Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes 5/28/2008

Host: Valders Ambulance/EMS

The May 2008 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900 by Vice- President Knier. President Siehr is excused. The business portion of the meeting was held first and the educational portion was provided by Dr. Todd Nelson on Toxin Case Reviews.

Roll call was taken. A quorum was present.

The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given. A motion to accept the secretary’s report as printed was made by St. Nazianz and seconded by Valders. Report accepted. Note: Agencies not represented for the past 2-3 meetings will have their minute folders and information mailed to them.

The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking: $417.83 New CD Balance: $5000.00

Savings: $1936.61

A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented was made by Cleveland and seconded by Collins. Report accepted.

Old Business:

1. Website: Still in progress. Reminder it is "" or "". Kevin Siehr and Mark Busse continue to work on this.

2. MFD Dive Team: Still unavailable. Remember Manitowoc County is available serving primarily as recovery.

3. Committee reports:

a. Dispatch: Paul Hacker stated that dispatch is working on EMD updates and also working with the "emergency/non-emergency code words" with the EMS team. He also questioned what to do with instances where callers request "no first responders". He was referred to the Manitowoc County policy of dispatching the appropriate agency, notifying them of the caller’s request for no first responders, and then letting the responding first responder agency handle it according to their protocols.

b. Protocols: There is an amended "nausea and vomiting" protocol which hasn’t received state approval but is out there. Work on the STEMI and stroke protocols continues. All protocols that are done were on line but dropped off HFMC’s web site and Dr. Nelson is getting that fixed.

c. Finance: Nothing new except as reported above…..CD was formed.

d. Disaster: No updates yet.

e. Education and training: Brian Litza from the state EMS office will be coming to one of our meetings. Kevin Siehr arranging.

f. Medical Director: Dr. Nelson reports work on the EMD system using the code words of Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, and Echo responses instead of the old traditional emergency vs. non-emergency dispatch responses. The committee is still looking at the final details of this and then each agency will set their protocols on response type from this dispatch. More information to follow. Dr. Nelson also spoke about the Med Flight helicopter crash and the status of Med Flight.

g. Radio: There was a consultant being hired by Manitowoc County to put together our county wide radio plan. Discussion

was had and this group made a motion to send out a statement that we "would like to see the best candidate hired to complete this job" and not necessarily the most cost effective person. Motion made by Manitowoc and seconded by Mishicot.

4. EMS Week: Wow, it really went well with an awesome participation of agencies in Manitowoc County, rescue vehicles, and people. It was held on Saturday, May 24 from 8:00 until 2:00 at Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart was very happy and the people who saw us have expressed many positive comments that we have heard both that day and since in the community. Special thanks to everyone who helped!!

5. Donation to First Responders: Lori Krueger from St. Nazianz First Responders distributed a cash gift of $111.00 to each first responder agency. This money is a specific gift to the First Responder agencies in Manitowoc County from the Lions of Zone 3. They understand that First Responders do not bill the people they care for and wanted to give these agencies/people a gift. Wow---thanks to the Lions and Lori and Mary from St. Nazianz for obtaining the funding and distributing it.

6. Medical Director Gifts: Bill Manis and Tom Krajnik completed their jobs of getting plaques and gift certificates for our two medical directors, Dr. Laura and Dr. Nelson and the gifts were given to Dr. Nelson on our meeting night. Dr. Laura had to work and her gift was very graciously delivered by Tom Krajnik and the Mishicot Crew. Thanks to Bill and Tom for their work as well as our great directors.

7. Kiel Ambulance Request: There was a request made by Kiel ambulance at a meeting they attended with Dr. Nelson, Valders ambulance and Manitowoc Ambulance. The request was for one first responder form for all agencies. Discussion was held on this request and there was no action taken as the group would like to see Kiel participation in Manitowoc County EMS.

8. Dispatch Week Update: The dispatchers were sent combination baskets containing fruit, cheese, sausage, and crackers for each shift. Lori Krueger reported that the gifts were very well received.

9. By-law change: The first draft of the proposed by law was read at the meeting.

New Business:

1. Contact sheet: Sent around for corrections and additions.

2. Two Creeks First Responders: Were not present but know that they are welcome. They are being mailed information and emails.

3. Woodland Drive Issue: Kevin Siehr presented a letter formed by a committee of Manitowoc County EMS providers which they are hoping to use to make some changes on Woodland Drive. See attached. There was a motion made by Valders and seconded by Mishicot to endorse this project and lend our support to the efforts. Kevin Siehr, Mark Busse, and Tom Krajnik will continue to work on this.

4. State Medical Director: Mark Busse reported that Dr. Martens has now been relieved from her interim duties as the state of Wisconsin medical director and an appointment from the governor brings in a new medical director. Unfortunately this medical director is not very familiar with EMS in Wisconsin and there are significant concerns around that he will try to have Wisconsin model the national curriculum which only has EMT’s and paramedics and contains no provisions for first responders, EMT-I, EMT-I tech, etc. Mark Busse will be working with a committee to keep Wisconsin the way we are or better. This organization completely and strongly support Mark in this effort and are watching closely the future.

5. CO Monitor: Tabled at this time. Future discussion at the next meeting.

6. EMS Death in the Line of Duty: There is a county committee looking at forming to address line of duty deaths and a county protocol. More to come.

Motion to adjourn with a motion by St. Nazianz and second by Cleveland.


Attendance: Branch, Cleveland, Collins, Kellnersville, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Newton, Reedsville, Silver Creek, St. Nazianz, Valders, Viking, Joint Dispatch

Absent: Francis Creek, Kiel, Two Creeks, Two Rivers

Next Meeting: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at Viking

Speaker on

Infectious Diseases & Germs---

What's out there?

What can we Do About it?

Why should we care?

---The EMS Perspective


Directions: Take I-43 to the Maribel exit and go right at McDonald’s. Go ½ mile south to just past the water tower and there is the building on the right or west side of the road.

Submitted: D. Holschbach, secretary