Manitowoc County – MABAS Division 128 Passport Accountability


Section 1: Scope

It is the responsibility of all personnel on the fire ground to ensure that all personnel are accounted for. All personnel on scene shall not engage in freelancing at any time. This guideline shall apply at all incidents where any members are operating in a hazard zone.


Section 2: Terms and Definitions

1.       Hazard Zone:  Any area that requires an SCBA, charged hose line, and special protective clothing; or in which a firefighter is at risk of becoming lost, trapped, or injured by the environment or structure.


2.       Individual Passport: A 2”x1/2” Velcro tab that has your name attached.  Each member affixes their tags to company passports at the beginning of each incident.


3.       Company Passport:  A 2”x4” Velcro board that has your company identifying number on it.  They come in the following types:

a)       Primary Passport:  WHITE, it is used to document the movement of a team within an emergency incident

b)       Back-Up:  RED, it is left as an emergency back-up or replacement if the primary passport is lost.  It can also be used as a passport at the point of entry when called for.

c)       Reserve:  GREEN, kept in the station for incidents involving shift change.  It is also used as a back-up if the primary or back-up passport is lost.

d)       Blank:  GREEN, Passport that is blank on top.  It is maintained in the make-up kits in the command vehicle.  Commanders can use a marker or grease pen to customize a Blank passport for the creation of a new company.  It can also be used as a temporary replacement for a preprinted passport that has been lost or damaged.

e)       Company passport shall have the department’s name (4 alpha numeric designee that does not have “FD” as the last two alpha numeric characters) and vehicle listed on the top of the tag.  Example for Manitowoc is MTWC  not MFD. 


4.       PAR: Personnel Accountability Report, a systematic report of all personnel on the fireground.


Section 3: General Safety Rules

1.       All personnel must be under direct supervision of a company officer.  All company officers will be under the direct supervision of the incident commander or division /group supervisor.  There will be no freelancing.


2.       Under normal circumstances, a company officer’s span of control will be 3 to 7 members.


3.       Company officers must keep their crews together and be able to immediately account for all members under their direct supervision throughout an incident.  Reduced visibility and increased risk will require working very close to each other.


4.       Companies not assigned a task will report to the staging or rehab area.  Company officers will advise the incident commander or supervisor of any changes in status, which will be logged by the Accountability Officer or designee.

a)       All personnel will be equipped with a radio.  If a radio fails while in a hazard zone, the company will immediately exit, notify command of the problem, and shall not be reassigned to the hazard zone until a replacement radio is obtained.


Section4: Communications

1.       Communications is a key element of an effective accountability system.  The company officer must keep the incident commander or supervisor and the Accountability Officer or designee aware of the company’s:         

a)       Entry into the building/area.

b)       Task and location

c)       Significant findings and observations.

d)       Exit from building/area and destination.


Section 5: Equipment

1.       Member Identification

a)       As turnout gear is replaced, the turnout coat will display the member’s last name on the lowest area on the back of the coat.


2.       Passports

a)       All Fire Department vehicles will be equipped with a White and Red Passport that will have the company’s identification on them.  These will be located on the Officer door of the vehicle.

b)       All members will be issued a Velcro card with six Velcro pads that will contain the member’s name.  These will be affixed to the underside of the firefighters helmet brim. 

c)       Each day every member will affix a nametag to the White and Red Passports in the vehicle.

d)       The helmet markings and passports must remain accurate throughout the shift, reflecting temporary changes in assignments.

e)       The company officer will ensure the accuracy of the passport and helmet markings at the beginning of each duty day.


3.     Status Display

a)       Each company will have the passports located so that the passports can be collected and the Accountability Officer or designee can track the status of the crews working in the hazard zone.

b)       A resource status board that the passports will be affixed to will be located in each Chief or Battalion Chief’s vehicle.

c)       A second status board will also be located in the Command Vehicle or Battalion Chief’s vehicle. 



Section 6:Accountability System Implementation

1.       Accountability Officer or designee

a)       The Incident Commander shall assign a member to perform the duties of the Accountability Officer or designee.  This assignment may vary by size or complexity of the incident.

b)       The Incident Commander may assign a member to perform the duties of the Accountability Officer or designee Aide.  This member may be assigned to the Point of Entry.

c)       Locations

i)      The first engine to each geographic side will serve as the initial accountability location.

ii)       First alarm companies shall leave their passports on the apparatus.  The Accountability Officer or designee will collect the White Passports before going to the Incident Commander.  The passports will then be ffixed to the Status display board.

iii)      Whenever possible the Accountability Officer or designee will be located in a position that has a clear view of the primary point of entry.

f)        Point of Entry Control.

i)      When collected, passports will remain with the Accountability Officer or designee.  The Status display boards will display the status (location and task) of all companies assigned to the incident.

ii)     When a member is assigned to the Point of Entry this member shall have the point of entry status board.  They shall be informed by the company officer of their task and location.  They shall then write the information on the status display board.  When the company exits the building their information shall be removed from the board.

iv)     The Incident Commander, when incident dictates, may request that the Red Passports be used at the Point of Entry.  When this occurs only the names of the individuals actually entering the Hazard Zone shall be on the Passport.  The members of the companies that are not entering shall be left on the apparatus or the names may be turned upside down on the passports indicating that the member did not enter the Hazard Zone.  The Company Officer shall then give the Accountability Officer or designee Aide the Red Passport when entering.  This passport shall then be affixed to the Status Display Board with the task and location.  When exiting the Passport shall be returned to the company officer.


Section 7: Tactical Benchmarks

Several accountability benchmarks are included in tactical operations.  The Personnel Accountability Report (PAR) involves a roll call of members assigned to the incident.  For the company officer, a PAR is a confirmation that members assigned to his/her crew are visually accounted for.  For command or division/group supervisor, a PAR is an accounting for all crewmembers of all companies assigned to him/her.  Report of PARs should be made face-to-face within the company or within the division/group whenever possible.



1.       A PAR will be initiated by command in the following situations:

a)       Any report of a missing or trapped firefighter.

b)       Any change from offensive to defensive attack mode.

c)       Any sudden hazardous event at the incident (flashover, back draft, collapse, etc.).

d)       By crew(s) reporting “primary search completed”(company officers of the crews responsible for search and rescue will ensure they have a PAR for their crews at the time they report all clear).

e)       At the report of fire under control.

f)        Any time command requests.

g)       No more than 20 minutes of elapse time shall pass without a PAR.


2.       Missing or Trapped Firefighters.

a)       In the event a firefighter or crew is determined to be missing, trapped, or a MAYDAY is broadcast, command shall be notified immediately.  Command will immediately request an extra alarm assignment through the dispatch center.  A situation assessment must be performed prior to re-assigning resources.

b)       The pumping engine will be ordered to transmit a 5- one second alert tones on the tactical channel, clearing the way for emergency radio traffic.  The Pumping engine shall sound the air horn 5 times.  A brief description of the emergency should be transmitted by command.  Crews operating at the incident may expect to be reassigned.  This may include evacuation or a change in attack modes.

c)       Evacuation alarm.  This will be sounded when it is determined all personnel are to immediately (WITH OUT QUESTION) exit the structure and report a PAR.  The alarm will be 10 air horn blasts from the pumping engine or other as designated by command.


3.     Terminating the Passport System.

The passport system will be maintained throughout the incident.  The company officer will collect the passport after they have been cleared from the incident but prior to leaving the scene.


Section 8: Terminology

1.       All companies shall use proper company identification when enroute to an incident or when talking to dispatch.  Once on scene the Incident Commander will give task orientated identifiers to companies once assigned a task.  These will be use throughout the incident.

a)       The following are the Task orientated identifiers.  These will be followed by a number assigned by the incident commander if a given identifier is assigned more than once.  (Example: “Attack” is the initial fire attack unit, “Attack 2” is the second attack team assigned.)

i)                     Command - The Incident Commander in charge of the incident

ii)                   Attack - Crews that are assigned the role of fire attack.

iii)                  Back-Up - Crews that are assigned the duties of the back-up line.

iv)                 Search - Crews that are assigned to search

v)                   RIT - Crews that are assigned RIT

vi)                 Vent - Crews that are assigned to vent along with the other tasks that are normally assigned to the ladder crew initially. (utilities, laddering etc.).

vii)                Staging - Crews that are in the staging area.

viii)              Truck - Used for ladder companies when doing outside operations. (Rescue, Arial Operations etc.).

ix)                 Salvage - Crews assigned to salvage work.

x)                   Overhaul - Crews when they are assigned to overhaul duties

xi)                 Rehab - Crews that are in rehab.

xii)                Water- Tenders assigned to water shuttle      


Section 9: Summary of Accountability System Responsibilities

1.       Accountability will work only with a strong personal commitment to the safety system.  This commitment involves the following responsibilities:

a)    Firefighter:  Responsible for staying with his/her crew at all times and ensuring that his/her passport is on the company passport at all times.

b)    Engineer/Motor Pump Operator:  The engineer of the first engine to each geographic side of the incident becomes the initial Accountability Officer or designee.  The engineer must manage accountability until relieved by another Accountability Officer or designee Leader.

c)     Company Officer:  Responsible for keeping his/her crew intact at all times and that the passport is current and accurate.  The passport should reflect only those members operating in the hazard zone.

d)    Division or Group Supervisor:  Responsible for maintaining an awareness of their location and status of all resources in his/her division/group.

e)     Accountability Officer or designee:  Reports to the planning Section Chief or the Incident Commander, tracking location and status of all assigned resources.  Maintains a master list of all resources committed to incident operations.

g)       Command:  Responsible for maintaining an awareness of the location and status of all resources assigned to the incident through regular communications with Accountability Officer or designee or Planning Section Chief.

h)       Tender driver:  Shall passport into the chief incharge of the water shuttle.  This driver shall stay with his/her vehicle.

i)         Water shuttle officer:  Responsible for tender operations and accountability of the tenders.