Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                11-20-2013

Host:  County Rescue---Denmark


The November 2013 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900.  The educational speaker was Lt. Shaun Stammes of Eagle 3 who spoke on their air/ground transport program and what they can do in Manitowoc County for EMS/hospital providers:  1900-2000.


The meeting was resumed.  Roll call was taken.  A quorum was present.  The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given.   A motion was made to accept the secretary’s report was made by Manitowoc and seconded by St. Nazianz.      


The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $682.98             New CD Balance:  $5198.03

Savings:           $959.91             Only 2 2013 dues are outstanding:  Valders, Kellnersville, Reedsville.                   

A motion was made by Two Rivers to accept the treasurer’s report as presented and Cleveland seconded the motion.  Motion carried.   


Old Business: 

1.       Contact numbers:  Passed for updates. 

2.       Committee reports:

a.       Radio: Still have feedback with no solutions yet.  Ongoing.

b.       Medical Directors:  Nothing at this time.

c.       Protocols:  Committee will be meeting soon. 

d.       Finance:  Tom will re-send 2013 dues statements to the respective agencies haven’t paid yet.

e.       Disaster:  There was no drill in 2013.  Silver Creek states they will host a 2014 drill.

f.        Education and training:  Training ideas are always available if you need help just contact us.

g.       LTC:  Sign up early for classes.  LTC is increasing their flexibility of how courses are scheduled and offered.  There is a 9 student minimum.

h.       Dispatch:  No updates.

i.         Mutual Aid Agreements: No update.

j.          Website:  Mark Knier will continue to be our webmaster.

k.       EMD Steering committee:  EMD updates are coming.

3.        Defib/trainer:  No updates at this time.

4.       Grants:  Discussion on the group applying for one for defib and trainers.  Todd Blaser to check into.  No update.

5.       MTSO:  The sheriff’s department is asking to use our firehouses for bad weather traffic stops, DUI screening.  Return your forms if you are interested in your department participating.


New Business


1.       Next meeting:  January 22, 2014 in Branch.

2.       Nominations:

Vice president:  Nominations for vice president were taken.  A motion was made for Lori Krueger for vice president which she accepted.  Nominations were then closed.  A motion was then made by Maribel and seconded by Manitowoc for the secretary to cast a unanimous ballot for Lori to be the vice president.  Motion carried.

Treasurer:  Nominations for treasurer were Tom Krajnik who did accept the nomination.  Nominations were closed and Manitowoc made a motion to have the secretary cast a unanimous ballot for Tom to be the treasurer. St. Nazianz seconded the motion and motion carried. 

3.       Heart A Rama:  Brief discussion on what this fund raiser is and how it works supporting healthy hearts in Manitowoc County.



A motion to adjourn was made by Maribel and Branch seconded.  Meeting adjourned.

Next Meeting:  Jan. 22, 2014 at Branch


Attendance:  Branch, Cleveland, Kiel, Manitowoc, Maribel, Mishicot, Newton, Silver Creek, St. Nazianz, Two Rivers, Valders, County Rescue Denmark, LTC, JDC

Absent: Collins, Francis Creek, Kellnersville, Two Creeks


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary