Manitowoc County EMS Association Meeting Minutes 1/17/2007

Host: Kiel Fire/EMS

The January meeting of the Manitowoc County EMS Association began with an educational presentation by Dr. Dave Gummin from Affinity Health Care. He spoke on Managing the Unknown Ingestion for one hour. After the educational portion of the meeting, the meeting was then called to order at 8:05 p.m. by President Murak.

Roll call was taken with a quorum present.

The secretary’s report was given and copies distributed. A motion to accept the secretary’s report as written was made by Kellnersville and seconded by Kiel.

The treasurer’s report was then given with balances carried forward as follows: Checking- $1196.81; Savings- $6445.47

A motion was made by Kellnersville and seconded by Kiel to accept the report as given.

Old Business:

1. Mutual Aid contracts: All agencies in Manitowoc County have returned their mutual aid contracts except Viking Rescue. Dave Murak to follow up with Viking. Originals of the contracts have been placed on file in the secretary’s book.

2. Website: Update from Mark Busse, web site coordinator is as follows: give/get any pictures ideas, or upcoming events to Mark via the mail or internet. Further information at the next meeting.

3. By-laws: Copies of the final copy of the Manitowoc County EMS Association by-laws were again distributed to everyone. A motion to accept the by-laws as written was made by Manitowoc and seconded by Cleveland. Motion carried. Note: The by-law changes did have the required 3 readings.

4. Treasurer’s Book Audit: Treasurer Krajnik reminded the Association that the books have not been audited in some time. The group as a whole wants to see this done as soon as possible. Volunteers to complete an audit before the next meeting in March were Dave Murak and Bill Manis.

New Business:

1. Committee Reports:

a. Dispatch/JDC- JDC published a monthly newsletter. Discussion about forwarding the magazine to EMS providers to keep us current on JDC issues. Bill Manis from Manitowoc to follow up.

b. Protocols- The official Manitowoc County EMS protocols encompassing all levels of pre-hospital care were distributed to a representative from each organization in Manitowoc County. The protocols will be posted on the HFM website for downloading if agencies want additional copies; that website is

c. Education- Numerous educational flyers were handed out for upcoming educational seminars. Two Rivers reports that they are beefing up their educational presentations and all members of the Manitowoc County EMS Association are invited to attend. Reminder that if you are looking for some type of education for your organization, you can contact Deb Holschbach who is on the education committee and she will put you in touch with someone who can help you.

d. Medical director- Dr. Nelson reports the successful completion of the protocols and binders are here. Additionally, he would like all EMS groups to note that they are required by state regulation as well as Manitowoc County policy to have an operation plan on hand. Organizations that do not have a plan in place are encouraged to submit one as soon as possible. Bill Manis, Deb Holschbach, Mark Busse, and Dave Murak all volunteered to be resources for organizations who want some assistance with writing their plans.

Additionally, Dr. Nelson is the featured speaker at the February RTAC meeting in Green Bay. The EMD steering committee is also back at work again reviewing EMD issues and concerns. Committee members: Mark Juul, Brad Busse, Mark Busse, Dr. Nelson.

Term Length- Discussion from members about possibly changing the length of terms for president and vice president. Group finds pros and cons to the issue. No further action taken at this time.

Meeting frequency- Discussion about changing our meeting schedule as the Manitowoc County Firefighters did---they went to a quarterly format. Again, pros and cons were discussed but it was decided to leave our format as it currently is as progress is slow already and going quarterly would really slow our progress down on current issues.

Contact lists- Email, address, phone, and contact lists were distributed to be updated. Submit any further changes to the secretary.

A motion to adjourn was made by Manitowoc and seconded by St. Nazianz. Motion carried and the meeting was adjourned.

Next meeting: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 at Manitowoc Fire Station #1; 911 Franklin Street

Attendance: Cleveland First Responders, Collins First Responders, Kellnersville First Responders, Kiel Ambulance, Manitowoc Fire/Rescue, Mishicot Area Ambulance, Newton First Responders, Reedsville First Responders, St. Nazianz First Responders, Two Rivers Fire/EMS, Valders EMS.