Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                5/23/2007

Host:  Mishicot Area Ambulance Service


The May 2007 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1936 by Vice President Siehr.  Roll call was taken with a quorum present.  The educational portion of the meeting was held first and the business meeting after.  The educational speaker was Keeley Crowley, Coordinator of the Sexual Assault Resource Center for Manitowoc County. 


Roll call was taken.

The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given.  An addendum was made by the secretary that Reedsville should be listed as absent and Newton as present.  A motion to accept the report as corrected was made by Mishicot and seconded by Francis Creek. 


The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $735.59

Savings:           $6,004.55

A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented was made by Kellnersville and seconded by Cleveland.


Old Business:

1.         Website:           Ongoing progress being made.  “” will be the new address and it will be a secure site for approximately $40 a year.  Motions by Newton and second by Cleveland to go with this price and have the secretary make the needed purchases.  Mark Busse remains the contact.

2.         EMS Week:       No county wide projects to be done.

3.         Committee reports:

a.         Dispatch:  Average 1 minute 16 seconds to get calls dispatched now.  Contact there is now Liz Johnson for rip and runs and Connie Bashaw for other issues.  Email addresses will be sent out to everyone.  ProQA is working.

b.         Protocols:  Half of the protocols are on PDF and the other half is coming along.  Protocols will also be put on the website. 

            c.         Finance:   Audit completed with no issues.

d.         Disaster:          Everyone is to review the disaster policy and make any suggested changes to Bill Manis, Deb Holschbach, Mark Busse, or Kevin Siehr.  Policy to be reviewed every 2 years.

e.         Education and training:  remains available to agencies as needed---just contact them.  Request made to add contacts on the web site when up and running.

f.          County radio communications:            Report that the radio committee is working with the County Board to get a plan to the county board by July.  There are radio grants out now.  Bill Manis will give follow up on our decision to endorse the VHF radios.

g.         Medical Director:           no report given

New Business:

1.         Intercepts:        Valders EMS explaining their new intercept policy and asking if any discussion or concerns about this.  No concerns raised.

2.         MCSD Concerns:         Although contacted, no representative was able to attend to hear concerns from various organizations about county police.  Again will be contacting Andy Cohlburn or someone to attend a meeting.

3.         First Responder New Skills:     Discussed new first responder skills of epi pen, c-spine and long boarding, and combi tubes.  Organizations wanting to or planning on upgrading their skills are reminded of the policy/protocol changes and paperwork they need to do with the state and medical control.  Organizations who want any help with this can contact this organization.

4.         New State EMS Director:          Brian Litza was hired to be the new state EMS director.  He is also organizing the WARDS program.  Brian is very reachable via email.



Motion to adjourn at 2012 by Cleveland with a second by Mishicot. 


Attendance:  Cleveland, Newton, Kellnersville, Mishicot, Two Rivers, Valders, Francis Creek, JDC

Absent:  Branch, Collins, Manitowoc, Kiel, Reedsville, St. Nazianz


Next Meeting:  Wednesday, July 25, 2007 at Newton



New Email Contacts:


Connie Bashaw             Joint Dispatch Center Supervisor



Keeley Crowley             Manitowoc County Sexual Assault Resource Center Coordinator





Submitted:  D. Holschbach, secretary