Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                           9/22/10

Host:  Two Creeks First Responders


The Sept. 2010 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900 by President Knier.  The educational speaker was Bill Manis, City of Manitowoc Fire Chief & member of the Manitowoc County Disaster committee who spoke on our disaster plan and how it works, what the roles are and what they mean. 


Bob Linder from Frank’s Radio was also present and spoke about the new radio system.  He handed out some forms for each agency to review and return.  He states they are working on a schedule for reprogramming for 2011.  He reminds us that all pagers will need to be Monitor 5.  He is also wondering if we want a Manitowoc County EMS Zone set up.


Roll call was taken.  A quorum was present.

The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given.  A motion was made to accept the secretary’s report as written was made by Mishicot and seconded by Valders.  Report accepted.    


The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $547.63             New CD Balance:  $5146.33 projected balance

Savings:           $1456.10           Note:  All 2010 dues are in except for Silver Creek.         

 A motion was made by St. Nazianz to accept the treasurer’s report as presented and Branch seconded it.  Motion carried. 


Old Business: 

1.       Tax ID #:  On going.

2.       EMS Information Binders:  Ongoing.

3.       Contact numbers:  Passed for updates. 

4.       Committee reports:

a.       Dispatch:  Nothing.

b.       Protocols:  CCR protocol is still at the state. & Dr. Nelson will get out the waiver letter soon.    

5.       Finance:   Nothing new.

a.       Disaster:  See new business

b.       Education and training:  2010 seminar ran into two major scheduling issues.  Therefore, the committee decided that that conference will be rescheduled to 3/12/11 in order to bring you the same great conference and the speakers you asked for.  Brochure out by end of October hopefully.    

c.       Medical Director:  HFMMC is developing a hypothermia protocol for post successful cardiac arrests.  He will have a draft out by November to share with us.

6.       Radio:   See previous note from Bob Linder from Frank’s Radio.

7.       By-laws:  Ongoing.  Committee:   Siehr, Holschbach, Knier, Busse.

8.       Mutual Aid Agreement:    Still waiting on Francis Creek, Kiel, Manitowoc, St. Nazianz, Valders and Viking.  Please get this done yet this year. 

9.       Correspondence:   Thank you note from Deb Zupek read.  Also Travis Waack returned business cards for each unit from the Red Cross.

10.   Nominating Committee:  Reports one person on the slate for treasurer so far:  Tom Krajnik.  There were no other nominations from the floor and the nominations will remain open until the next meeting.






New Business

1.       Next meeting:  11/ /10 hosted by Two Rivers

2.       Upcoming Events:

10/31                      Francis Creek Boohyah 11-6

9/26/10                   Two Creeks Fundraiser 12-4

10/23/10      Reedsville Halloween Dance 7:30-12

3.       County Fair:  Manitowoc will bring up in March

4.       EMT Basic:  Ryan spoke that LTC will be changing the pre-requisites for EMT basic because of significant problems.  Now the applicants will be required to fill out back ground checks and health information before classes.  Tell people who are interested to start the process early.

5.       Disaster Drill:  Manitowoc County EMS Association is having a disaster drill on Saturday, Nov. 6th in the evening.  This will include HFMMC and AMC.  It will need the cooperation and participation of every EMS provider in the county to succeed.  We have not drilled in a while and this is very important to everyone to participate.  More details soon but please save the date, look at the plan, consider volunteering to be a major role player (or their assistant).  A sheet was passed around for anyone to sign up for either a copy of Chief Manis’s disaster plan presentation, the disaster plan itself, Haz-Mat books, or WMD books and agencies signed up for what they wanted. 

6.       Portable on Scene:  Discussion about dispatch acknowledging the first portable on scene for EMS calls---either ambulance or first responder and the importance of this for QA.  It is also important to have the “squad or vehicle” on scene also for the time the defib arrives on scene.  A letter to be drafted to dispatch regarding the importance of this.  Note:  Only the very FIRST---portable on scene acknowledges NEWTON FIRST RESPONDERS PORTABLE 10 D ON SCENE. 

7.       First Responders Dispatched when refused by caller:  Again discussion on this issue.  The Manitowoc County EMS Protocol is that the agency is sent with the notification that the caller is refusing first responders and then each agency follows their protocol/guidelines.  This issue to also be addressed in letter to dispatch.


A motion to adjourn was made by St. Nazianz and Branch seconded.  Meeting adjourned.


Next meeting is Nov. 17, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at Two Rivers Fire Station



Attendance:  Branch, Francis Creek, Kellnersville, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Newton, Reedsville, St. Nazianz, Two Creeks, Valders, LTC

Absent:  Cleveland, Collins, Kiel, Silver Creek, Two Rivers, Viking


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary

