Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes 1/20/10

Host: Newton First Responders

The January 2010 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900 by President Knier. The educational speaker was Dr. Todd Nelson speaking on CCR and our use of it in Manitowoc County.

Roll call was taken. A quorum was present.

The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given. A motion to accept the secretary’s report as printed was made by Two Rivers and seconded by Newton. Report accepted.

The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking: $206.53 New CD Balance: $5043.91 + 73.20

Savings: $1455.25

A motion was made by St. Nazianz to accept the treasurer’s report as presented was made and Two Rivers seconded it. Motion carried.

Old Business:

1. Website: Mark Knier has taken over the web site and he is looking for the dates of your events. The site is "". The site is also looking for links for your department or can offer you a link if you want one.

2. Tax ID #: Jay Steuer coordinating with the president on what we need to do yet.

3. Contact numbers: Again passed for updates.

4. Committee reports:

a. Dispatch: Our current contact will be Angela Kedrowski 920-683-5033 or Angela reported that there was 1 part time opening for a dispatcher and 99 people applied. Of those 18 passed the entrance test and hopefully they will hire from there. Lori Krueger has started a dispatch newsletter which is being emailed to all departments. The dispatchers request that all agencies identify themselves by department ie……..Newton EMS rather than using a number of a vehicle. Liz will also remain a contact person for EMS concerns.

b. Protocols: The will be some changes coming with CCR and hypothermia hopefully soon. Dr. Laura is actually working on this with Dr. Nelson.

c. Finance: Audit of the books will be done by the March meeting 2010.

d. Disaster: Our MABAS committee made to work on this including Knier, Siehr, Holschbach, and Krajnik/Koeppel. There was again discussion on how this can and should help with EMS disasters and mutual aid.

e. Education and training: 2010 seminar committee is Jay Steuer, Mark Busse, Mark Knier, Becky Brandes, Deb Holschbach, and Kevin Siehr.

f. Medical Director: Covered under protocols.

g. Radio: Mark Busse is resigning as the radio committee member representing EMS and is asking for a replacement from our group. Kevin Siehr is our replacement and if he cannot go Dave Murak has volunteered. We will draft a letter to Nancy Crowley to this effect for her information. Information was shared that Motorola won the bid for doing the radio work for Manitowoc County. The county is working on meeting the budget vs. what the bid came in at as the bid was 2 million dollars over. The date to be done is still 11/2011.

5. Common Terminology: ongoing—Siehr to work on.

6. Physician Advisory Updates: Watch for this to be on the new website.

7. By-laws: Ongoing with adding in the policies to our by-laws. Committee: Siehr, Holschbach, Knier.

New Business

EMS Week 2010: Committee for EMS Week is Todd Blaeser, Jay Steuer, Randy Reimer, Gary Brandl, Mark Knier, Deb Holschbach, and Kevin Siehr. EMS week is May 16-22. Committee to put together our program.

Legislation: Todd Blaeser noted legislation regarding ambulance drivers having to have a DOT approved driving course successfully completed before your could drive an ambulance or EMS vehicle. Discussion of such was had and thoughts shared. Viking proposes that if needed we as an Association send a letter stating we would oppose such legislation. Newton seconded that motion. More discussion led to the fact that while we actually agree to the benefits of the driving courses and would like to see our members take the courses, we just do not want them mandated due to cost and time and wording of the proposed legislation. Motion carried.

Mutual Aid Agreement: Departments were each handed out copies of the Manitowoc County EMS Mutual Aid agreement to take back to the departments and towns/cities to have signed again. It has been quite a while since we did this and we will try to update the agreements every 4 years. Signed copies are returned to the secretary of the Manitowoc County EMS Association.

Next meeting: 3-24-10 hosted by Reedsville.

A motion to adjourn was made by Two Rivers and Newton seconded. Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting is March 24, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at Reedsville.


Attendance: Branch, Cleveland, Francis Creek, Kellnersville, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Newton, St. Nazianz, Two Rivers, Two Creeks, Valders, Viking, Joint Dispatch

Absent: Collins, Kiel, Reedsville, Silver Creek

Submitted: D. Holschbach, secretary
