Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                           11/16/11

Host:  Francis Creek First Responders


The November 2011 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900 by President Knier as his last meeting of his term.  The educational speakers were Dr. Jim Kiyak and Sandy Kiyak RN specking on OB emergencies and emergency childbirth.  Time 1900-2000


The meeting was then resumed.  Roll call was taken.  A quorum was present.  The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given.  A motion was made to accept the secretary’s report was made with one correction on the date of the county disaster drill being 10/1/11 was made by Two Rivers and seconded by Manitowoc.      


The treasurer’s report was submitted and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $53.77                          New CD Balance:  $5166.95

Savings:           $1457.89                       Agencies with outstanding dues for 2011:  Kiel & Maribel

A motion was made by Two Rivers to accept the treasurer’s report as presented was made and Valders seconded the motion.  Motion carried.   


Old Business: 

1.       Contact numbers:  Passed for updates. 

2.       Committee reports:

a.       Radio:  Jeff Beyer was present to report that the radio project is moving along well.  The towers are up and an 12/6/11 JDC will move into their new area and begin operations.  On 3-9-12 the new frequencies are supposed to start coming on line and we will move things over to them over 3 months.  Then we will start shutting down the old stuff and hopefully be done at this time next year.  There was discussion an EMS using Fire Ground Gold for an EMS mutual aid channel instead of the previously discussed channel.  There was a formal motion made by Two Rivers with a second from Mishicot to change the EMS mutual aid channel to FIRE GROUND GOLD which will also be compliant with MABAS.  Motion carried.

b.       Medical Director:  Working with committee to review and update protocols.

c.       Protocols:  Committee continues to work. 

d.       Finance:  The tax ID # will be worked into this area with Knier and Krajnik.  Ongoing.

e.       Disaster:  Cleveland and St. Nazianz would both like to hold disaster drills in 2012.  Committee to work on this.  Mishicot made CD’s of the disaster they held for each department to use as a training tool.

f.        Education and training:  No updates.

g.      LTC:  Nothing new

h.       Dispatch:  Connie reported that statistically they have an average time of 1 minutes and 14 seconds to make the average dispatch out from the time they take the call which is good.  The recent open house for dispatch was well attended.  There are two new employees starting and Kathy will be retiring.  Discussions with some rip and run issues should have cleared up a few more issues and more will improve with updates coming. 

i.        Mutual Aid Agreements:  One remains outstanding yet.

j.         Website:  Mark Knier will continue to be our webmaster.    


New Business

  1. Next meeting:  1/18/2012 at Kellnersville
  2. Nominations:   Nominations were presented for the position of vice president with Theresa Diegel from Mishicot and Kyle Christiansen from Valders.  Nominations were presented for the position of treasurer and Tom Krajnik from Mishicot was nominated and accepted.  Nominations were closed with a motion from Two Rivers and second by Francis Creek.  There was then a motion from St. Nazianz for the secretary to cast a unamious ballot for Tom Krajnik for the position of treasurer.  Second from Two Rivers.  Motion carried.  Congratulations to Tom who is the new treasurer.  Elections were then held for the position of vice president.  Theresa received 7 votes and Kyle 2.  Congratulations to Theresa will now become the new vice president.  Kevin Siehr will now become move into the president position.


  1. Concealed Carry:  The police will not come to a scene to secure a weapon for EMS.  Some ambulance will have lock boxes or special areas and others will make other arrangements.


  1. Accident Scenes:  Discussion on EMS dispatch to accident scenes where injury is unsure because the police are very busy and unable to immediately respondDiscussion on this sometimes delaying getting EMS to the scene of a patient.  Dispatch is looking for a recommendation from our group on how long that we should wait before someone is dispatched to check for injury.  More discussion.  A motion was made by Manitowoc that after 10 minutes if a deputy or other police officer cannot get to a potential injury scene for check for injury they will have the nearest EMS agency sent to check the scene.  This was seconded by St. Nazianz.  Motion carried. 


  1. A motion to adjourn was made by Mishicot and Two Rivers seconded.  Meeting adjourned.


Next Meeting:  January 18, 2012 at Kellnersville


Attendance:  Cleveland, Francis Creek, Kellnersville, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Newton, St. Nazianz, Two Rivers Valders, JDC

Absent: Branch, Collins, Reedsville, Viking, Maribel, Two Creeks, LTC


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary