Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes 11/28/2007

Host: Silver Creek First Responders

Amended meeting minutes (3/08)

The November 2007 meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association was called to order at 1900 by Vice-President Siehr. The business portion of the meeting was held first and the educational portion after. The educational speaker was Dr. Todd Nelson, Mtwc. County EMS Association Medical Director speaking on trauma case review.

Roll call was taken. A quorum was present.

The secretary’s report was distributed and copies given. A motion to accept the report was made by Silver Creek and seconded by Newton. Report accepted.

The treasurer’s report was given and ending balances were given as follows:

Checking: $958.44

Savings: $6,927.88

Tom notes that all organizations have now paid 2007 dues.

A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented was made by St. Nazianz and seconded by Valders. Report accepted.

Old Business:

1. EMS Cell Phone numbers: Reminder for all agencies to get their cell phone numbers to Dave Murak of Two Rivers ASAP.

2. LTC Disaster Drill in Cleveland: Cleveland gave a report on how the drill went. Major issues were communications and a lack of actual physical bodies to help. Dr. Nelson has some ideas on potential changes in the disaster plan. Disaster plan committee to discuss them.

3. Valders EMS: Valders reports their service upgrade is going well.

4. Two Creeks: VP Siehr reports that Two Creeks has officially signed up for first responder classes.

5. Committee reports:

a. Dispatch: Connie reports that they are looking at what dispatch can add to their screens to help EMS. They are requesting acknowledgement of the first unit out and last unit in and clear identification of the agency calling.

b. Protocols: Working on the STEMI protocol yet. All protocols are on line. There was a medication change for paramedics for nausea and vomiting.

c. Finance: No issues

d. Disaster: Done in old business. Committee to meet in spring to discuss potential changes.

e. Education and training: Medtronics to come to next meeting to show their product. Will be brief.

f. Medical Director: Medical direction given to Valders and St. Nazianz regarding an obese patient and further EMS care and transports.

New Business:

1. MCSD Concerns: Committee formed consisting of Mark Busse, Deb Holschbach, Kevin Siehr, and Diane Henning to meet with supervisors. Please send concerns to any of these people for consideration in meetings.

2. Medical Director Gratituity: Discussion about a potential gratuity of some type for the medical director. Committee of Tom K, Dave M. and Bill M to meet and bring suggestions back to group.

3. Finance: Discussion about putting some money into a CD. Treasurer looking for a long range finance plan. Motion made by Newton and seconded by Cleveland for the treasurer to check out and invest $5000 in some type of CD. Motion carried.

4. Nominations: Nominations are now open for the 2008 year. Open positions include treasurer and vice president. Nominations were received for Tom Krajnik for treasurer. Tom accepted the nomination. Nomination for vice president was received for Mark Knier and Mark Busse. Nominations for both positions remain open.

5. Contact sheet: Sent around for corrections and additions. New 2008 list at next meeting.

Motion to adjourn with a motion by Reedsville and second by St. Nazianz. Todd Nelson then presented his educational presentation.

Attendance: Branch, Cleveland, Francis Creek, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Newton, Reedsville, Silver Creek, St. Nazianz, Two Rivers, Valders, Joint Dispatch

Absent: Collins, Kiel, Kellnersville, Viking

Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 at St. Nazianz




Submitted: D. Holschbach, secretary