Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                11/28/2012

Host:  Reedsville First Responders


The September 2012 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900 by Vice President Becker.  The educational speaker was Keri Krause, CCRN, EMT-P.  She spoke on hypothermia and treating the EMS patient with hypothermia.  1900-2000. There was also a one hour discussion on EMS and MABAS from 1800-1900 which was a group discussion on what MABAS is, how it works, and how EMS interfaces with it.


The meeting was resumed.  Roll call was taken.  A quorum was present.  The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given.  An error in the treasurer’s report was made by the secretary and the reported checking account balance should read $229.58.  A motion was then made to accept the corrected secretary’s report was made by Manitowoc and seconded by Valders.      


The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $379.58             New CD Balance:  $5182.49

Savings:           $958.72             Collins is the only unit without their 2012 dues paid.                                

A motion was made by Two Rivers to accept the treasurer’s report as presented and St. Nazianz seconded the motion.  Motion carried.   


Old Business: 

1.       Contact numbers:  Passed for updates. 

2.       Committee reports:

a.       Radio: The dead spots are all documented.  We continue to have feedback.  Discussion on sending a letter to the radio people to have the frequency boosted and try to eliminate the over flow from other counties.  Discussion on sending such a letter from the association.  There is a radio at Franks for free. 

b.       Medical Director: Dr. Nelson reports he is going to try to get to each agency to meet with them and help with any of their needs.  He will also be doing some ride alongs with MFD.

c.       Protocols:  No new changes.  Protocol committee to revisit a few protocols and “tweak them” such as when not to start CPR in trauma and calling codes.

d.       Finance:  Nothing new

e.       Disaster:  New triage tags are coming via the RTAC.  More training is also coming.  The RTAC is going to try and get each group a pack.  This is SALT vs. SMART.

f.        Education and training:  Always available if needed by groups.    

g.       LTC:  There is a critical care paramedic program starting in 2/2013.  The transitions are in place for the other EMS levels.

h.       Dispatch:  Hired two new people.  The EMS steering committee is working with dispatch on a way to acknowledge and document the first portable on scene yet.

i.         Mutual Aid Agreements: no updates

j.          Website:  Mark Knier will continue to be our webmaster.   


New Business

1.       Nominations:  Nominations are open for secretary.  So far Deb Holschbach is on the slate of nominees. A motion was made by St. Nazianz and seconded by Branch to close the nominations and have the secretary cast a unanimous ballot for Deb Holschbach for secretary.  Motion carried and Debbie will be the secretary. 

2.        Next meeting: 1/23/13 at 7:00 p.m. at Silver Creek. 


A motion to adjourn was made by Two Rivers and Reedsville seconded.  Meeting adjourned.

Next Meeting:  January 23, 2013 at Silver Creek


Attendance:  Branch, Cleveland, Collins, Kellnersville, Valders, Newton, Silver Creek, St. Nazianz, Mishicot, Manitowoc, Reedsville

Absent: Francis Creek, Maribel, Viking, Kiel, Two Creeks, LTC, dispatch


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary