Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes 7/25/2007

Host: Newton First Responders

The July 2007 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900 by President Murak. Roll call was taken with a quorum present. The business portion of the meeting was held first and the educational portion after. The educational speaker was Officer Todd Cummings, Mtwc. County Sheriff’s Department speaking on Drug & Drug Use in Manitowoc County.

Roll call was taken.

The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given. A motion to accept the report was made by Manitowoc and seconded by Newton. Report accepted.

The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking: $698.44

Savings: $6,469.60

Two organizations have outstanding 2007 dues.

A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented was made by Manitowoc and seconded by Cleveland. Report accepted.

Old Business:

1. Website: Ongoing progress being made. "" is the new address. Links people want include UW Flight, AMC, HFM, Flight for Life, Theda Star, LTC, Manitowoc County Emergency Government, NREMT, DHFS. More suggestions always welcome.

2. Disaster Policy: Ongoing review in process. More copies distributed for those people who haven’t reviewed one. Committee Deb Holschbach, Mark Busse, Bill Manis, and Dave Murak/Kevin Siehr to review yet in 2007 and make proposed changes to keep policy current.

3. Committee reports:

a. Dispatch: Reminder that rip and runs need a dedicated line at the receiving station to receive them. Set your machines to answer in one ring. Copies of new format passed.

Dispatch can now handle multiple calls for the same agency. Request made to radio traffic that all agencies identify what agency they are with traffic.

b. Protocols: All protocols are now in the HFM site for everyone’s use and they will also be put on the new website. Dr. Nelson discussed the possibility of changing the CPR policy that the dispatchers use to eliminate breathing and choking. Dr. Nelson to follow up.

c. Finance: No issues

d. Disaster: Ongoing. See old business above

e. Education and training: Discussion on whether or not agencies would like a county wide disaster drill yet this fall. LTC is interested in helping. Dave Murak to do some further checking. Next meeting for further information.

f. County radio communications: Further radio shopping/upgrading is on hold pending the county budget. Agencies were told to plan on VHF radios.

g. Medical Director: Reminder that with the new first responder skills come additional paperwork for quality assurance purposes.




New Business:

1. New Skills: General announcement that there are many first responder agencies that are upgrading their skills to provide any or all of the following skills: spinal immobilization, combi-tube, and epi pen.

2. MCSD Concerns: Although contacted, no representative was able to attend to hear concerns from various organizations about county police. Again will be contacting Andy Cohlburn or someone to attend a meeting.

3. Dive Team: The Manitowoc Fire Rescue Dive team is out of service until further notice. The county team is still available.

4. LTC: Gave report on upcoming fall classes with flyers passed out. They will have several specialty seminars like PEEP, GEMS, PHTLS yet this fall.

5. Kabota: Newton First Responders stated that they have put into service a Kabota utility vehicle for EMS rescues and fire scene services. They also stated that they will provide mutual aid with this equipment.

6. EMS Equipment: Discussion on how to log what equipment agencies have. Discussion about putting this into the CAD system or onto the county EMS website. Ongoing discussion.

Motion to adjourned with a motion by Newton and second by Cleveland. Todd Cummings then presented his educational presentation.

Attendance: Cleveland, Newton, Kellnersville, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Reedsville, Silver Creek, Two Rivers, Valders, JDC, LTC

Absent: Branch, Collins, Kiel, St. Nazianz, Viking

Next Meeting: Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2007 at Reedsville




Submitted: D. Holschbach, secretary