Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes 3/26/2008

Host: Two Rivers Fire/EMS


The March 2008 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900 by President Siehr. The business portion of the meeting was held first and the educational portion was provided by Curtis Green, Manitowoc County Coroner who spoke on what the coroner does, and what they have to offer EMS.

Roll call was taken. A quorum was present.

The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given. A motion to accept the corrected report was made by Newton and seconded by Manitowoc. Report accepted.

The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as "the same as January 2008" which was as follows:

Checking: $958.44

Savings: $6,927.88

A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented was made by Newton and seconded by St. Nazianz. Report accepted.

Old Business:

1. Website: Still in progress. Reminder it is "" or "". Kevin Siehr and Mark Busse continue to work on this.

2. MFD Dive Team: Still unavailable.

3. Calendar of Meetings: were distributed. President Siehr to extend the invitation to Two Creeks.

4. Mtwc. Tim Veith Update: Manitowoc reports that Tim is back at work part time.

5. Committee reports:

a. Dispatch: Paul Hacker stated that dispatch has just started the "no police sent" to EMS calls at nursing homes and clinics and so far---so good. He also questioned what to do with instances where callers request "no first responders". There is discrepancy between the dispatchers on what to do. He was referred to the Manitowoc County policy of dispatching the appropriate agency, notifying them of the caller’s request for no first responders, and then letting the responding first responder agency handle it according to their protocols.

b. Protocols: There is an amended "nausea and vomiting" protocol which hasn’t received state approval but is out there. Work on the STEMI and stroke protocols continues. All protocols that are done are on line.

c. Finance: 2008 dues statements are here tonight. Agencies not present will get them mailed. Changes to the CD will happen before the next meeting.

d. Disaster: No updates yet. Will be having spring meeting soon to go over potential disaster plan changes.

e. Education and training: Brian Litza from the state EMS office will be coming to one of our meetings and so will DR. Martens, the new State of Wisconsin EMS Director. She may be attending the Valders meeting in May.

f. Medical Director: Dr. Nelson was unable to attend. His email was read to the group. See attachment.



New Business:

1. EMS Week: Discussion on what to do for EMS week. Discussion and decision to put something together at Wal-Mart if possible for all EMS agencies to participate in. Knier to call Wal-Mart. Mark Knier, Randy Reimer, Kevin Siehr, Deb Holschbach to work on this and notify others ASAP. We will look at a Saturday morning of either May 24 or May 14.

2. Contact sheet: Sent around for corrections and additions.

3. Donation: Lori Krueger from St. Nazianz presented a $1000 check from Region 1, Zone 3 of the Lions who donated this money to the Manitowoc County First Responder groups. This money was raised from the tickets that the Lions collect at the Manitowoc County Fair.

4. Medical Director Gratuity: Bill Manis stated that the committee met and is recommending something for the medical directors. Discussion was had and with a motion from Branch stating: Manitowoc County EMS Association purchase plaques of appreciation and $100 chamber bucks for Dr. Nelson, and plaque and $100 Fleet Farm for Dr. Laura Vogel-Schwartz. A second from St. Nazianz and motion carried. More discussion. Bill Manis to coordinate the plaques, Tom Krajnik to coordinate the chamber bucks and Fleet Farm. Gifts to be given out at / on EMS week.

5. Kiel Ambulance: Kiel Ambulance apparently met with Valders & Manitowoc Ambulance services along with both medical control doctors in 2007. Kiel is asking about one first responder form. Think about this and bring ideas back to next meeting.

6. Dispatchers: Discussion about the "nominate the dispatcher award". This group will not be making any nominations but would like to recognize dispatch for the work they do. Motion from Manitowoc with a second from Newton to purchase fruit plates and cheese/sausage plates for each shift on dispatch. They will be given to them during their Dispatch week in April. Discussion and approval from all. Cost of plates to be a round $50. Deb Holschbach to carry out this mission.

7. By-laws: Discussion on making a by law change. The by law change would involve changing the terms of office for the president and vice president to two year terms. More discussion had but it was the general consensus of the group that 2 year terms would provide more continuity to the position. Motion by Newton with a second from Silver Creek to change the wording on the by-laws with regard to the term limits for president and vice-president to two year terms. Furthermore, this change would be retro-active to the 2008 elections. Motion carried. Readings of this will be: May, July, and September with a vote in September.

Motion to adjourn with a motion by Manitowoc and second by Newton.

Attendance: Branch, Cleveland, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Newton, Reedsville, Silver Creek, St. Nazianz, Two Rivers, Valders, Viking, Joint Dispatch

Absent: Collins, Francis Creek, Kellnersville, Kiel, Two Creeks

Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at Valders




Submitted: D. Holschbach, secretary