Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes 9-24-2008

Host: Branch First Responders

The September 2008 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1903 by President Siehr. The business portion of the meeting was held first and the educational portion was held after. The speaker was Jody Nielson who spoke on Flight For Life and their helicopter information.

Roll call was taken. A quorum was present.

The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given. A motion to accept the secretary’s report as printed was made by St. Nazianz and seconded by Reedsville. Report accepted.

The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking: $323.60 New CD Balance: $5000.00

Savings: $1950.17

Note: Four outstanding dues remain for 2008 are Manitowoc, Reedsville, Silver Creek, and Valders.

A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented was made by Branch and seconded by Silver Creek. Report accepted.

Old Business:

1. Website: It is "" or "". Dr. Nelson would like the protocols on the website and they will be added as a link.

2. MFD Dive Team: Still unavailable and removed from old business. MFD to notify if and when available.

3. Committee reports:

a. Dispatch: Updates on the change to the NIMS compliant wording of ALPHA, BRAVO, CHARLIE, DELTA, ECHO wording. There have been some glitches but it is going well. Discussion on test calls and they will happen except when an agency is actively out on a call during that time frame. Long discussion on the PAR checks (giving 15 minute time references out at EMS calls). A committee was formed of Lori Krueger (St. Nazianz), Debbie (Newton), Mark Busse (Valders), Dave Murak (Two Rivers), and Jordan Waack (Branch) to look more into if EMS wants this, how we would want it, or if we aren’t interested. Agencies to talk to their people and get back to the committee. Paul Hacker asked that if agencies are having dispatch issues to contact him. There was some discussion about inappropriate language being heard over county fire (swearing) and a reminder to everyone that this is not acceptable language for any time. Agencies are asked to remind their members of this. A reminder from dispatch that they only need to have the FIRST UNIT OUT and LAST UNIT BACK IN for their records. They realize that agencies often call out each vehicle but they will not be acknowledged----that is OK from our discussions as agencies often us this to ensure all units are out. Issues or concerns with dispatch calls or times should be directed to Paul.

b. Protocols: The STEMI and stroke protocol work continues. Valders has an approved STEMI protocol. Reminder from Dr. Nelson that recognizing a stroke and getting the patient appropriate help in the 3 hour window is critical. There was also discussion on where a stroke should be transported to and currently Dr. Nelson reports that Theda Clark has the only 24/7 ---365 neurologist/neurosurgeon. St. Vincent’s and Bay Care share with a hospital in Milwaukee. There was also discussion on permissive hypothermia and more will be coming on that later.

c. Finance: Nothing new.

d. Disaster: Discussion on whether we are interested in doing a mini fall disaster drill in the southern end of Manitowoc County and then one in the northern end. Groups are to respond to Deb Holschbach or any member of the disaster team if they are interested. Updates are being undertaken on the disaster plan by the committee at this time.

e. Education and training: Brian Litza from the state EMS office will be coming to the November meeting.

f. Medical Director: Dr. Nelson reported under the protocol committee and also reported here that EMD steering committee is meeting and reviewing the EMD calls for their appropriateness. If you have a call you want reviewed, please contact Dr. Nelson or Mark Busse, or Mark Juul with the information.

g. Radio: Discussion the surveys from the county. There should be more information out soon.

4. By-law change: The last reading of the proposed by law was read at the meeting. A voice vote from each organization was taken and the by-law change was unanimous.

5. Contact sheets: Passed around again for updates.

6. Two Creeks First Responders: No one present. Kevin reports going well.

7. Woodland Drive: Kevin Siehr gave an update that the city of Two Rivers is approving some changes for 2009. Kevin continues to work with the other agencies involved.

8. State Medical Director: nothing and will remove for now.

9. EMS Line of Duty: Information will be on the website for this.

10. CO Monitor: No information available.

11. Drug Recognition: Flyers for a drug recognition seminar presented.

12. 12 Lead EKG Transmissions: Action slow. Siehr to follow up.

New Business:

1. LTC EMS/Fire Director: Ryan here from LTC and introduced himself. He also spoke about the new EVOC that LTC is working on and how EMS can use this. Ryan’s information is being added to our contact sheet. LTC asked for support from this organization to the state of Wisconsin for this program. A motion from St. Nazianz was made to send a letter of support to the state for LTC to pursue the EVOC project. A second from Two Rivers was made. Discussion followed and motion carried. Kevin to draft letter.

2. MFD: Tim Veith introduced himself and will be an alternate for the city of Manitowoc at some of the meeting.

3. MABAS: Mutual Aid Box Alarm System was explained by Chief Kevin Timm from the city of Two Rivers. He explained that this is a form system of mutual aid for agencies which can be used for fire and EMS. The group received a lot of information about this and some discussion was had. Chief Timm predicts within that in the future, we will have a united fire/ems agency for Manitowoc County. Groups are asked to take this idea back to their groups and look up more information at the following websites: MABAS Wisconsin and MABAS. More information and discussion at the next meeting if this or some type of program like this could work for Manitowoc County. MABAS is the state of Wisconsin mutual aid program of record.

4. Announcements: Typed and added as attachments to the minutes. Cleveland First Responders are looking at forming an explorer’s group for EMS.

A motion to adjourn was made by Silver Creek and seconded by Two Rivers. Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting is November 26, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. at Cleveland Fire Station.


Attendance: Branch, Cleveland, Collins, Manitowoc, Silver Creek, Mishicot, Two Rivers, Newton, Reedsville, Valders, Viking, Joint Dispatch, St. Nazianz, LTC

Absent: Kellnersville, Francis Creek, Kiel, Two Creeks

Submitted: D. Holschbach, secretary