Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                        11-18-09

Host:  Mishicot Area Ambulance


The  Nov.  2009 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900 by President Siehr.  The educational speaker went last and was Jake Funk from Mishicot EMS speaking on EMS Incident Command and what it means. 


Roll call was taken.  A quorum was present.

The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given.  A motion to accept the secretary’s report as printed was made by Kiel and seconded by Cleveland.  Report accepted.    


The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $2160.53                                   New CD Balance:  $5043.91

Savings:           $1954.91

A motion was made by Newton to accept the treasurer’s report as presented was made and Manitowoc seconded it.  Motion carried. 



Old Business: 

1.         Website:  A new man at the helm and Mark Knier has taken over.  See draft presented.  Ideas to Mark.  The site is “”.  A listing of everyone’s functions and dates will be included by you need to get Mark the dates.  Send information to

2.         Tax ID #:  Jay Steuer to get a form from Kate Reynolds to help us. 

3.         Contact numbers:  Again passed for updates.  Request to redo email group and that will be done.

4.         Committee reports:

a.         Dispatch:  Connie reported on changes at dispatch and Brian is gone.  They aren’t sure who will be the EMS contact for now.  EMD steering committee is looking at seizures and may change the dispatch priority on this.  The second week of December will see Viking switch to main dispatch out of Brown County and county fire in Manitowoc.

b.         Protocols:  The will be some changes with King LT airways entering into protocols, CCR is coming 1/1/2010, hypothermia protocol ongoing, and there was some discussion on how to roll these out.  More information to come.    

c.         Finance:   Nothing new.

d.         Disaster:  Shelf work remains with Gary Brandl to do when he can.  Discussion of Nancy Crowley wanting everyone’s mutual aid agreements.  The agreements will remain with Manitowoc County EMS Association and a blank copy of the agreement was given to Nancy.  Discussion of people who want copies for their MABAS work and those will be provided.  This led to the discussion of MABAS for EMS which a meeting is coming up at Branch on 12-16-09 at 1900.  Committee made to work on this including Knier, Siehr, Holschbach, and Krajnik/Koeppel.

e.         Education and training:  There will be education rolled out from Manitowoc County EMS Association on CCR and also there was a discussion on whether or not to do another EMS seminar.  A motion was made by St. Nazianz and seconded by Viking to do the seminar in 2010 and to hold it on the same weekend.  Committee team of Jay Steuer, Mark Busse, Mark Knier, Becky Brandes, Deb Holschbach, and Kevin Siehr to work on this. 

f.          Medical Director:  CQI forms handed out to see.  2010 push will be on CQI and the collection of data with feedback from our directors.

g.         Radio:   Nothing new right now. 

5.         Common Terminology:  ongoing—Siehr to work on.

6.         Physician Advisory Updates:  Watch for this to be on the new website.

7.         Information Binders:  Jay Steuer from Branch is the coordinator.  Project in development.


New Business

  1.  EMS Meeting Dates:   2010 meeting dates were chosen as: 1-20-10, 3-24-10, 5-26-10, 7-28-10, 9-22-10, and 11-17-10 using the old format of the 3rd Wednesday of the month. 
  2. Nominations:  The offices of secretary and vice president are open for nominations.  Final nominations were taken from the floor.  People running for secretary were Deb Holschbach.  A motion from Cleveland was made for the secretary to cast a unanimous ballot and Manitowoc seconded this.  Deb is your new secretary.   Kevin Siehr was a candidate for Vice president and Todd Blaser declined the nomination leaving only Kevin.  A motion was made by Manitowoc to have the secretary cast a unanimous ballot for Kevin as Vice president.  St. Nazianz seconded the motion.  Motion carried and Kevin in your new Vice President.  Therefore, your 2010 slate of officers is:  Mark Knier, president, Kevin Siehr, vice president, Deb Holschbach, secretary, and Tom Krajnik treasurer. 
  3. 2010 EMS Conference:  Covered previously under education
  4. Dispatch staff changes:  Covered previously under dispatch
  5. MABAS:  Covered under disaster previously.
  6. Bylaws:  Mark completed retyping the bylaws and they will be on the web site.  But a discussion was had because we have many “policies” which need to be added onto the by-laws.  Committee of Knier, Siehr, and Holschbach to bring something back to this group soon.
  7. LTC:  Just a reminder from Kevin that LTC is requesting 12 people to be in a class.
  8. Outgoing president moment:  Kevin Siehr reported he had a lot of fun being the president, liked getting the jobs done, and then thanked the group for all of their work.  Thanks Kevin!
  9. Next meeting:  1-20-10 hosted by Newton.


A motion to adjourn was made by St. Nazianz and Manitowoc seconded.  Meeting adjourned.


Next meeting is January 20, 1020 at 7:00 p.m. at Newton.



Attendance:  Branch, Cleveland, Collins, Francis Creek, Kellnersville, Kiel, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Newton,  St. Nazianz, Valders, Viking, Joint Dispatch

Absent:  Reedsville, Silver Creek, Two Creeks, LTC



Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary

