.  Suggestions to draft a letter were suggested.  Todd Blaser and Todd Nelson to send ideas of how they see the wording in this letter stated to the secretary for formation of a letter. 

c.       Scope of Practice:  Dr. Nelson spoke on a few issues happening outside of scope of practice.  First Responders cannot cancel an ambulance nor can they “medically clear or screen” someone involved in an incident and decide not to dispatch an ambulance.  Ambulances will always dispatch first responders to a call they are responding too and first responders must also dispatch an ambulance if they are requested to a scene.  There was also the discussion about dealing with physicians on scene of any EMS call.  They may choose to give orders on patient care but then they will assume the direction/treatment of this patient and accompany them to the receiving hospital.  Our preference is that they let EMS do their care with their established protocols.

d.       Protocols:  Committee will be meeting soon.  Reminder of the SEND protocol which the dispatchers released last year.  This is the protocol for calling in an accident and “bypassing” some of the questions.  Please use the words “I’m using the SEND protocol” and then finish giving the required information.  MABAS will not have any changes made until after Jan 2014.

e.       Finance:  Tom will re-send 2013 dues statements to the respective agencies haven’t paid yet.

f.        Disaster:  A committee formed of Kevin Siehr., Theresa Becker., Bill /Todd/Gregg, Mark Busse, and Deb Holschbach will work on updating the Mtwc. County Disaster Plan.  Silver Creek is considering the fall disaster drill.  No updates at this time.  Silver Creek is not interested in doing a drill for 2013.  Volunteers were asked for.  Many thinking about it but no volunteers yet.

g.       Education and training:  Theda Clark had an excellent presentation which led to a discussion about EMS safety in the back of our rescue vehicles or ambulances.  Many good ideas were shared.  A reminder was given that the RTAC has money available to go to conferences relating to EMS.  Also all educational certificates are available on the Manitowoc County EMS website as a reminder.

h.       LTC:  Sign up early for classes.  St. Nazianz is having a first responder refresher on Wednesday nights from 6-9 and they are looking for more people.  Kellnersville & Cleveland’s refreshers are in February 2014 and Two Creeks will be in spring also.

i.         Dispatch:  JDC Survey still pending per Chief Manis.  Dispatch asked if we as EMS units could make a “map” of who uses what helicopter or what each agencies preference are.  More discussion followed with people needing to know who to ask for as people assume flight for life is any helicopter that flies, etc.  Dispatched hired another person and as of this time they are fully staffed.

j.         Mutual Aid Agreements: Agreements are coming due soon.

k.        Website:  Mark Knier will continue to be our webmaster.

3.        Defib/trainer:  St. Nazianz presented tentative costs of $1500-$2100 for a training mannequin.  Then the question is what about a defib trainer as the one that was being used is no longer operational.  Manitowoc brought up the idea of getting a grant for this and Todd B. will look into this.  Discussion about LTC “gift in trade” will also be checked out by Todd B.  No updates.

4.       Grants:  Discussion on the group applying for one for defib and trainers.  Todd Blaser to check into.




New Business



1.       RTAC:  Our RTAC has open positions if anyone is interested in applying.

2.       Next meeting:  Discussion on the meeting date.  It was clarified that is 11/20 at Viking.

3.       Vice president:  This is a 2 year term that turns into the President.  There were no nominations taken and it will remain open.

4.       Treasurer:  This is a two year position also.  Nominations for treasurer were Tom Krajnik who did accept the nomination.  Nominations will remain open.

5.       MTSO:  The sheriff’s department is asking to use our firehouses for bad weather traffic stops, DUI screening.  Fill out the forms if you are interested in your department participating.

6.       Lists:  We are asking for the numbers of each department’s vehicles and we will put that on the Manitowoc County EMS Site.



A motion to adjourn was made by Manitowoc and Two Rivers seconded.  Meeting adjourned.

Next Meeting:  Nov. 20, 2013 at Viking


Attendance:  Valders, Mishicot, Manitowoc, Kiel, Kellnersville, Newton, St. Nazianz, Cleveland, Branch, JDC, Two Rivers

Absent: Viking, Silver Creek, Francis Creek, Reedsville, Collins, Two Creeks


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary