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EMS Mass Casualty Plan


This Plan is developed to assist first on-scene emergency responders in management of mass casualty incidents.  When multiple sites or events occur, each site or occurrence shall be managed through the separate mass casualty incident command structures, until such time as an area-wide command structure can be activated to integrate and coordinate the separate mass casualty incident commands.


This Plan does not replace or negate any mutual aid or other agreement currently in place between various Manitowoc County response agencies. 






























Submitted By:


Mass Casualty Sub-Committee of

Manitowoc County Local Emergency Planning Committee

Manitowoc County Emergency Management






Updated  October 2018  wpm



Page Number
Section I: Notification of Command/Response Personnel    3
Section II: Initial Response - First Arriving        4
  Ambulance Unit          
  EMS Chief Officer Job Description       6
  EMS Triage Officer Job Description       8
  EMS Assistant Triage Officer Job Description     9
  Treatment Area Manager(s) Job Description     10
  Transportation Officer Job Description     11
  Assistant Transportation Officer(s) Job Description   12
  Equipment Area Manager Job Description     13
  Communications Officer Job Description     14
  Coroner Liaison Officer Job Description     15
  Staging Officer Job Description       16
Appendix "A" Scene Organization 17
Appendix "B" Triage Procedures 19
Appendix "C" EMS Mass Casualty Incident Response Kit Contents 22
Appendix "D" Emergency Ambulance Services 23
Appendix "E" Transportation Resources 25
Appendix "F" Hospital/Nursing Home Facilities 27
Appendix "G" Area Funeral Directors 28
Appendix “H”  Clinics 29
Appendix “I”  First Responder and Ambulance vehicles 30









A.         Upon receipt of information indicating a potential mass casualty incident by Joint Dispatch Center (JDC), the dispatcher shall attempt to determine at minimum:


            1.         The nature and scope of the incident.


2.         An estimated number of potential patients.


3.         The presence of fire, hazardous materials or radiological substances.


B.         The JDC Center personnel shall initiate an initial response, notify and activate pursuant to standard operating procedures.


            1.         Emergency Medical Services As per MABAS Life Safety Card requested


2.         Command personnel of local and County EMS, Fire, Police, Public Works and Emergency Management.


3.         Other necessary agencies such as Public Health, Red Cross, Helicopter services, etc. as directed by Incident Command Officer.


4.         Notification of area hospitals.


5.         Call Two Rivers Fire Department and request EMS Mass Causality trailer transported to scene. 


6.         Wisconsin Emergency Management hot line (1-800-943-0003) for activation of Wisconsin Emergency Management and Department of Natural Resources, as needed.


C.         They shall identify and coordinate all further communications with:


1.         Supervisory staff at the appropriate JDC.


2.         Emergency Management and command staff at Emergency Operations Center.


3.         On-scene Incident Commander.


4.         Request mobile command post From Valders Fire and or inflatable shelter (Two Rivers Fire Department).









The first-in Medical Personnel shall remain on-scene and assume all EMS-related scene command functions until relieved or all patients are cleared from the mass casualty incident scene.


A.         The Crew Chief of the first arriving Medical Personnel will assume the role of the EMS Chief Officer until relieved and shall:


1.         Ensure that no EMS personnel or other emergency responders approach the incident without first determining the nature of the incident and establishing a safety line commensurate with the limitations of safety equipment available to personnel and the nature of the incident.


2.         Identify the scope of the incident and hazard present.  Consider secondary devices.


3.         Identify safety equipment needed before proceeding.


4.         Establish a command post and identify a primary communications frequency to coordinate all EMS command functions.  Review Mabas ICS 205 form


A.         Identify with JDC a staging area and channel incoming units should communicate with the staging Officer on.  Request Life safety card early in scene.


5.         Notify JDC personnel of the nature and scope of the mass casualty incident.


6.         Identify EMS and support equipment required to manage estimated patient needs and request same from JDC if not on life safety card.


7.         Establish triage, treatment, transport, ambulance and equipment staging areas as further described in (Appendix "A", Page 17) plan and assign subordinate command personnel upon availability including a Triage Officer.


8.         Re-assess and relocate EMS service areas listed in sub-paragraph 7 of this section as needed to insure the safety of all patients and emergency responders.


9.         Coordinate activities with other emergency agencies including Fire, Police, Public Works and Emergency Management (Unified Command).


10.        Direct all EMS activities at the scene until the incident is resolved or until relieved.


B.         All triage shall be coordinated in accordance with accepted medical practices (See Appendix B page 19 & 20) utilizing the triage tag identification system.  Triage tags shall remain with patient's medical record for a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours. The triage tag identification system adopted for Manitowoc County shall be available in the EMS - mass casualty incident response kits described in Appendix "C", Page 21 of this plan.


C.         General patient care procedures for specific types of mass casualty incidents are listed in Appendix "B", Page 19 of this plan.


All pre-hospital patient care procedures that differ from established protocols shall be approved by Medical Control if patient volume, communications, airspace and time permit.


D.         Location of all principle EMS Service areas shall be constantly re-assessed and relocated to insure the safety of all patients and emergency responders








It is the responsibility of the EMS Chief Officer to:


A.         Declare major EMS incident if JDC information indicates a major incident.


B.         Survey the scene upon approach to determine the magnitude of the situation and presence of hazards, (i.e. downed power lines, hazardous materials spills, fire, Secondary devices or other hazards).


C.         Declare an actual major incident if it is evident at this time and make a request for immediate dispatch of your life safety card Manitowoc County's command post (Contact Valders Fire Department).


D.         Put on an EMS Command vest immediately after declaring a major EMS incident.  (Note:  Vest and other equipment may not be on-scene and may have to be requested.) Vests and triage tags are located in the "Mass Casualty Trailer” at the Two Rivers Fire Department and at six other sites in the County (see page 21 for location sites).  The roles in this plan may have to be assumed prior to the arrival of the vests and job descriptions.


E.         Accompany the EMS Triage Officer, if possible, on initial triage sweep, however EMS Command should attempt to remain at the designated site for the Command Post as much as possible and make sure unified command is established early.  Assign a staging area and staging officer ASAP.  If applicable identify a casualty collection point (CCP)  


F.         Obtain a count of the total number of patients and determine severity in terms of numbers of critical (RED), Serious (YELLOW), and Minor (GREEN).


G.         Confer with the Triage Officer upon completion of triage sweep to determine what additional resources are needed (ambulance, rescue units, personnel, EMS helicopters, buses, etc.)


H.         Determine if there is a need to establish a joint command post involving the senior officers of the emergency services at the scene (i.e. EMS, Fire, Police, etc.)


I.      Organize the scene by functional areas.  This includes organizing the incident area(s), treatment area(s), transport area(s), and staging area(s).  Materials for marking treatment area(s) are stored in the Mass Casualty trailer stored at the Two Rivers Fire Department. 


J.         Appoint managers, if necessary, for each area as additional personnel arrive.  A manager should be appointed for the incident area and each treatment area.  If sufficient EMS personnel are available, managers should be designated for the transport area, ambulance staging area, and equipment staging area.  If sufficient EMS personnel are not available, other emergency personnel such as fire service personnel should be requested to assist in performing area manager duties.


K.         The EMS Chief Officer should periodically confer with officers and managers to confer status of situation.


L.         Scene/hospital communication is the responsibility of the EMS Chief Officer and the Communications Officer only.  This may be done via; Cell phone, EMtrac, Witrac, or Wiscom radio.


                _____ Appoint a staging officer and designate a staging area

            _____ Appoint an equipment area manager

            _____ Appoint a treatment area manager(s)

            _____ Appoint triage officer and assistant if needed

            _____ Appoint a transportation officer

            _____ Appoint a communications officer

            _____ Appoint a liaison to the coroner if needed









The EMS Chief Officer shall immediately appoint an Initial Triage Officer from the crew of first-in ambulance, or First Responder agency whose responsibilities shall be as follows:


A.         Put on "Triage Officer" vest.


B.         Provided the area is safe, conduct an immediate triage sweep of the scene to count the number of patients and determine severity in terms of critical versus non-critical injuries.  It is appropriate to use a loud speaker system and to request all ambulatory patients to walk to a designated treatment/triage area.  This will greatly reduce the number of patients wandering around unattended and the number of personnel required to manage removal of these patients.


C.         During the initial triage sweep, count the number of Patients in each category such as patients tagged red (critical), yellow (serious), green (minor), or black/white (DOA). Apply triage tag to patient. (Tie or Tape).  Initial set of tags shall be contained in every ambulance in service in Manitowoc County as part of its basic equipment, First Responder groups should also have tags as part of their routine equipment.  Extra tags may be obtained from either hospital


D.         Confer with the EMS Chief Officer to inform command of the number and severity of the injured patients and to advise the EMS Chief Officer of additional help needed in terms of Basic and Advanced Life Support EMS units, number of EMS personnel, and special resources such as extrication or air evacuation or life safety box alarm upgrade.


E.         In conjunction with EMS Chief Officer, assign responsibilities to additional EMS personnel as they arrive at the scene through contact with staging officer.  (For example:  "We need one EMT with patient #5, two EMT's with patient #8, etc." and issue appropriate vests).


F.         Inform equipment manager of equipment needs in incident and treatment areas.


G.         At the end of each triage sweep of the scene, inform the EMS Chief Officer of the latest patient status.  The Triage and the EMS Chief Officer should confer concerning the need for additional EMS resources and any other considerations such as hospital destination,

            medical direction, etc.


H.         Continually confer with the EMS Chief Officer, the Treatment Area Manager, the Transportation Officer, the Staging Area Officer and Equipment Area Managers, and others to ensure that all necessary considerations are being given in terms of patient care.


I.              Continually repeat triage until all patients have been cleared from scene.


J.           Patients moved to green treatment area will need to be triaged.  They may decline or even be able to walk as a critical patient.









A.         Reports to EMS Triage Officer.


B.         Wears "Triage" vest.


C.         Assists Triage Officer in conducting initial and subsequent triage sweeps at incident scene and within triage area.


D.         Ensures safety of patients and EMS personnel within the Triage area.









A.         Reports to EMS Triage Officer and EMS Chief Officer.


B.         Wears "Treatment" vest.


C.         Secures banners or tarps labeling treatment areas from storage in the mass casualty trailer, and sets up such treatment areas.  Ensures safety of patients and EMS personnel with assigned treatment area.


D.         Assigns personnel to patient care duties and identifies EMS equipment needs to render care within treatment area.  Assigns personnel to patients and assures that triage tag information is filled out on each tag.  Re-evaluate patients to assure patients are transported in an appropriate order.


E.         Coordinates evacuation of patients with Transportation Officer to area hospitals or other intermediate facilities or locations.


F.         Request transport of treatment area carts as designated by color to be brought from Mass Casualty trailer to treatment areas.








A.         Reports to EMS Chief Officer and/or EMS Triage Officer.


B.         Wears "Transportation" vest.


C.         With approval and concurrence of EMS Chief Officer and EMS Triage Officer establishes:


1.         Patient loading area

2.         Ambulance transport staging area

3.         Equipment staging area


D.         Establishes communications contact with Staging Officer and advises number of ambulances and special service equipment needed to perform patient transport as well as resources needed to safely move patients from areas within the incident 


E.         Coordinates ambulance routing and response to ambulance transport staging area.  May require setting up special routes for ambulances to enter and leave staging areas.  Attempt to keep ambulances moving forward.  Anytime an ambulance moves in reverse a spotter is required.


F.         Establishes communications contact with Emergency Operations Center (if activated), Medical Control and area hospitals via Communications Officer to determine area hospital's capabilities to receive patients. Preferred method would be telephone initially and then everything by EM Trac if possible.  Wiscom may be used to contact area hospitals in our region.


G.         Numbers triage tags and maintains patient information and destination forms (see form in transportation clipboard) and routes patients to appropriate hospitals with coordination of Communications Officer and Medical Control if available.


H.         Transportation officer will be in charge of routing patients. 


I.         The closest hospital will be medical control unless passed to on-scene physician or other designee.


J.        Consider sending minor patients to local clinics, so hospitals are not overwhelmed with minor patients.


K.         As patients are loaded for transport to hospital,  fill out the transportation log: Name, transported by, transported to, and time if not done electronically on EMtrac


L.          Call for helicopters early.  Use your life safety cards








A.         Reports to Transportation Officer.


B.         Wears "Transportation Assistant" vest.


C.         Coordinates ambulance loading duties under the direction of the Transportation Officer.


D.         In charge of recording each transport and to what destination (See form in transportation clipboard).


E.          Assists with EMTrac








A.         Wears "Equipment" vest.


B.         Establishes equipment area which should be strategically located as close to treatment areas as possible


C.         Communicates with EMS Triage Officer and provides the needed equipment at the incident and treatment areas.


D.         Collects and inventories equipment and supplies from ambulances arriving at the scene (i.e. backboards, splints, oxygen, etc.)  Ambulances coming into the scene of a Mass Casualty Incident should not back into the ambulance staging area a drive through should be set up.  Equipment such as splints, bandages, long boards, collar, etc. should be removed and placed in the equipment bank (equipment not identified with ambulances name will be written on equipment with permanent marker).


E.         Collects and inventories supplies as brought in from various sources.  Label equipment if time permits to allow for proper return.


F.         Distributes supplies as requested in triage and treatment areas.  Moves Red, Yellow, Green Carts to each specific treatment area.


G.         Collects and inventories equipment at the end of the incident and returns the same to its proper source or designated area for units to pick up.


H.         Maintain an on-going lists of suppliers and supplies.


I.          Make sure Mass Casualty trailer has been requested and is en route to scene.


J.          Sets up Mass Casualty Trailer when it arrives on scene.  Moves equipment to designated areas with the help of assistant(s) requested through staging manager. 








A.         Wears "Communications" vest.


B.         Works with Transportation Officer, communicating via radio, phone and or electronically to hospitals, with information on patients and estimated times on arrival.


C.         Establishes communications contact with Emergency Operations Center and Fire/Hazmat (if activated) (call JDC at 683-4201 for phone numbers) Medical Control, and area hospitals and determines area hospitals' capabilities to receive patients.  This information shall be shared with the Transportation Officer.


D.         The Communications/Transportation Officer shall be the only person contacting the hospitals with patient information and estimated times of arrivals.  Communications to hospitals should be something like Ambulance 20 is transporting a red patient that is 18 years old with airway trauma ETA is 10 Minutes.


E.         Once communication is received via cell phone that line will remain open and not be hung up.


F.          Command post can monitor patient movement on WiTrac and EMtrac


G.         Confer with medical control as to what clinic(s) the minor patients should be taken to.


            Hospital Phone Numbers:

            Holy Family Memorial                            920-320-2603

            Aurora Medical Center                           920-794-5125

            Calumet Medical Center                         920-849-7527

            Sheboygan Memorial                             920-451-5553

            St. Nicholas Hospital, Sheboygan          920-459-4760

St. Vincent Hospital, Green Bay             920-433-0312

Aurora Baycare, Green Bay                   920-288-4060

Bellin Hospital, Green Bay                     877-235-5461

Theda Clark, Neenah                             920-729-2480








A.         Acts as assistant to and under the direction of the Coroner.


B.         Facilitate movement of deceased patients from treatment area(s) to a temporary morgue.  This shall only be at the direction of the County Coroner.


C.         Helps set up temporary morgue (inflatable shelter is located at TRFD or with refrigerated semi trailers).








A.         Wears "Staging" vest. 


B.         Sets up staging area, preferable in a large lot about 2-3 blocks away from   incident.


C.         Works with EMS Chief, and other Officers coordinating the dispersal of available resources including people and vehicles.


D.         Keeps track of personnel reporting to staging area.  Keeps track of where personnel are sent.


E.         Directs incoming resources to needed areas.


F.         Responsible for keeping a log EMS personnel on scene.


A.  Name

B.  Unit affiliation

C.  Task

            D.  Time arrived

            E.  Time dismissed


G.         MABAS tags are preferred








Organizing a major EMS incident scene may require the designation of specific manageable areas.  If there are sufficient personnel, each area should have a manager designated to organize the activities of the area.  All area managers report directly to the EMS Command Officer.


A.         EMS Command Post


An Emergency Medical Services Command Post should be located in a safe area to facilitate access of the EMS Chief Officer to all subordinate staff and communications.  The EMS Chief Officer shall remain at the Command Post at all times except for initial triage sweep with Triage Officer.  (Consider using county hazmat command post/inflatable building or emergency vehicle for this purpose.)  Consider the placement of this vehicle at or close to the staging area.


B.         Triage Area


The triage area should be strategically placed in a safe location between the Command Post and the treatment area(s).  The Triage Officer shall only leave this area to perform initial triage sweep or to supervise patient care activities in the treatment area(s) or to confer with the EMS Chief Officer.


C.         Treatment Area(s)


The treatment area(s) should be organized in relation to the number of patients. 


1.         With larger numbers of patients, a separate Critical (RED TAG) treatment should be identified to allow advanced or more experienced EMS personnel and equipment to be concentrated in the "Critical” treatment area.  BLS may be mixed as needed


2.         A separate Serious (YELLOW TAG) treatment area, for serious but non-critical patients, may be staffed by ALS and BLS personnel.


3.         Patients categorized as "Minor" (GREEN TAG) require observation and at least one person to continually re-assess their condition.  Patients who are initially "minor" may develop complications and need to be upgraded to "Serious" or "Critical".  Consider placing these patients in a bus, near by building or location close by.  If a bus is used these patients could go to a local clinic for an assessment and release.


D.         Equipment Staging Area


In certain major incident situations, an equipment staging area should be established.  As EMS units arrive at the staging area, backboards, splints, oxygen, and other portable equipment should be removed and taken to the equipment bank area.  This area should be strategically located close to treatment / transport areas. 


E.         Ambulance Staging Area(s)


If necessary, one or more staging areas should be designated for EMS vehicles to park as they arrive at the scene.  This will prevent EMS vehicles from blocking each other and allow an organized movement of vehicles as directed by the Ambulance Loading Officer.  This area and a path to it should be cleared of all debris to allow safe ambulance operation.  It should be situated to minimize exposure of patients and personnel to toxic fumes.  All vehicles entering this area shall back in with one attendant outside the vehicle acting as a guide to the driver for safety purposes, unless a turnaround or drive through is available.  When leaving the area, an Ambulance Loading Officer shall walk directly in front of the vehicle to avoid running over debris, etc.  If you have a large event an ATV and private vehicle staging area might be needed.



F.         Ambulance Loading Area(s)


A loading area should be established in proximity to the treatment area(s) to allow ambulance vehicles to pull up, load and leave under the direction of the Transportation Officer(s).  This area and a path to it should be cleared of all debris to allow for safe ambulance operation and be so situated to minimize Exposure of patients and personnel to toxic exhaust fumes.


G.         Morgue


Deceased patients should be left at a specified site with all human remains and personal effects until directed by the County Coroner or designee, with the exception of those patients who die after being placed in the treatment area(s).  Movement of deceased patients from treatment area(s) to a temporary morgue shall occur only with permission of and at the direction of the County Coroner and facilitated by the Coroner Liaison Officer. 










Treatment priority must be established to furnish maximum assistance to the greatest number of victims. 


Assignment to a specific category depends on the severity of injury and length of time required for treatment; the number of support personnel required to deliver satisfactory treatment; and the prospect for return to productive life and function.


 A.        Transportation of Patients From Scene


1.         Red Tag Patients    - CRITICAL

2.         Yellow Tag Patients - SERIOUS

3.         Green Tag Patients  - MINOR


 B.        Patient Injury Categories


See next page for Triage Guide.



























































1.         RED TAG PATIENTS (Critical or Immediate)


Patients that are salvageable and may return to society as they were prior to event.


2.         YELLOW TAG PATIENTS (Serious-Second Priority)


Patients that require medical care, but several hours will not result as to loss of life or limb. 


3.         GREEN TAG PATIENTS (Minor- Last priority)


They are ambulatory and may be directed away from the treatment site and might be directed to a clinic for an assessment or simple treatment.




Patients whose injuries are so extensive that even with optimal care, the prognosis for recovery or restoration of normal function is poor.  They should receive simple "custodial care" and be kept as comfortable as possible if personnel permit.








Mass casualty Trailer is stored at the Two Rivers Fire Department for easy and fast deployment.  Triage tags are kept on all county ambulances and First Responder vehicles as basic equipment.   Additional basic starting kits consisting of triage tags, clipboards, job descriptions and vests are kept at the following locations and can be requested through JDC who will dispatch the appropriate unit:


1.  Cleveland First Responders - Cleveland

2.  Kiel Ambulance Service     - Kiel

3.  Mishicot Ambulance Service - Mishicot

4.  Valders Ambulance Service  - Valders

5.  Manitowoc Fire Department  - Manitowoc

6.  Two Rivers Fire Department - Two Rivers

7.  Reedsville Fire Department - Reedsville


These 7 kits contain the following:


● Reflective vest labeled "EMS COMMAND" known as EMS Chief.

● Two (2) reflective vests labeled "TRIAGE" and "TRIAGE OFFICER"

● Reflective vest labeled "TREATMENT"

● Two (2) reflective vests labeled "TRANSPORT" and "ASSIST. TRANSPORT"

● Reflective vest labeled "EQUIPMENT"

● Reflective vest labeled "COMMUNICATIONS"

● Reflective vest labeled “STAGING”

● Triage tags and duct tape in the colors of Green, Yellow, Red, and White

● Clipboards with instructions and pen (quantity 8)

● Checklists and forms including:


◦ Laminated job descriptions for above positions.

◦ EMS Command Officer duty checklist (See position job description).

◦ EMS Triage Officer duty checklist (See position job description).

◦ Resource Report/Status Form (Appendices "D", "E" and "F" hereof).

◦ Patient condition/transport/destination form.

            ◦ County Map.









Algoma Rescue                                     Part-Time/Dispatched through

400 Third Street                                    Kewaunee County Sheriff's Dept.

Algoma, WI  54201                                (920) 388-3100

(Services Annapee and ½ of Pierce Township)


Brillion Rescue                                      (920) 849-2335

City Hall

Brillion, WI  54110


Calumet Memorial Hospital Ambulance (920) 849-2124

614 Memorial Drive

Chilton, WI  53014


County Rescue                                      (920) 469-9779 (Monday-Friday)

1765 Allouez Avenue                             (920) 448-4210 (Dispatched thru Brown Co.)

Green Bay, WI  54311                            (920) 469-9777


Door County Ambulance Service            (920) 743-4133

123 South 5th Avenue

Sturgeon Bay, WI  54235


Eagle III Helicopter                                (920) 469-9779 (Monday-Friday)

1765 Allouez Avenue                             (920) 448-4210 (Dispatched thru Brown Co.)

Green Bay, WI  54311                            (920) 469-9777


Flight-For-Life                                       (414) 475-1000


Kewaunee Rescue                                Part-Time/Dispatched through

207 First Street                                     Kewaunee County Sheriff's Dept.

Kewaunee, WI  54216                            (920) 388-3100

(Services West Kewaunee, Carlton,

parts of Casco and ½ of Pierce Township)


Kiel Area Ambulance                             (920) 894-2211

Kiel Fire Station                                    Joint Dispatch Center (JDC)

Kiel, WI  53042


Luxemburg Ambulance                          Part-Time/Dispatched through

516 Maple Street                                   Kewaunee County Sheriff's Dept.

Luxemburg, WI  54217                           (920) 388-3100

(Services Mt. Pellier, Luxemburg,

Red River, Lincoln, ½ of Casco Township)


Manitowoc Fire Dept & Ambulance         9-1-1 (Emergency)

911 Franklin Street                                (920) 686-6510 (Non-Emergency)

Manitowoc, WI  54220


Med-Flight                                            1-800-472-0111


Milwaukee Children's Hospital Transport (414) 931-4136  


Mishicot Area Ambulance                       9-1-1 (Emergency)

511 East Main Street                             (920) 755-2525 (Non-Emergency)

Mishicot, WI  54228                               (920) 683-4201 (Sheriff's Department)



Sheboygan Orange Ambulance Service (920) 457-4233 (Emergency)

2629 North 7th Street                            (920) 451-5527 (Non-Emergency)

Sheboygan, WI  53081


Theda Star                                            1-800-236-2066


Two Rivers Fire Department                   9-1-1 (Emergency)

2122 Monroe Street                               (920) 793-5521 (Non-Emergency)

Two Rivers, WI  54241


US Coast Guard Two Rivers                  (920) 793-1304 or 1-800-321-4400


Valders Ambulance Service                   9-1-1 (Emergency)

103 Eisenhower Street                           (920) 755-4526 (Non-Emergency)

Valders, WI  54245


Viking Rescue                                       Part-Time/Dispatched through

383 Cty . R

P.O. Box 276                                         Brown County Sheriff's Dept.

Denmark, WI  54208                              (920) 448-4210

(Services Cooperstown Township)          (920) 863-2752 (non-emergency)










Brandt Buses, Inc.                                 22 buses

101 E. Albert Drive                                (Each bus carries 46 people)

Manitowoc, WI  54220                      

(920) 682-8823


Assist to Transport                                5 vans

(Affiliated with Brandt Buses)                 4 mini buns

101 E. Albert Drive

Manitowoc, WI  54220

(920) 682-8820


Two Rivers Buses, Inc.                          20 buses

3515 Lincoln Avenue                             (Each bus carries 66-71 people)

Two Rivers, WI  54241                           2 buses 48 pass with 2 wheel chair

(920) 793-2541


Holy Family Memorial Medical Center     1 laundry truck

2300 Western Avenue                           2 mini van

Manitowoc, WI  54220                            2 Carevans

(920) 320-2011


Maritime Metro Transit System               9 buses which hold 35-37 people

2655 South 35th Street

Manitowoc, WI  54220                            *Will put all 6-9 buses into operation

(920) 683-4560                                      if necessary




Cher-Make Sausage Company              1 truck with 8 foot box

2915 Calumet Avenue                           2 trucks with 18 foot boxes

Manitowoc, WI  54220                            2 additional trucks with 18 foot boxes

(920) 683-5980                                      available in extreme emergency


McGregor Trucking                                10 semi-trailer units

Greg Hermann

5509 Thunder Rd

(920) 683-3203


Lakeshore Express

2606 18th Street

(920) 793-4244

Wisconsin Nationwide

5122 Woodland Dr

Two Rivers, WI  54241

(920) 793-4779


*Coroner's Transportation Officer/

Handles all matters in relation to

movement of deceased bodies from

scene in Manitowoc County







 *NOTE:            Many companies, hotels, etc. in Manitowoc, as well as smaller companies and van rental companies within the County have vehicles that could be used in the event of an emergency!


If a "company truck", (particularly a food service company) is used, obliterate identification of vehicle ownership on the truck body before using to store or

transport bodies.








