Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                           11/17/10

Host:  Two Rivers Fire & Rescue


The November 2010 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900 by President Knier.  The educational speaker was Theresa Brauer, Manager of Outpatient Care Services speaking on What Can We Do To Expedite Patient Care.  (1900-1930) Discussion about adding lab draws into our protocols.


Roll call was taken.  A quorum was present.


The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given.  A motion was made to accept the secretary’s report as written was made by Kellnersville and seconded by Manitowoc.  Report accepted.    


The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $547.63             New CD Balance:  $5146.33

Savings:           $1456.46           Note:  All 2010 dues are in except for Silver Creek.         

 A motion was made by Two Rivers to accept the treasurer’s report as presented and Manitowoc seconded it.  Motion carried. 


Old Business: 

1.       Tax ID #:  On going.

2.       EMS Information Binders:  Ongoing.

3.       Contact numbers:  Passed for updates. 

4.       Committee reports:

a.       Radio:  Theresa Diegel will be on the interoperations representative.  Scott Schneider talked about some budget issues with the new radio system but for now it is OK and going as scheduled. 

b.        Medical Director:  Dr. Laura was present from Aurora and answered any questions.    

c.       Protocols:  Still waiting for “official CCR” approval and HFMMC is working on a hypothermia protocol for post successful cardiac arrests.

d.       Finance:   Nothing new.

e.       Disaster:  See new business

f.        Education and training:  County sponsored seminar will run in March 2011.  Reminder if you need the committee for an educational opportunity to let us know.

5.       By-laws:  Ongoing.  Committee:   Siehr, Holschbach, Knier, Busse.

6.       Mutual Aid Agreement:    Still waiting on Francis Creek, Kiel, Manitowoc, St. Nazianz, Valders and Viking.  Please get this done yet this year. 

7.       Disaster Drill:  Comments still coming in but while the drill definitely did not go as it was scheduled to occur, there was still a lot of learning that took place.  Disaster committee to meet and go over all data.

Mishicot volunteered to host the 2011 disaster drill!!  Thank you.  We also discussed getting the new state triage tags.

8.       Portable on Scene:  Letter drafted for this and also sending first responders even thought caller refuses them.


New Business

  1. Nominations:  The slate for far is Tom Krajnik for treasurer. There were no other nominations from the floor and the nominations were closed and a motion was made for the secretary to cast a unanimous ballot for Tom.  Motion was made by St. Nazianz and seconded by Newton.  Motion carried.  Congratulations to Tom for accepting the office.
  2.  Next meeting:  1/19/2011hosted by Valders
  3. County Fair:  Manitowoc will bring up in March
  4. MABAS:  Discussion on MABAS set up is going along and how we as EMS can and will add to this program.  More to come.


A motion to adjourn was made by St. Nazianz and Branch seconded.  Meeting adjourned.


Next meeting is Jan. 19. 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at Valders



Attendance:  Cleveland, Kellnersville, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Newton, St. Nazianz, Two Rivers, Viking

Absent:  Branch, Collins, Francis Creek, Kiel, Reedsville, Silver Creek, Two Creeks


Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary

