Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes 3/24/10

Host: Reedsville Responders

The March 2010 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900 by President Knier. The educational speaker was Ms. Kari Krause RN speaking on the elderly & medications.

Roll call was taken. A quorum was present.

The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given. A motion to accept the secretary’s report as printed was made by Mishicot and seconded by Manitowoc. Report accepted.

The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking: $201.42 New CD Balance: $5117.11

Savings: $14455.25 2010 dues statements are here and some were handed out; others to be mailed. A motion was made by St. Nazianz to accept the treasurer’s report as presented was made and Newton seconded it. Motion carried.

Old Business:

1. Website: The site is "". The site is also looking for links & event dates.

2. Tax ID #: In progress. Hopefully done by May.

3. Contact numbers: Again passed for updates.

4. Committee reports:

a. Dispatch: MARC 1 channel is getting some testing done. It will need to be turned on as a repeater frequency to be used for disasters. MARC 1 is ground to ground in disasters: MARC 2 is air to ground for helicopters. Dispatch made a new hire and she has begun the orientation process. Angela & Liz remain our contact people. Dispatch continues to review their task sheets. Recent work showed average of 1 minute 12 seconds to get a dispatch call completed. QA continues.

b. Protocols: CCR will be hopefully started 5-1-2010 and either traditional American Heart Association CPR or CCR will be acceptable protocols in Manitowoc County. Two Rivers is going now. Anyone needing a trainer to teach their department, let us know.

c. Finance: Audit of the books was done with a motion to accept the audit committees report that the books were in order made by Two Rivers and seconded by Viking. Motion carried. Committee thanked for their work.

d. Disaster: Our MABAS committee made to work on this including Knier, Siehr, Holschbach, and Krajnik/Koeppel. There was again discussion on how this can and should help with EMS disasters and mutual aid.

e. Education and training: 2010 seminar committee is Jay Steuer, Mark Busse, Mark Knier, Becky Brandes, Deb Holschbach, and Kevin Siehr. The seminar date is set for 10/2/2010. Sponsors and welcome. LTC reported that they now have EVOC for EMS in place and ready to go. They are also going to have winter EMS seminars for learning and also for use with refresher training. E-licensing is still not working yet but hopeful should be soon.

f. Medical Director: Dr. Nelson reported earlier on some dispatch QA issues, on the ongoing CCR and also now reported that HFM and AMC—TR are working on a hypothermia protocol to be used with successful CCR patients. They are still working but modeling their work after the Wake County 92 hour protocol.

g. Radio: The radio project is going along nicely. This will be a 9 tower system and 95% VHF. The project is also under budget.

5. Common Terminology: ongoing—Siehr to work on.

6. Physician Advisory Updates: Ongoing.

7. By-laws: Ongoing with adding in the policies to our by-laws. Committee: Siehr, Holschbach, Knier.

8. Mutual Aid Agreement: Departments should get signed copies are returned to the secretary of the Manitowoc County EMS Association.


New Business

EMS Week 2010: Committee for EMS Week is Todd Blaeser, Jay Steuer, Randy Reimer, Gary Brandl, Mark Knier, Deb Holschbach, and Kevin Siehr. EMS week is May 16-22. Location will be at Copps in Manitowoc. We need your help!!

Telecommunications Week "Dispatchers": Discussion about again sending our fruit/sausage/cheese/chocolate baskets to dispatch. A motion was made by Two Rivers and seconded by Reedsville to send the 3 baskets---one for each shift to the dispatchers from us and not to spend more than $150 as in the past. Discussion and motion carried. Holschbach and Therese from Mishicot to distribute these and also Kevin if he is not working.

Defibrillation for First Responders in Manitowoc County: Dr. Nelson announced that Deb Zupek will be retiring from this position after 20 years of doing this for the county first responders. Deb Holschbach and Anna Lentz will be sharing the position and replacing Deb Zupek. Discussion on sending Deb Zupek a thank you note and gift was had and a motion was made by Manitowoc and seconded by Mishicot to send her a gift certificate and flowers. Motion carried. Holschbach to follow up.

Paramedic Seminar: Kevin Siehr spoke about the paramedic seminar coming up and invited everyone to attend. Flyers handed out.

Next meeting: 5-26-10 hosted by Silver Creek.

A motion to adjourn was made by Newton and Collins seconded. Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting is May 26, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at Silver Creek Station #1 at

Silver Creek Road & South 19th Streets in Manitowoc


Attendance: Cleveland, Collins, Kellnersville, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Newton, Reedsville, St. Nazianz, Two Rivers, Two Creeks, Valders, Viking, Joint Dispatch, LTC

Absent: Branch, Francis Creek, Kiel, Silver Creek

Submitted: D. Holschbach, secretary