Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes 9/26/2007

Host: Reedsville First Responders

The September 2007 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1901 by President Murak. Roll call was taken with a quorum present. The business portion of the meeting was held first and the educational portion after. The educational speaker was Officer Eric Glaeser, Mtwc. County Sheriff’s Department speaking on the Mtwc. County Water Rescue Team and Water Rescue & EMS.

Roll call was taken.

The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given. A motion to accept the report was made by Cleveland and seconded by Reedsville. Report accepted.

The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking: $998.44

Savings: $6,919.60

Tom notes that all organizations have now paid 2007 dues.

A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented was made by Cleveland and seconded by Reedsville. Report accepted.

Old Business:

1. Website: Ongoing progress being finalized. "" is the new address. Suggestions always welcome.

2. Disaster Policy: Review process is complete. New copies will be distributed soon.

3. EMS Equipment: President Murak to make a form, similar to the old LTC format which will be specific for EMS. Watch for it in the mail or email. List will include unit cell phones which will also go in the disaster plan.

4. City of Manitowoc Dive Team: Remains out of service at this time.

5. Committee reports:

a. Dispatch: Connie reports that the ProQA cannot change right now---perhaps in the future. Question on enhanced 911 and adding medical facts to pop up with the address---that is also not available now.

b. Protocols: Three will be a new STEMI protocol added. Otherwise, all protocols are on line. Note: at this time the dispatch protocol of CPR cannot be changed as previously proposed by Dr. Nelson.

c. Finance: No issues

d. Disaster: LTC is having a large disaster in November. All Mtwc. EMS organizations are invited and encouraged to attend. Contact Robin Campbell on her pager at 920-576-2231.

e. Education and training: LTC has an EMT-basic class starting soon in Branch if anyone is interested.

f. County radio communications: Ongoing pending county budget issues. Plan on radios that are P25 compatible. A radio study is coming out on the web page.

g. Medical Director: No report.







New Business:

1. Police to Scenes at Hospitals or Clinics: Request from dispatch to have the "official opinion" of this organization on the necessity of sending a police officer to routine EMS calls at health care facilities such as hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, etc. It was discussed and a motion put from Newton and seconded by Newton which is as follows: It is the decision of the Manitowoc County EMS Association that law enforcement personnel do not need to be sent to routine medical emergency calls at health care facilities in Manitowoc County. However, law enforcement is to respond when requested to such locations and also to respond to violent or combative patients as requested. A copy of this motion will be sent to Joint Dispatch and Nancy Crowley as requested.

2. MCSD Concerns: Although contacted, no representative was able to attend to hear concerns from various organizations about county police. Discussion about concerns shared and all individuals are encouraged to take their concerns to their supervisors and then have the appropriate person contact any agencies involved for a rapid resolution of any issues or concerns. A reminder that "issues" should not be disputed over a patient or in any way harm patient care. We will try to have a representative from the Mtwc. County Sherriff’s Department at the Silver Creek Meeting to explain about their agency and operations.

3. Valders Ambulance Service Upgrade: Valders has upgraded their service to a paramedic level as of 9/25/07. Mark Busse explained that this will be a phased in plan over the next 24 months.

4. Nominations: Nominations are now open for the 2008 year. Open positions include treasurer and vice president. Nominations were received for Tom Krajnik for treasurer. Tom accepted the nomination. No nominations for vice president. Nominations for both positions remain open.

5. New address: Reminder that a new address for Viking Rescue was emailed to everyone. Their new contact information is: Viking Community Rescue Squad, Inc. 383 CTH R; P.O. Box 276

Denmark, WI 54208. Email address:

6. Two Creeks First Responders: The town of Two Creeks is looking to start a new first responder organization in Manitowoc County.

Motion to adjourn with a motion by Manitowoc and second by Cleveland. Eric Glaeser then presented his educational presentation. See enclosed notes!

Attendance: Cleveland, Newton, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Reedsville, Silver Creek, Valders, Two Rivers, Joint Dispatch

Absent: Branch, Collins, Kiel, Kellnersville, St. Nazianz, Viking

Next Meeting: Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007 at Silver Creek




Submitted: D. Holschbach, secretary






Nice things to know about the Manitowoc County Dive Team

Do not consider this organization as a RESCUE operation. They are primarily a RECOVERY operation.

The average response time for this team is 45 minutes under the best of circumstances.

They can only dive with 3 divers. Less than this is not safe.

The team currently consists of 6 members: Mike Powalish, Eric Glaeser, Andy Beck, Shawn Littlefield, Dave Seiers, and Mike Herman (the new guy).

The team has the availability to use a 19 foot Boston Whaler Boat and a hydrofoil for rescue operations

The team can ice dive

The team will NEVER dive to recover property---like your car or fishing shanty. However, they will dive for crime evidence (like guns, etc.)

Time frames for consideration:

RESCUE = 1 hour or less

RECOVERY = 1 hour or more

Always consider safety---yours, the dive teams, the rest of your EMS team, bystanders and your patient. Reach, throw, and then go.

Always note the POINT LAST SEEN for your patient.