Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes                                3/28/2007*

Host:  Manitowoc Fire Rescue


The March 2007 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900 by President Murak.  Roll call was taken with a quorum present.


Roll call was taken.

The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given.  A motion to accept the report as written was made by Newton and seconded by Cleveland.


The treasurer’s report was faxed in and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking:         $787.07

Savings:           $6,445.47

A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented was made by Newton and seconded by Mishicot.


Old Business:

1.         Mutual Aid Agreements:             President Murak reported that all of the agencies in Manitowoc County have now completed mutual aid agreements.

2.         Website:           Ongoing progress being made.  If you have any ideas, contact Mark Busse at Valders EMS.

3.         Audit of treasurer’s records:        Not completed yet.  Report will be made back to group by the next meeting.  Manis, Murak, and Krajnik to complete.

4.         Committee Reports:

            a.         Dispatch:  ProQA is now in place and dispatch is working on fine tuning this.

b.         Protocols:  Dr. Nelson is working on getting the protocols on the HFM website and into PDF status.

            c.         Finance:  Ongoing audit.

            d.         Education and training:  remains available to agencies as needed---just contact them


New Business:

1.         EMS Week:       Discussion on doing something from a county wide prospective or individual agencies.  Decision to go with individual plans.

2.         Disaster Policy Review:             Review to happen every 2 years.  A committee was formed consisting of Holschbach, Manis, Siehr, and Busse.  Group to report back at subsequent meetings.

3.         County Recommendation:  Radios          Discussion on changing radio frequencies.  It was the decision of the group to go with P25 or VHF radios.  A motion was made by Bill Manis, Manitowoc and seconded by Mark Knier of Newton that the organization use VHF radios.  The motion carried.  Manis to report back to the radio committee.

4.         Sheriff Department Concerns:     Discussion on some of the interactions with the county police officers including calling off first responders or ambulances, not allowing EMS at scenes, and making medical decisions.  A decision to ask a representative of the MCSD to attend our meeting or we could go there to meet with them as we have done in the past.

5.         Laundry Dilemma:          Dr. Nelson posed a small pillow case dilemma that HFMMC had.  It turns out that the small pillow cases belong to AMC.  Nelson to follow up.


Attendance:  Branch, Cleveland, Kellnersville, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Two Rivers, Valders, Newton

Absent:  Collins, Francis Creek, Kiel, Reedsville, St. Nazianz, Reedsville

* = revised