Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                           7/28/10

Host:  St. Nazianz First Responders

The July  2010 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900 by President Knier.  The educational speaker was Curt Greene, Manitowoc County Coroner speaking on the role of the coroner, crime scenes, and ways EMS can work with the coroner.    Sargent Andrew Cohlburn with the Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Department was also present and spoke on crime scenes also.

Roll call was taken.  A quorum was present.

The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given.  Three corrections were noted that needed to be changed……..the host of the meeting, the treasurer’s report had an extra 4 I the saving account, and Reedsville was in attendance at the meeting.  With the corrections made, a motion to accept the secretary’s report as it will be corrected was made by Mishicot and seconded by Manitowoc.  Report accepted.    

The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $597.63             New CD Balance:  $5146.33 projected balance

Savings:           $1455.62           Note:  All 2010 dues are in except for Silver Creek.         

 A motion was made by Branch to accept the treasurer’s report as presented and Mishicot seconded it.  Motion carried. 

Old Business: 

1.                   Tax ID #:  On going.

2.                   EMS Information Binders:  Jay will be completing these in the fall winter area.  Ongoing.

      3.         Contact numbers:  Again passed for updates. 

      4.         Committee reports:

a.         Dispatch:  Paul reports everything is back on line after the big power outage.  The new building is progressing on schedule.

b.         Protocols:  CCR protocol is still at the state.  Dr. Nelson & Vogel Schwartz are OK with EMS providers starting this but services would like a cover letter stating this.  Dr. Nelson to handle. 

c.         Finance:   Nothing new.

d.         Disaster:  Our MABAS committee made to work on this including Knier, Siehr, Biely, Holschbach, and Krajnik & or Theresa from Mishicot.   There is also discussion of having a county drill this year yet as HFMMC has an interest and so does Dr. Nelson.  More information to follow.

e.         Education and training:  2010 seminar going well.  More at the next meeting.    

f.          Medical Director:  Dr. Nelson sent a note that no cardiac cath services are available at HFMMC until Monday.  There was also some discussion about what diversions are and why they happen.

g.         Radio:   The radio project is going along nicely.  There is a second chance available for people getting in on grant money.  Get your needs to Jeff Beyer by 8/1/10.

      5.          Web Site:  Get anything to Mark Knier via email. 

      6.         Physician Advisory Updates:  Ongoing.

      7.         By-laws:  Ongoing with adding in the policies to our by-laws.  Committee:  Siehr, Holschbach, Knier.

      8.         Mutual Aid Agreement:    Still waiting on some departments.  Please return ASAP.

      9.         Defib for First Responders:  In process with Deb Holschbach & Anna Lentz taking over this.  Deb           Zupek sent a thank you note for the gift sent for the next meeting.

     New Business

     1.     Next meeting:  9/22/10 hosted by Two Creeks.

    2.    Upcoming Events:

    9/17/10 Branch Fish Boil

    9/10/10 Newton Fish Boil

    8/3/10 Mishicot Bike Ride Host 

    3.   Nominating Committee:  Committee of Bill Manis, Jordan Waack was formed to present a slate for the Nov. Meeting.  Offices open are treasurer

 A motion to adjourn was made by St. Nazianz and Kellnersville  seconded.  Meeting adjourned.


Next meeting is Sept. 22, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at Two Creeks Fire Station

 Attendance:  Branch, Cleveland, Collins, Kellnersville, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Newton, Silver Creek, Two Rivers, Valders, Joint Dispatch, and LTC, Reedsville

 Absent:  Viking, Two Creeks, St. Nazianz, Kiel, and Francis Creek

  Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary
