Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes 7/23/2008

Host: Viking Rescue

The July 2008 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1904 by President Siehr. The business portion of the meeting was held first and the educational portion was unfortunately cancelled due to a death in the speaker’s family.

Roll call was taken. A quorum was present.

The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given. A motion to accept the secretary’s report as printed was made by Newton and seconded by Manitowoc. Report accepted.

The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking: $323.60 New CD Balance: $5000.00

Savings: $1950.17

Note: Four outstanding dues for 2008 are Manitowoc, Reedsville, Silver Creek, and Valders.

A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented was made by Newton and seconded by Manitowoc. Report accepted.

Old Business:

1. Website: Mostly done and should be completed by next meeting. Reminder it is "" or "".

2. MFD Dive Team: Still unavailable. Remember Manitowoc County is available serving primarily as recovery.

3. Committee reports:

a. Dispatch: Presentation on the changes to NIMS compliant wording of ALPHA, BRAVO, CHARLIE, DELTA, ECHO wording. Delta and echo are emergency responses and "Charlie" will be non-emergency for Manitowoc and Two Rivers while in the county it will remain an emergency response at this time. Plan to start 8-4-08.

b. Protocols: The STEMI and stroke protocol work continues. Dr. Nelson is the protocols back on line. They will be on our website also. No answer from the state on the nausea and vomiting protocols.

c. Finance: Nothing new.

d. Disaster: Watch for something soon. Discussion about the grants available from the federal government but we would needs to have MABAS in place which we do not and the county has no plans to do so at this time. Updates are being undertaken on the disaster plan by the committee at this time.

e. Education and training: Brian Litza from the state EMS office will be coming to one of our meetings. Kevin Siehr arranging.

f. Medical Director: No director available.

g. Radio: Discussion about filling out the surveys from the county. It is very important that we submit our input. .

4. By-law change: The second reading of the proposed by law was read at the meeting.

5. Contact sheets: Passed around again for updates. Reminder to let someone know about changes in emails we are currently getting 10-12 emails back as "bad".

6. Two Creeks First Responders: Two members present and welcomed to the group. Their contact information is added to the county sheet.

7. Woodland Drive: Kevin Siehr gave and update of things so far. Input from this group suggested that now is the time to push the issue and Kevin, Bill Manis, and Tom Krajnik, and Mark Busse are going to give ambulance rides to the member of this committee and Kevin is trying to arrange a meeting at AMC of this group to work out their issues. Bill Manis made the official motion "to get these players together now to try and resolve this issue". Motion seconded by Viking. Motion carried.

8. State Medical Director: We continue to watch this position. Currently Brian Litza from the state is coming to our November meeting. We will also invite Sheboygan County to this meeting. There was discussion about very good information being shared at WI office of Rural Health meetings. Mark Busse to attend. This information is on a website and Mark Busse will get this website and pass the site along to others.

9. EMS Line of Duty: The state has an honor guard all ready set up. We will also get the website for this.

New Business:

1. CO Monitor: Discussion about some carbon monoxide training. There is a mini seminar at HFM on 7/30/08 at Noon. Everyone is welcome. This is about cyanide secondary to smoke in fires. We are discussing possibly getting some type of "gas monitor" which would be kept at a central location and used by agencies as needed. Valders researching information.

2. Drug Recognition: Flyers for a drug recognition seminar presented. Also list made for anyone interested in the book written by Joe Kiel made. Very good resource for EMS.

3. 12 Lead EKG Transmissions: Discussion about what happened to this plan. Kevin Siehr to follow up with hospitals and medical director.

4. Twenty Minute Notification: Currently dispatch gives all fire units a "20 minute on scene notification". Discussion if we would like that for EMS calls also. It was decided that we would like this. Paul Hacker to follow up.

5. Protocol Book: Two Creeks will need a protocol book. One will be obtained for them.

6. Educational flyer: Sheboygan educational date shared.

7. Flight for Life: Will be going live out of Fondulac 8/4/08.

Next meeting is Sept. 24, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. at Branch Fire Station.

Motion to adjourn by Cleveland and seconded by Viking.


Attendance: Cleveland, Collins, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Two Creeks, Two Rivers, Newton, Reedsville, Valders, Viking, Joint Dispatch

Absent: Branch, St. Nazianz, Silver Creek, Kellnersville, Francis Creek, Kiel

Submitted: D. Holschbach, secretary