Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes 3-25-09

Host: Francis Creek First Responders

The March 2009 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1905 by President Siehr. The educational portion of the meeting was held last and the business portion was held first. The speaker was Lee Stadler from Two Rivers Fire Department speaking on the East Twin River Tragedy. Another guest speaker was Lynn Kaminski from the Manitowoc Health Department who spoke on "Safe Place for Newborns" and how it affects EMS. See the notes included.

Roll call was taken. A quorum was present.

The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given. A motion to accept the secretary’s report as printed was made by St. Nazianz and seconded by Mishicot. Report accepted.

The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking: $573.60 New CD Balance: $5043.91

Savings: $2453.07

Note: One outstanding dues remains for 2008 and it is Valders. 2009 statements were distributed.

A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented was made by Newton and seconded by Manitowoc. Report accepted.

Old Business:

1. Website: Soon to be finalized. It is "" or "".

2. Woodland Drive: Nothing more until it is being fixed. Siehr to follow.

3. Letterhead: Kevin Siehr almost done. Kevin is looking for some type of catchy "serving you proudly since 1990" or something saying for on the bottom of the letterhead. Send all ideas to Kevin. Association to give out $25 gift card to winner of catchy slogan. Siehr and Krajnik to determine. Holschbach is tie breaking vote if needed. Submit ASAP.

4. Contact numbers: Again passed and some changes made.

5. Committee reports:

a. Dispatch: "SEND" protocol cards have been ordered and will be used by everyone police, fire, and EMS when requesting an ambulance. Dispatch will be mailing to everyone and let them know exactly how many little cards you would like for your agency. This should help the issues with requesting an ambulance by radio, phone, or the police issues. On 4-3-09 dispatch will begin regularly sending out the "stand by for a call Cleveland First Responders" message at the very start of an EMS call. This will be done for all EMS agencies and then the normal two pages after dispatch has finished the EMD cards. Everyone was also invited to come to dispatch and observe the daily operations at any time.

b. Protocols: Some changes are coming at the paramedic levels like no more morphine for CHF, raceimic epi for Valders for smoke inhalation, and some pain medication changes.

c. Finance: Nothing new.

d. Disaster: Disaster trailer here for everyone to see. Donations are always welcome. Bill Manis made a motion to put labeling onto the trailer as it is owned by the Association. He further stated he would get the lettering done. The motion was seconded by Newton. Discussion was had and the motion was carried. Manis, Kadow, and Siehr to make the trailer look good with our name and logo on it.

e. Education and training: Ryan from LTC was not present but sent a report stating Bob Page would be speaking at LTC on 8/28/09 and 8/29/09 for a two day seminar. He is an excellent speaker. Another name suggested was Brent Meyers on induced hypothermia for post cardiac arrest victims. More to follow.

f. Medical Director: Dr. Nelson sent an email with no significant updates today.

g. Radio: Discussion on PAR checks for EMS. Vote to happen in May. Talk to your people about what you think of this. Two Rivers stated they have new radios which have the ability to serve as a "tag radio" with a panic button on them.

6. Tax ID Number: Tom will get this organization their own tax ID number.

7. EMS Data Base: Ryan is not here and the committee: Busse, Holschbach, and Siehr has no further information.

8. EMS Week: Will be May 17-May 23 with a kick off event at Wal-Mart on Saturday, May 16th. . Knier (chairperson), Siehr, Holschbach, and Reimer to be committee. Bill Manis will get a Manitowoc County EMS banner made. Two helicopter visits are booked and more exciting things to follow. Get your department pictures to Holschbach ASAP. Bill Manis has a large flat screen projector for showing our power point presentation. Thanks!

9. EMS Seminar: Date set for Saturday, Oct. 3, 2009. Holschbach, Busse, Becky (Valders), Knier, and Jay (Branch) committee. Several speakers booked. More to follow but mark your calendars!

10. County ID Tags: Reminder to get everyone in your group a picture. Contact Two Rivers or emergency government for the forms to send along with the pictures to Two Rivers. Mailing a flash drive worked great for St. Nazianz.

11. Informational Binders: Jay (Branch) reports that the fire association is making binders for all territories with water fill sites, potential landing zone sites, roads, etc. They will be working with EMS and sharing the information with EMS as we work together. Watch for forms soon and send them back!

12. Physician Advisory Updates: Kevin has not heard back from Chuck from the state. More next meeting.

New Business:

1. Dispatchers (Telecommunicators) Week Celebration: While originally stated at the meeting as the first week of April, it was since clarified as April 12-18. Discussion on what we as an organization would like to do for the dispatchers. A motion was made by Manitowoc and seconded by Cleveland to send each shift (3) of dispatchers a basket of treats similar to last years with fruit, cheeses, sausage, crackers, and chocolate in it. Cost of baskets is approximately $50 each. Discussion and the motion was called and passed. Holschbach to coordinate and deliver.

2. Viking Rescue: Denise from Viking gave a little update on their new status. While Viking Rescue has merged with County Rescue, they will remain staffing their Denmark station and will remain an "intermediate" service. They have expanded their service area a little. They will still attend our Manitowoc County Meetings as they are still a part of our county also. Their supervisor is Capt. Larry Ullman at County Rescue. Phone Number: 469-9779 ext. 105; fax: 469-9777. His email address is :

3. Upcoming Events: Valders is hosting a brat fry 5-1-09 and will deliver for 1st or 2nd shifts. They are also having a "fall fest" on 9-12-09 and a fish boil this Friday.

4. Radio Updates: Question was raised about what is going on with the radio survey/plan. Anyone with questions was encouraged to call Jeff Beyer by Bill Manis.

5. Two Creeks: Is having some problems with the state and getting their plan through. Holschbach and Manis to help.

6. GEMS Class: Cleveland is having a GEMS class (geriatric emergency management class) on Thursday’s beginning 4-23-09. They have room for guests to sign up and attend. Talk to Diane.

7. Manitowoc County Water Rescue: Jay Steuer reports that there are some people from Branch, Valders, and other departments interested in starting a Manitowoc County Water Rescue class. They are just attending some schooling and are looking at a start date in 1 year or so but interested people should contact Jay ASAP.

8. Common term: Kevin Siehr questioned if there is one name for an ambulance under NIMS. He discussed EMS and how great we work together and provide mutual aid for one another and was concerned about the difference in terms we have for our ambulances in Manitowoc County. He will research the answer to his own question and get back to us.


A motion to adjourn was made by St. Nazianz and seconded by Reedsville. Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting is May 27, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at Kellnersville Fire Station.


Attendance: Branch, Cleveland, Collins, Francis Creek, Kellnersville, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Newton, Reedsville, St. Nazianz, Reedsville, St. Nazianz, Two Creeks, Two Rivers, Valders, Viking, JDC

Absent: Kiel, Silver Creek, LTC



Submitted: D. Holschbach, secretary


Safe Place For Newborns:

Reminder information shared to all EMS and fire providers:

Anyone can bring you a baby up to 72 hours old (hard to officially tell age remember) and just give the child without any legal problems

You have to take the child and then provide the appropriate EMS care and call 911 or transport it to the closest hospital

You may actually be called to a location and given the child also

You all should have the "baby information packets" which you should attempt to give to the person giving you the child. If you need more of these, contact the Health Department. These envelopes contain a form for the birth mother to fill out and send back to the hospital for a health history on the baby, some information on care for her, and an envelope.

Try to keep the situation as low key as possible to avoid a lot of media attention.

Manitowoc County was the first county to have someone use the program and has had 6 such cases so far. The health department also has $4 fluorescent vests for night walkers. If you want any of the posters or envelopes, contact Kevin Siehr with the quantity you want for your department.


Lynn Kominski, Manitowoc County Health Department, (920) 683-4155.