1. Hamilton Care Center                                     7.  Holy Family Memorial Medical Center

    1 Hamilton Drive                                                 2300 Western Avenue

    Two Rivers, WI  54241                                        Manitowoc, WI  54220

    (920) 793-2261                                                   (920) 320-2011


2. Manitowoc Health & Rehab                            8.  Aurora Medical Center

    2021 S. Alverno Road                                           5000 Memorial Drive

    Manitowoc, WI  54220                                           Two Rivers, WI  54241

    (920) 683-4100                                                     (920) 794-5000


3. North Ridge Care Center                  

    1445 North 7th Street

    Manitowoc, WI  54220                      

    (920) 682-0314                            


4. River’s Bend                            

    960 South Rapids Road

    Manitowoc, WI  54220

    (920) 684-1144


5. Shady Lane Home, Inc.

    1235 South 24th Street

    Manitowoc, WI  54220

    (920) 682-8254


6. St. Mary's Home for the Aged

    2005 Division Street

    Manitowoc, WI  54220

    (920) 684-7171








Reinbold & Pfeffer Funeral Home           Christianson/Deja Funeral Home

816 State Street                                    Box 318

Manitowoc, WI  54220                            Valders, WI  54245

(920) 682-0118                                      (920) 775-4433


Pfeffer Funeral Home                            Stoltenberg Funeral Chapel

928 S. 14th Street                                 1060 Hickory Street

Manitowoc, WI  54220                            Cleveland, WI  53015

(920) 684-4642                                      (920) 693-8741 or (920) 452-5863


Jens Funeral Home                               Knutson Funeral Home

1122 S. 8th Street                                 137 E. Main Street

Manitowoc, WI  54220                            Denmark, WI  54208

(920) 682-1568                                      (920) 863-2411


Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home            Ebre-Evjen Funeral Home

628 N. Water Street                               2215 Wisconsin Avenue

Manitowoc, WI  54220                            New Holstein, WI  53061

(920) 682-0346                                      (920) 898-4300 or (920) 795-4091


Klein/Stangel Funeral Home                   Lambert Funeral Home

1420 - 22nd Street                                 344 S. State Street

Two Rivers, WI  54241                           Mishicot, WI  54228

(920) 793-1396 or (920) 794-1143           (920) 755-2212


Deja/Martin Funeral Chapels                  Meiselwitz Funeral Home

1506 - 18th Street                                  815 Sixth Street

Two Rivers, WI  54241                           Kiel, WI  53042

(920) 793-1756                                      (920) 894-3348


Wieting Schneider Funeral Home           Reinbold & Pfeffer Funeral Home

15 Seventh Street                                  1124 Main Street

Reedsville, WI  54230                            Kellnersville, WI  54215

(920) 754-4088                                      (920) 732-3535









1.     Aurora Manitowoc Clinic                                9.  Woodland Clinic

     601 Reed                                                          1900 Woodland Drive 

     Manitowoc-  682-8841                                         Manitowoc – 320-6212


2.     Aurora Manitowoc Clinic                                10.  Orthopedic Assoc

      4100 Dewey                                                         501 N. 10th St.

       Manitowoc-  686-5700                                          Manitowoc – 682-6376


3.     Aurora Manitowoc Clinic- Valders

106 Wilson St

Valders- 775-4111


4.     Aurora Two Rivers Clinic

2219 Garfield St

Two Rivers- 793-2281


5.     Cleveland VA Clinic

1205 North Ave

Cleveland – 693-5600


6.     Harbortown Clinic – HFM

1650 S. 41 Street

Manitowoc – 320-4500


7.     Lakeshore Peds – HFM

4303 Michigan Av

Manitowoc – 320-4300


8.     Two Rivers Health Center

3310 45th Street

Two Rivers – 793-3900










Manitowoc Fire


7 Rescue Squads


Two Rivers Fire Department


3 Rescue Squads


Mishicot Ambulance


2 ambulances


Valders Ambulance


2 ambulances


Kiel Ambulance


2 ambulances


Viking Ambulance


2 ambulances



First Responder Agencies:


Branch First Responders

Collins First Responders

Cleveland First Responders

Francis Creek First Responders

Kellnersville First Responders

Maribel First Responders

Newton First Responders

Reedsville First Responders

Silver Creek First Responders

St. Nazianz First Responders

Two Creeks First Responders