Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes 11-26-08

Host: Cleveland First Responders

The November 2008 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 2025 by President Siehr. The educational portion of the meeting was held first and the business portion was held after. The speaker was Charles Happel from the state of Wisconsin EMS office who spoke on EMS in Wisconsin---who we are, where are we going, and why.

Roll call was taken. A quorum was present.

The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given. A motion to accept the secretary’s report as printed was made by Cleveland and seconded by Newton. Report accepted.

The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking: $323.60 New CD Balance: $5000.00

Savings: $1951.65

Note: Three outstanding dues remain for 2008 are Reedsville, Silver Creek, and Valders.

A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented was made by Newton and seconded by Reedsville. Report accepted.

Old Business:

1. Website: Soon to be finalized. It is "" or "".

2. Committee reports:

a. Dispatch: "EMS PAR check" committee to meet and discuss this and bring back suggestions. Calling in EMS calls on the radio was discussed and problems with dispatch on this issue. The radio committee and the EMS medical director are working on some possible solutions including a "standardized way of calling in per radio" and phone, identifying ones-self as EMS and then working on the questions. Reminders given that there are NO JAWS only calls without an EMS agency to be sent along.

b. Protocols: Nothing new.

c. Finance: Nothing new.

d. Disaster: Very poor input on mini disaster drills. Discussion about going through the disaster trailer at a meeting to keep everyone aware of what is in it. Plan to do this in March when it is warmer or bring the trailer into a garage.

e. Education and training: Educational flyers shared.

f. Medical Director: Nothing new.

g. Radio: The county is finalizing their reports.

4. Contact sheets: Passed around again for updates.

5. Woodland Drive: Kevin reports that a cost estimate has been received and the work should happen in 2009. Excellent job to this group! Kevin also notes very good support from Two Rivers manager Greg Buckley.

6. 12 Lead EKG’s: Revisit to item which had been tabled a while ago. Viking Rescue to be doing this with Bay Care. Valders in also very interested in it. Limited interest from medical directors or hospitals because of budgeting issues. Busse/Siehr to follow up.

7. MABAS: Some fire units are going to try this. As of now, EMS will not but will watch and look for ways of possibly using this in the future.

8. Merger: Viking Rescue will be merging with County Rescue as of 3-1-09 and will be going to the paramedic level. Possible contact person will be Larry A. More information to follow.

9. First Responder Explorers: Cleveland is spearheading a group for EMS/fire explorers. Next meeting to be 12/16/08. Other departments are invited.


New Business:

1. PO Box: Tom Krajnik (treasurer) let us know somehow the PO Box lease expired and our box # was filled in 1 day so our old address in no longer available. There was discussion about the need for a mailing address, pros and cons of in which town, city, etc. A motion was made by Cleveland and seconded by St. Nazianz to have Newton’s address become the official Manitowoc County EMS’s address. There was some discussion on this and Newton agreed to get the appropriate mail to the appropriate people now while their person is the secretary and in the future. The motion passed and carried. Our new mailing address will be:

Manitowoc County EMS Association

6528 Carstens Lake Road

Manitowoc, WI 54220

2. Tax ID #: Discussion on whether or not this organization ever completed the federal government non-profit tax ID paperwork. Tom will do this.

3. Nominations: Update of nominations for open offices:

Treasurer: Tom Krajnik and no opposition at this time. The nominations will remain open until the next meeting.

4. EMS Data Base: Discussion about forming an EMS resource data base which could be accessed via our web site similar to the one done a few years ago by Larry Huber from LTC. Discussion on how to do this. Busse, Holschbach, and Siehr to coordinate this.

5. Next meeting date: Discussion on potential conflicts with the next scheduled meeting date and the WEMSA seminar. As Collins, the hosting facility has over ½ of its members attending the seminar, and over ½ of the board were going to be absent, a motion was made by Reedsville and seconded by St. Nazianz to change the next scheduled meeting to 2-4-09 in Collins. Motion carried.

A motion to adjourn was made by Newton and seconded by Cleveland. Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting is February 4, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at Collins Fire Station.


Attendance: Cleveland, Manitowoc, St. Nazianz, Newton, Valders, Viking, Two Rivers, Mishicot, Reedsville

Absent: Branch, Collins, Silver Creek, Kiel, Francis Creek, Two Creeks, Kellnersville


Submitted: D. Holschbach, secretary



Informational Items from Charles Happel, NREMT-P, CCEMTP, State of Wisconsin EMS Department


-Chuck is currently the contact person for WARDS and the intermediate level providers

-Name change: It is now: Department of Health Services

Bureau of Local Public Health Practice and EMS

1 West Wilson Street

P.O. Box 2659

Madison, WI 53701-2659

-The EMS license process will be changing soon to a paperless, web based renewal with a single license to a person regardless of how many places the EMS provider works. The process will be connected to WARDS. It will be the individual’s responsibility to do their renewal and the services will need to carry copies of each members CPR cards, renewals, etc.

-Rules Revisions: There is/are ongoing EMS rules in progress. There will be meetings on them. Watch for more information from the state.

-WARDS: for first time users (and first responders can and should be using WARDS) as should all EMS providers, you can contact Norah Strofflet at OR to get set up in WARDS.

-Scope of practice: new names will be as follows;

1. Emergency medical responder formerly the old first responder

2. EMT formerly the old EMT or EMT basic

3. Advanced EMT formerly the old EMT-I 85’s and I believe EMT-IV techs

4. EMT—Intermediate only in Wisconsin & that’s special EMT Intermediates

5. Paramedics formerly and still is paramedics

-Training centers; working with the EMS office to make/form some type of critical care paramedic program/course/ level of care

-Basic Refresher choices: New choices of how to do your refresher but with a formal skills process. The old way will remain and we can try out the new one

-Service Renewals: Should all have been done in 2008